Why do my pubes stop growing after a certain length? Why does it not grow long like hair on my head?

Why do my pubes stop growing after a certain length? Why does it not grow long like hair on my head?

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You have hair on most of your body and almost none of it grows to the same length as the hair on your head. Most hair falls out after a certain time and it only manages to grow so much in that time so it maintains a relatively stable length if you don't cut it.

But why

Genetic clocks, theres no reason we would know why

It would interfere with breeding, and also would catch on branches and slow you down while you're running from scary animals. Imagine running through a bush and getting yanked to a halt by the hair around your asshole.

Sexual selection

Hair doesnt stop growing. It just falls off at different times depending on where the hair is on your body


Who else shaves their pubes and ass?

For old people, normally short hair will start to grow longer. Most notably ear, eyebrow, and nose hairs.

Dude I want to but I kicked my scrotum one time and it bled and hurt like a bitch. How do porn stars get their dicks so smooth?

Hair in that location and under your arms acts as a dry lubricant preventing rubbing friction blisters and subsequent infection from walking and running. Remember that the next time you go running naked.


Bit off topic but I dont understand if it says head hair has 3 phases, growth , rest then falling out/dormant, then surely there would be a maximum head hair length but this isnt true if you look in world records etc.

why would you want to shave?

that's the best theory i heard about pubes yet. I will try the difference.

The next time I'm running naked, I will remember this post. Right before the serial killer decapitates me and throws me into the lake.


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Because it's far sexier?

gib super hairy pussied gf

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I do pubes but around the asshole is too difficult


this sounds good at first.... especially for fags, butt, what if, evolution was real... why do so many animals have tails we can grab when we are stalking them and run up behind them - they cannot get away and we humans deliver the deadly caveman strike with our free arm!

Uh huh... dang evolutionary biologists have no clue.

darwin BTFO again

It feels so much better. But I also hate the feeling of hair on my skin.

gene regulation and stuff
same reason you don't grow a leg out of your back

Shave with an electric buzzer and a guard, when it's just slight whiskers you can wax it pretty pain free.