250 million sperm cells when a guy ejaculates 2.5% chance per sex act to get pregnant. Chance for just you to have been born when your parents had sex: 0.025*1/(250*10^6)=1*10^-10 Or 0.00000001%
Now imagine if the ejaculation happened a nanosecond sooner or later, you probably wouldn't have been born. Imagine if the angle was an arcsecond different. You probably wouldnt have been born.
Now, if you went back in time and killed Hitler, your parents lifes WOULD be different, even just slightly. And YOU would not have been the selected sperm. So if you go back in time and kill Hitler, you would "kill" every single person born after ~1925 (when peoples lives were first changed in some, albeit small way, because of Hitler).
This is not far fetched at all, and quite logical, which means IF time travel is invented in the future, it would immediately be made illegal, because going back and saying "Hi" to a casheer, would probably affect the exact angle and nanosecond they got pregnant at, which would "kill" someone in the future.
Therefore, we can conclude that, with a rational non-evil government: 1. Time travel will never be allowed to happen 2. Time travel devices can never be so small that they can be activated/used without a government knowing
>Going back in time and killing Hitler would replace every single person born after 1920, essentially killing them
Who cares what it changes in that timeline? It won't affect anything in your original timeline, so I dont see any reason anyone would stop you.
Entropically, that time travel is identical to recalling a system state of our universe at that time and injecting you in it to do as you please. There's no reason anyone would regulate it.
John Gomez
So you are saying that by killing Hitler, all the jews were killed??????????????????
Joseph Johnson
So any infinitesimal change in the past will change the present? Of course. Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" grossly underestimated things. The outcome of an election changed. Read William Tenn's "Brooklyn Project". Of course, no one remembers things ever being different.
You're also assuming that aliens never discover time travel either and that they ALL have rational, non-evil governments which can absolutely prevent time travel.
Easier to conclude 3. Time travel (backwards) is impossible End of problem. No loopholes.
Thomas Nelson
I remember my first time learning the butterfly effect
Jack Parker
Why would I kill Hitler? I would beg him not to fuck up at Stalingrad.
Joseph Mitchell
That depends on wether time is indeed linear or if there are multiple timelines
Daniel Cook
He's saying an infinitesimal change in the past on Earth changes the present on Earth. Changes on other planets would take light years to change the earth at all, and even then it would be incredibly minute gravitational wave differences that likely wouldn't affect anything on Earth anyway.
Eli Myers
what if i travel back in time, kidnap every nazi soldier, bring them to the year 2018 and let them blitzkrieg your mom before i send them back to stalingrad?
Carson Richardson
god I wish that was my mom
Eli Williams
>he doesnt know about the grandfather paradox
Alexander Robinson
>kill baby Hitler >WWII/holocaust happens anyway because it wasn't literally hinging on Hitler >tfw killed a baby for no reason >tfw cease to exist because butterfly effect I've never understood this thought experiment, anyone who answers yes is either a moron or a psycho looking for a moral casus belli to murder an infant.
Michael Moore
>2.5% chance per sex act to get pregnant. Source?
How can humans be that inefficient?
Andrew Ortiz
Well you could just wait until he's a teen then kill him then. Wouldn't be as bad that way.
Jacob Thomas
The world would still be better off.
Anthony Gutierrez
The likelihood of a female getting pregnant varies over the course of her cycle. If you aren't timing all your sex with that cycle for optimum effect then it'll drag the percentage down.
Connor Sanchez
True time travel doesn't exist; your just travelling to parallel universes. Think of it like this; you aren't travelling to their past but rather their present time.
I think if you time the woman's cycle (with a doctor) you can make this get a lot higher. If not, that puts a big damper on my intention to get several women pregnant each week for the rest of my life following the inflection point
Julian Brown
>implying parallel universes exist and that it will ever be possible to travel to them
Benjamin Evans
This has to be quite the quandary for modern lefties. On one hand, you get to kill Hitler and none of that fucked up shit happens. On the other, Europeans and whites don't feel any guilt over nationalism and who knows if the pendulum swing to the left would have happened, colonies wouldn't have been conceded so quickly.
Gabriel Perry
>implying they didn't already go back in time and kill hitler and we're the resulting timeline think about it: have you ever actually seen hitler or talked to him? my theory is that he's been dead for YEARS