The moment I realized high-level math is fucking retarded

Pic related. Eat my shorts sperglords.

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>he fishes with shorts

Attached: brainlet6.png (300x300, 9K)

Although I will admit that the fact that

[math]\sum_{k=1}^{ \infty } \frac{1}{k^2} = \frac{ \pi^2}{6}[/math]


[math]\sum_{k=1}^{ \infty } \frac{1}{k} = \infty[/math]

Is kind of fucking crazy

You are supremely retarded. You can prove very using middle school-tier induction that

[math] \sum_{k=1}^{2^n} \frac{1}{k} \geq \frac {n} 2[/math]

>this thread again
Why don't you try shitposting in the math general and see how long you can last with this retarded shit?

>they actually bit the shorts
You don't even need a bait on Veeky Forums anymore, do you?

Attached: brainlet37.jpg (1218x1015, 212K)

What's wrong with the picture OP?

Want to hear some mote bullshit? In the analytical contibuation of the Rieman Zeta fubction, the thingy that says the sum of the natural numbers is -1/12, even in that the harmonic function duverges.

this shit again

cite one real number, say c, such that the series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n isn't greater than c for an arbitrarily large n.

>In the analytical contibuation of the Rieman Zeta fubction, the thingy that says the sum of the natural numbers is -1/12,
No it doesn't. That's not what analytic continuation means.


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so, no counterexample then.

n = 12

i didn't say 3
i said tree(3)

Is this considered high level math? This board made me feel like this is brainlet math.

You must provide a proof of the following [eqn]\lnot\left(\lim_{n\to \infty}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{i} \not\in \mathbb{R}\implies\forall c\in \mathbb{R} : \exists n \in \mathbb{N} : \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{i} \ge c \right)[/eqn] for the particular case where c = TREE(3)

what? Veeky Forums considers 0.999... = 1 to be high level math.

In fact it is easy to prove that the sum of the first n terms is greater than log(n+1)

Don't be autistic the point is that even in a weird interoretation of infinite sums you get that the harmonic series diverges, and it has a reason fir this.

You can also easily show that the sum of inverse squares from 1/2^2 is less than 1 by comparing to the telescoping sum 1/n^2-n

Noob faggot undergrad Electrical and Computer engineer, here. GPA's shit but I don't rly give a fuck.

Why did my teachers convince me growing up that I was bad at math? Like being good at math was some sort of in born trait; some had it, others were not worthy of it "stick to trade school".

I know it's not completely their faults, I was a little shit boy at times, but I was just a kid. They threw down a worksheet daily and said "follow the steps, get the answers; if they're wrong you're lazy and stupid. Don't question anything, this isn't a subjective subject". Literally hated the way they did it, I felt no such hostility when questioning science teachers (phd's). Even arts teachers (which I had convinced myself not to respect). It's like I'm not allowed to ask questions (even if, admittedly, they were dumb as shit and wrong). Just give me a serious reply, point out my obvious errors. Don't say "Clearly you don't understand the material... plug and chug these 50 problems and you'll get it. Please, GIVE ME GUIDANCE, have any of you met a teacher who gave 2 shits about you or your future?

I never did, "get it". I just memorize formulas and forget them after i take the exam. Failed math classes over and over in college, but I never conceded. One professor specifically told me "It's just not for some people". Maybe it was a good thing he told me that because my spite towards him made me work twice as hard; sacrificing social life and good "memories" or whatever the old folk claim them to be.

Is there an underlying problem with the way we teach young students math in America? There's so many interesting topics in the field, and maybe I was just too young to realize. But also most teacher don't give a shit about their students. Teachers just seem like slime to me, you should never go into that profession unless you actually want to help the future generations. The old "if you can't do, teach" isn't a meme?

Attached: mathematics-teacher-26294418.jpg (1198x1300, 146K)

Probably because your math teachers did not understand math either.

It isn't a teachers job to teach you math.

This, if you are too stupid to read a math book and learn from it you shouldn't study anything that needs math

I am 15 and understand higher Maths.
It is not that hard. Is it?

Enjoy your ban.

Congrats brainlet

>The science and math board is in such a bad state that it needs a general just to have any math related discussion
This would be like /a/ - Anime and Manga requiring a general to talk about Anime.

This isn't even good bait

There's no problem with it, any capable mathematician understood and easily trounced grade school math.
You're actually just a brainlet. I know that because you want to blame your idiocy on other people who called out your idiocy, and you had the shame to admit that you do """"electrical"""" and """"computer"""" engisneering.
Please head back to /g/ where your type belongs.


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What was the post

Then what are they there for?

n = tree(3)^(tree(3))

their job isn't to teach you it's more to regurgitate information they've been told to memorize by their employer to a class of students that you could possibly learn from if you're not retarded and pay attention.

they then quiz you on the information to see if you decided to learn or not.

Weather or not you learn from the information they regurgitate it isn't their problem.

Everyone knows the sum of the harmonic series is the Euler-Mascheroni constant.

boo hoo faggot

/g/ - Technology to talk about technology*