My gf fell asleep after the 7 course feast I prepared tonight. Feels Goodman.
My gf fell asleep after the 7 course feast I prepared tonight. Feels Goodman
Show her beans and frank
how much shit did she produce?
Your gf has nice nuts
Those are balls
why is testicle on that lady?
Come on user. Show us that feminine penis.
the body stature looks feminine, the manicured nails, the ring on the hand, the distance between the iliac crests denoting the hip width, and the length of the hair all imply female.
however, that looks like a scrotum, and cannot be confused for her hand as her right arm is not posed to allow her hand to slip between her thighs, her hair looks coarse, and her feet are a little big, but they could be related to her height. the scrotum also looks like its too far towards the ass...?
wtf i am gay now
Is this pasta?
Reported for ban evasion :^)
yes; and?
that isn't how it works
How many different niggers does one jew need to coon before you all just say darkies are worthless?
I'm new to Veeky Forums and if this is what I can expect on a daily basis then I'll just head back to SUPERIOR reddit. .
It's not. Veeky Forums is usually a great board with interesting discussion
Go and never look back
It's all Memechickens, dickered guy and dinotendies.
I don't like to sleep naked like that because it makes your scrotum hang too far from body and you notice it and can't sleep
>gf (male)
For me its got to be the mcChicken
>got to be
What did xhe mean by this?
same, i prefer to have some support. i at least wear pajamas commando but the pajamas are tight enough
I could have sworn we had this exact same thread with different posts last night.