What'd this nigga even do?
What'd this nigga even do?
your mom
Nothing, just discovered parallel universes
Can't prove it
>eternal inflation
bashing amerimutts even in death
It'll be speculative nonsense like everything else he did.
>/pol/ is this mad
lel kid
No, Hawking was mad that Vilenkin got to him.
He's not even a scientist - the title "scientist" is fucking meaningless now.
People who say this are scientists in the field who haven't accomplished anything and are extremely butthurt about it. It's their go to every time he is brought up.
I think he discovered how black holes work. And he also discovered Hawking's radiation.
He wondered how black holes work.
>Do research
>nobody cares
>Sit in a wheelchair and write a book
>"smartest man alive, best scientist ever"
>spent last few years on earth spouting nonsense
Come on, not that he wasn't smart or his books weren't well writting, but he is clearly hyped and gets too much praise
psyop by the government to increase disability awareness, "Imagine if we didnt have the NHS, then geniusus wouldnt exist!", Guy sponged off the peoples purse while being crazy rich, and doing noone anygood
Fuck this guy hope he goes to hell
Stop insulting the worm-man. He did good research in the 70s.
He invented black holes.
He wrote a book about time and the faultiness of measuring it with light.
Nigga made ambitious fugazi theories, and people think he might be legit because his last name is so badass.
Is this the real movement of his mouth, or has he been fake this entire time?
He's been a fake since shortly after the first wedding.
t. Any fucking picture of him.
Bonus points. Explain the choice in fake teeth.
Agreed. Also one of the "wives" was clearly a man in drag.
This desu, Kip Thorne ftw
Ya, really
you should go in there yourself and tell us how it works
Where would we be without Hawking Radiation?
being an annoyance to his family
He did some clever hacks to do a big of QFT in curved spacetime, predicting black hole decay by hawking radiation.
IIRC that's pretty much the only thing he's actually predicted.
being a fraud