Rate my dinner

rate my dinner

Did you Photoshop a fork in the image?

fuck outta here with your lye in

very warholesque


You call that a dinner? If I was serving this for my hubby he would have to eat like 5 or 6 cans. Maybe even more

Your hubby sounds fat.

shagging the receptionist sure build a hunger.

Plate on top and bottom, point 8 solved

Nigger I'm not using two fucking plates just to microwave some soup.

No he's working from home.
This guy gets it.

so people don't think he doesn't own a fork, duh!

that's some macgyver level shit


how autistic do you have to be to associate campbell's soup with a former internet imageboard admin

bring back mootiekins


Tomato soup is almost as disgusting as a raw tomato. At least the texture isnt shit


tomooto soup


more like heil lmao

>Only richfags can afford silverware.
Whats your dinner?

unless you have a grilled cheese thats worthless.


you better be LARPing

I see mr poole appreaciates de works of warhool