Hey guys, you love to shit on CS so much so I have a challenge for you

Hey guys, you love to shit on CS so much so I have a challenge for you...

>Explain to me EVERYTHING that happens when you click "Google Search" on a query

Attached: OP is a faggot.png (552x338, 11K)

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There's this insult game Google's staff has been playing with me quite specifically since mid 2015.

The game is currently in the teste stage: chaieste means este-92.5 or west+92.5=este.

Great, another schizo on Veeky Forums

I didn't mean to call it a game though as it's something ongoing daily that I'll take legal action against once I have myself established financially.

The FortuneJack Online Casino #JACKMATE WIN 1 banner with Pepe has BTC which means chai: 92.5 is BC: before 100.

The most intense theter of this was Power Thesaurus's old Just Searched feed from February 2016 to 2018.

They changed the site twice because of what Google's employees were doing to me:
They added a play-pause button months ago and later completely remade the site.

They have "classic" Power Thesaurus preserved here powerthesaurus.org/_classic_version

>Explain to me EVERYTHING that happens when you click "Google Search" on a query
A fat CS major masturbates

They shortened ultimatmus to mus and were mainly calling me that early on, and they still do among thousands of other things.

You faggots take care of yourselves. Fucking dumbshits.

Attached: 36736.png (786x365, 35K)

Medfag here

>click a button
>request is sent to google servers
>the term requested is searched in a table that has words indexed by ranking
>found results are displayed on the screen

Look into the history of google to find out why it is not magic but something called web crawlers.
If you are interested in the technical side im sure there is a write up somewhere.

Google uses more advanced linear algebra in a single search than you will ever do in your scientific career

heh i remember when i was a teen

nobody gives a shit because we've got science to figure out how to travel into outer space to fuck hot alien chicks, technology that will let us (in the mean time) download personalities into our fuck-bot 9001 that was made by engineering which used some math formulas.

your little cuckold "science" is to STEM what chiropractors are to physicians. get lost, FAGGOT.

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>AI which will figure out everything for us in a matter of 3 days
>combined effort of millions of STEMlords over a span of centuries to make a tenth of the progress
pick one

>i don't know what I'm talking about so i will just call him a child, that will show him, heh

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>my fairy tale bullshit would win though haha

that's totally fucking embarrassing.

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>what isn't possible today will never be possible and is a fairy tale
arguing that human intelligence is complex and Infinitely impossible to recreate and improve on it is basically the same as denying evolution.
And i really hope you aren't that retarded.

A lot of partlcles interact.

>what isn't possible today

all that matters. 100% factual fairy tale pretend bullshit no more real than a pink, translucent unicorn fucking a 3 winged, purple leprechaun on top of a pile of griffon eggs. you have nothing. bow out; you lose, faggot. go play pretend somewhere else. men are talking.

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what are you doing on Veeky Forums faggot
go back to /b/

Not even someone with a CS degree could.

But, at least my Linear Algebra Professor, explained how the basics of the rankings work, google is basically approximating an eigenvalue problem to rank the pages, where the matrix is given by the links between pages, that was quite interesting.

And now I want an apology of all the people on /g/ who "hate the useless math, but study CS".

>>AI which will figure out everything for us in a matter of 3 days
Thank god that soon AI will become too mathematics heavy for CS brainlets and this AI will be created by mathematcians.

>i can not refute your argument, sir

very well, i accept your admission of defeat. you've failed in spectacular fashion and accomplished nothing beyond displaying/projecting your own mental retardation. it's over. no more (you)s for you from your superior. you're done, dumb fuck. move on. cope.

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ah yes, the same brainlets that make the conversation between you and me possible
you didnt even address my second part retarded troll. also if every scientist and earth thought "this is impossible today" he wouldnt attempt to do shit and just give up.

the moment this happens the mathematicians become CS scientists.
Computer science wins again.

>ah yes, the same brainlets that make the conversation between you and me possible
Yes, that are the code monkeys I am talking about.

>Computer science wins again.
But not the computer scientists who are pushed out of the universities for brainletism not providing anything of value.

can you even fucking agree on what the problem you have with computer science is? Is it the field or the "inferior" people (which exist in every field btw) that are in it?

I think it's all the same guy

Google is a fraudulent propaganda search engine.

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