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Science #96
Can someone explain black holes to a brainlet like me...
Hey guys, you love to shit on CS so much so I have a challenge for you
Why is Veeky Forums so elitist...
Dark matter denialists BTFO!!!!
Why didn't any animal evolve to have an organic hydraulic muscular system?
Anybody else think this is kind of premature? I mean...
ITT: STEM people you irrationally hate for no reason
How likely is it that we will see females engineered to have both male and female reproductive systems in our lifetime?
Will humanity ever produce something more efficient at storing energy?
Fuck you brainlets, official MENSA says I got 136+
This fucking piece of shit
Mention IQ tests, IQ relating to ability to do a job, or just IQ in general
Cancer cured, what's next?
Does the soul exist? Evidence says yes
Tell me what you guys get, I got 150. I just want to see what I measure to...
Could a bullet be developed that loses most if not all velocity after about 100 feet...
What do you have to say about this, Veeky Forums?
Hypotheical Math
In your opinion, what are the most important developments going on right now in:
Science is the only valid source of knowledge!
This guy is smarter than you
What are the pros and cons of multivitamins?
I have a question. Why isn't this a real thing?
Could our planet orbit a blackhole without it being destroyed for a couple of years?
Sam Harris - Comes out as a Race Realist officially
Sexual Objectification
Is it true the Einstein was a plagiarist and a jew?
Any code monkeys in sci?
/pol/ loves making race and IQ threads on here...
How can we further improve the design of the soda can? Has it reached near perfect engineering?
I wonder if there's any point for me to be studying physics as I pretty much hate technology
How much CS is required for most scientists to know these days...
When will invitro meat take off?
Hey guys , Michio Kaku is doing a presentation at my school. What would like me to ask him?
Is it true?
Guys, I had a really terrible thought, and I’m wondering if anyone can clear it up for me
How do I get a fucking internship? I apply and never get responses
So what's going to happen to the scientific community now that even Harvard professors are admitting that race is real...
And the award for the most incompetent government agency goes to
Would you step in a teleporter Veeky Forums?
Taking thermo test today
Is sexual behavior learned? Let's say a kid grows up in isolation from other humans and animals...
/sqt/ stupid questions thread
Huge Sample Study on Sex Differences finds major differences
So it's well-known that "i^i" is surprisingly a real number
How does science explain the sexual attraction to the feet of females?
/mg/ - Math general
How the fuck do people learn shit? My classmates can sleep through half the lecture and get As on their tests...
From an evolutionary standpoint, are women superior to men?
Is Lang a meme?
Is fire a solid liquid or gas?
Why do my pubes stop growing after a certain length? Why does it not grow long like hair on my head?
Oi, Veeky Forums opinion of biology. Including its other subjects like genetics microbiology and so on
What are the pros and cons of nuclear power over common renewables like solar and wind...
Race, Space, and Technocracy
Countably infinite set
I am so fucking sick of university. I'm 1 year from graduation and I can't fucking take it...
How far away is Jupiter from becoming the binary sister to our sun? Does jupiter grow over time?
Have IQ between 96-106
Is he smart or not?
If we had infinite computing power
How can I inflict a huge amount of pain on myself with leaving a significant wound?
If you were given the world's most powerful supercomputer, and you weren't allowed to use it for financial gain...
What is the dark souls of knowledge?
/eg/ engineering general
Using science and logic; how do I convince the mutts on /k/ to give up their guns?
There are still 99 nuclear reactors operating in the US
Does anyone on this board who is a musician or otherwise has some familiarity with music just find the system of...
Obesity is increasing year after year in all developed countries...
Was able to read by age 3
Is MBTI not pseudo-science?
Scientific Programming Thread
Will underwater cities ever be a thing Veeky Forums...
What is time? Does it really exist or is it just and illusion caused by movement?
How is it possible that there exist girls THIS HOT that do Mathematics? What the FUCK?? EXPLAIN THIS
Solar eclipse? Ain't that a weird coincidence?
A question to Americans:
Are there any known, documented instances of observable macroevolution? NOT microevolution
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on this man?
Was he actually smart or just charismatic?
Degree in math or this physique
Collatz-Problem and undecidability
Can machine learning be used to detect trollposts on Internet forums. What methods are good...
I sometimes feel that scientists are really disconnected from the science fanbase (the rationalists/skeptics/w.e.)
Why are we able to make supersoldier ants but not supersoldier humans?
ITT Veeky Forums cures blindness
What's going on in this webm? Is NASA a psyop?
Genetic isolation and evolution
Are large spaceships ever going to be a reality?
When you're dead, it's gonna be like before you were born
Is modern science just a meme?
Worst theories in science
What’s your current supplement stack, Veeky Forums...
Is math a human invention?
Why do people say "we didn't decend from apes, we share a common ancestor with apes"?
"Should math be a part of philosophy?"
How did dinosaurs stand and how did they pump blood to their heads...
/mg/ - Math general - Perfectoid edition
Literally just a pump
/mg/ math general -- rational edition
I have just learned about micro-plastics infecting drinking water from bottled water to tap water...
Newfags can't [math]LaTeX[/math]
Everyone loves science until they get to global warming or human biodiversity
I want to teach myself proofs. Rosen or Hammack better?
True Immortality is possible
Is it possible to make an electromagnetic field to shield astronauts from radiation using the inertia of a Centripetal...
Ever experienced something which you couldn't explain rationally?
Considering the faster than light twin problem, where people on fast ships age slower than people on planets...
Academia begins to accept Race Realism
I have a question about relativity theory
On the so-called “Jewish Question”
No valid explanation existed for why objects stopped moving over time before newtonian mechanics
Are the consequences of climate change overexaggerated?
Your IQ
What is outside of the universe?
True Immortality is possible
I fucking love Gas Giants
Is a colony of ants conscious?
Guess the subject that is taught
Why does physicist cancel out differentials?
Mathematics is a language
Truth or one big scam?
Races don't exis-
Self Teaching Ones Self Biology
The engineering meme
Is it possible to tap into zeropoint energy?
His dad had sex with his step sister
What is the best online free iq test?
Whats up nerds. Veeky Forums here
Spend 9 billion burgerdollars on a gigantic fucking hammer
Philosophy is the most basic form of reasoning/"science"
Whats your opinion on Genetic screening/Embryo selection
Who was the smartest Classic Greek?
Why are we told to
Brainlet here
This line starts nowhere and ends there and has exactly 10000 meters
Is it possible that atoms are tiny universes, whose quarks are billions of galaxies...
/sqt/ stupid questions thread
If you could only learn one major branch of mathematics for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Why do women age so much worse than men?
Chemical Autism
Can we have a thread about psychonautics? Post bull shit or legit stuff I don't care
Hey, Veeky Forums. I tried evaluating this integral using trig sub, but it didn’t work. Can someone tell me why...
Smartest Man Alive. Who is it?
Academic differences between countries
I just failed my electromagnetics midterm, and I feel like shit...
About to quit my job (pic related). AMA
Mathematics would certainly have not come into existence if one had known from the beginning that there was in nature...
Why is area defined the way it is?
Liquid wood
What's your favourite piece of human ingenuity?
What would it take to cause Hoover Dam to undergo structural collapse?
Biology- ITT We Cure AIDS
The output of this integral seems irrational, but how would you go about proving it...
Land surveying
Currently in Organic I and I'm struggling to understand what solvents make good bases/nucleophiles and which ones are...
A philosopher made me feel stupid today
Oh vey, this will be fine in 15 years from now
The 21st century is gonna be interesting to witness
Alright lets see how good you are. Are there more odd numbers or odd and even numbers ?
Implying calculus is hard
Is math related to science?
Which of these soft sciences can be turned into hard sciences? Which are unsalvageable?
I smoked a joint with at my friends wedding right after my graduation.. Now out of nowhere...
Stop criticising self-driving cars. You don't want to KILL PEOPLE do you, user?
Time doesn't exist. Time as it know it is simply a way for humans to measure the changing form of atoms. Therefore...
When will ATHEISTS LEARN?????
How come science caters to bullshit?
Who was in the wrong here?
Is anyone else too stupid to learn calculus in here?
What is the meaning of dx?
/mg/ - Math general
IQ, its manifestations and ramifications
You're stuck in your house with no firearms, your country is in an economic crisis...
These fucking symbols
Why can't we heal cancer?
My math class. Anyone else have to deal with this shit?
Any bioengineers here?
Why don't we just shoot nuclear waste into the sun?
Whats exactly in the brain that makes some people so much smarter than the majority...
*solves your equation with ease*
Any clue
Why doesn't this circuit work? What am I doing wrong here?
Modafinil doesn't do shit except wake me up and I can't get ritalin for a few weeks more...
Gamblers fallacy and Veeky Forums gets
What is the impact of contemporary logic to other field of mathematics?
Should we ban pi?
How can retards on this board actually believe that 0.999... = 1? If it was equal to 1, you would just write 1
Post your greatest academic achievement
Standardized Clothing
Mathematics are second to God
I'm more intelligent and educated than everyone in my family, extended family, and close friend group
Get Portal Gun
Falcon Heavy
Realistically, how soon will it be before gene editing can give people animal abilities?
Is a technocratic government run by an emotionless AI network of brains of the best minds the most stable form of...
Schrodinger's cat theory realistic? Or was he just high? Could it help solve real-world problems...
Let's try to think of a reason to build floating cities high amongst the clouds of Venus
Finding effective interest rate without principal amount
We ngineerz are smrt and make mor monie than u syentists
FRT 42
250 million sperm cells when a guy ejaculates
SpaceX LA Shipyards @ Port of San Pedro - BFR Manufacturing Location
University Thread
Is the Simulation hypothesis plausible or brainlet Tier?
In discrete structures course a few years ago as a freshman
How does it feel to be less intelligent to someone of the future?
Why Are Orbits Two Dimensional and Not Three?
What's the correct answer?
Can you help settle an argument with my brother Veeky Forumsentists...
No Meme IQ
Is math invented or discovered? I've heard several of you saying that "math doesn't exist in the real world"...
Enlighten me on Mining Engineering, Veeky Forums
/mg/ - Math general
Spring break
It's a function
There has to be a better way to compute integrals than looking at paper with vacant eyes and waiting for inspiration or...
So how did this retarded ass shit get into schools?
We're gonna program away your Uber driving jo-
If travels in the time was possible, what could go wrong if i meet the"me" of the past?I mean...
Serious question: Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
I hate engineers so much. They make me so mad. It literally makes me physically ill to think about engineers
How do you choose a field of study?
Would having a bigger brain actually make you more intelligent?
I have 4 hours to learn a whole semester of Ochem 1
Mega Engineering Projects
Is getting caught up in minor trivialities and not grasping high level concepts quickly a sign of a brainlet?
Look, I understand that melanin helps brown and black people survive excess UV radiation in hot countries...
Precognitive dreams
What direction does the Sun move in its orbit around the Galaxy?
If you could become a doctor, what specialty would you choose?
You should be able to solve this problem (standard for high school students in Hungary)
Hark and gather, for I have performed labors that only Veeky Forums might favor:
What is it about math that makes it seem so difficult, but is actually pretty easy?
Help me settle a debate, Veeky Forums
Mathematical Proof that Living beings have a SOUL?
I know this sounds like babby's first science question or some flat earther shit...
Genius level physicist thread
Stephen Hawking's final article on how to detect parallel universes
The moment I realized high-level math is fucking retarded
What'd this nigga even do?
The Chinese company LinkSpace has done another VTVL test of their Falcon 9 miniclone
Let's continue the discussion about this fucking retard
Machine Translation reaches Human Levels Ahead of predictions
My Computer Science friends are making me feel insecure because I'm in Math and Stats...
Brainlet memes
Sign this petition to change the Earth's moon's name to Jim
Is anybody in here smart enough to solve this?
Holy shit, what is this channel?
Have a B in calculus
What are the best ways to change the course of a meteor, besides nuking it? or is nuking the best way?
So, most people seem to agree a human being completely simulated by a machine, would be conscious just like us
Are you good at chess?
Redpill me on space travel. We can't do FTL(right...
Ready to find out if you have autism? Don't be afraid of finding out who you are
Are men taller than women?
Can you judge one's apparent intelligence through their taste in music?
Which stem course would be best for my dream of becoming an industry blockchain consultant analyst
Oh wait, so we're not in a simulation? Sure thing bud
Is Aerospace Engineering the king under the engineering fields?
In the end, who was in the right?
Masters degree in physics
Last threads
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/dng/ Dueling Network General
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
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Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
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Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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