Biology- ITT We Cure AIDS

Iin this thread Veeky Forums cures AIDS- Go

Attached: HahamemesamIrite.png (620x466, 587K)

A genophage that multiplies in melanocytes.

Systematic destruction of every HI vrus carrier.

Eradication of all gays and blacks

I know little of HIV, but could you- theoretically, purge the body completely of t-cells for a period of time to stop viral reproduction?

Outlaw buttsecks.

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I was going to suggest closing the pools, but I see you are already on that.

Wouldn't work -- it's still in whatever reservoir species it was hiding in before we fucked the first infected monkey, or whatever it was.

a virus that augments T-cells to resist HIV

Kill/Quarantine everyone/everything that has HIV.

>reservoir species
>HI vrus carrier
Wouldn't a reservoir species be considered a HI vrus carrier?
No refutation was given.

>people still being this retarded about disease control

No wonder healthcare industry is so fucked.

The infection came from bushmeat consumption just like Ebola. The initial carrier species infects a neighboring species and said neighboring species just so happens to be a part of the local populations diet.

The issue can only be resolved by either editing out the infectious vector from species or wiping out the species to extinction. The problem is even if we could rid ourselves of HIV forever we will still have to worry about the next disease like Zika. The only sure way to prevent next diseases or mutations of old diseases is to regulate every last species on this planet and regulate every human population diet. Which is a herculean task in terms of resources since that means we have to fully micro-control all ecosystems instead of half-assing it.

why don';t we make aids that gives aids to aids

I had assumed you meant human carriers.

Eliminating a reservoir would be trickier -- you'd have to identify all possible species, then wipe them out.

Environmentalists will not allow this.

>Iin this thread Veeky Forums cures AIDS- Go
attack the viral capsid

CRISPR gene-editing of the CCR5 receptor so it has the delta 32 mutation


massacre all faggots

why not simply make sure that nobody gets infected anymore? this is the easiest way and the cheapest.

>b-but muh faggot rights

Sharlie Sheen did that through medication + blood cycling and he is cured
Rh negative people basically do that and some are immune (depends on pk concentration)

Huh, interesting

Could you explain more about blood cycling?

user is actually already invulnerable to HIV.

Attached: tfwngf.jpg (250x247, 6K)

Blood Cycling literally is much like artificial dialysis except far more intricate. You have to completely switch out the blood existing currently in your body for a healthy amount.

They are working on it, the problem is how do you prevent it? Blood, sexual contact, and birth, especially in countries with high poverty are a major problem. Then you have China denying, last I checked, that they accidentally infected a huge chunk of their populous with HIV during the start of the outbreak by pooling similar blood types together after donation. The drug solution has been reducing the viral loads to the point that they aren't able to infect anyone else but these medications are prohibitively expensive for many people, and impossible for others. On top of that you have certain rural cultures believing fucked up things, like having sex with a virgin cures AIDS, just making it all worse.
Shoo /pol/

This is inaccurate. Charlie Sheen himself denies it, the dude who said he cured him did it with goat milk and shit. Also Rh negative people are not immune too HIV as the receptor HIV uses, CCR5 or CXCR4, are not Rh antigens.

To expand, HIV has been cured in a select few individuals. This was done through what was essentially a bone marrow transplant for a population that actually lacks the receptors needed for HIV infection. The reason being that they survived the black plague which just happened to use these same receptors to kill people. They are also able to keep babies from being infected even if the mother is nowadays.

Not to mention some of these cultures huff the anti-retroviral drugs to get high. (Whoonga)

Say that again?
We could synthesize a cure through the use of bubonic studies.

Yep, many cultures are fucked. If you want to learn how fucked China is, look up the Bloodhead scandal. Gao Yaojie had too flee China cause she forced the governments hand into admitting that HIV exists in China.

>cures AIDS

kill yourself, aids cured

Nope, we could genetically engineer one. Maybe. The reason they are cured is because they lack a receptor not because they have an extra one. Plus bubonic is a bacteria, it's a lot easier to kill.