i cant see properly with my left eye, i see things blury and cant process whay i see, i feel like it is an halucination. I see perfectly with my righ eye. This started happening suddently What is it? Will i have a severe issue? I would take an aspirin but i dont have any help please
Even if i close my left eye, thing are not ok. I feel ldizzy
fuck now my left arm went numb
my head is starting to get numb wtf i feel my teeth cold. my tongue is numb now FUUUUCK
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Go to tge hospital
you're having a stroke
unironically call 911
You may have very high blood pressure, unironically call 911 x2
my parents will laugh. I told them all the simtoms and they are laughing i dont know what to do
it is kinda funny i guess
i dont know i feel something is not ok. my eye got a little better but still not fully normal
tell 911 what is happening or enjoy death.
posting on Veeky Forums before dying must be so retarded
you're having a stroke faggot
I am only 18 what are the chances??
100% considering it's happening right now
call an ambulance or you will actually die and posting on Veeky Forums will be the last thing you ever did
>on cnn
>teenager dies of stroke in front of computer.
>he was browsing a dark web hidden website asking anonymous hackers what to do.
>a user said quote "You're having a stroke fag**t"
I remember the days on /an/ where we saved a user stupid like you that ate deadly mushrooms.
He was at the hospital and posted pics it was a fun ride. fun because he lived, not like you, user.
idk bro if i dont have anything they are gona bully my the entire yeat
not that low if you were sitting in front of your computer all day (a fair guess given your first reaction is to post here) and got a blood clot in your legs which then traveled to your brain
if you survive today i'd recommend reviewing your sitting posture, consider getting a footrest and make sure you get up and walk every half hour or so from now on
i went walking for 2 hours
i am afraid of going to sleep. I got a little better. Am i safe? (Be honest, not pesimistic bullshit)
I sit on my ass all day but get tired of it once every hour/half an hour and get some water or walk a bit
How the fuck do people do it
I only have a nape pain now. Should i go to sleep?
not me
t. op
Wouldnt i have died yet? It started one hour ago
Strokes don't necessarily lead to death, they can lead to permanent damage to your brain.
What you experienced with lacking sensation in your left side is screaming stroke.
Seek medical attention immediately or you will regret it.
Fucking read this if you're not convinced, it takes 5 minutes to become convinced what you're experiencing are signs of a stroke:
it already stoped hapining. only my nape hurts. Am i safe?
Fuck i started feeling my right part of my face numb
What happened to you is very serious. If you don't seek medical attention things will get worse for you.
I live in Argentina, my hospital two blocks fronm here is very shitty poor
Call 911 you fucking idiot; tell them your face is numb; they'll know it's a fucking stroke; SAVE YOUR FUCKING LIFE GOD DAMN IT.
You'll be put as a very high priority patient as this is very serious; seek help immediately. Now. You can be saved.
no. you are having a stroke.
No, You are having a stroke right now, what are you doing?
no, get help, call 911 or your local chinese police.
ps : pray befire dying just in case
I might go get checked it sounds safer.
>How the fuck do people do it
Personally I can easily get distracted by whatever I'm doing on my PC (most often if I'm programming something challenging) and suddenly N hours have passed and I've forgotten to eat all day or whatever. Once I recognize it, all the sensations come back and I'll start feeling hungry and suddenly have to go to the bathroom, but the urges simply weren't there at all until something broke my focus. I can totally understand how someone could get like that if they're really absorbed in their activity, like what you occasionally hear happening in those PC bangs with some korean video gaming themselves to death.
Why should he call 1822?
i went to the hospital but nobody was arround, you have to wait (prob hours) untill they atend you. Fucking nuts. Imagine having a heart atack. OK. my headache is not going, so i will go to sleep hel me luck. If i survive i will reply tomorrrow here.
it is 12:49 at night here
That's sad, hope you feel better user
You need heparan. Get to the emergency room ASAP. Basically everywhere stocks it.
Nothing happened to me. My head still hurts though. It migh have been low blood preasure right?
I am gonna buy some aspirins
I doubth it though because i measured my preasure and it was 6-10, not that low, although it could be lower becasue i measured it just after walking downstairs