Why are we able to make supersoldier ants but not supersoldier humans?

Why are we able to make supersoldier ants but not supersoldier humans?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=bully whippet
soc.mil/USASOCHQ/Public Affairs/Fact Sheets/75th_RangerProfile.pdf

Well taking into account the recent breakthroughs in genetic engineering.... I'm sure super humans have been attempted, but for obvious reasons haven't been publicised or spoken about.


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We probably can already but we'd still have to wait for them to grow up and in that time we can probably just build robots that are not hindered by the inherent limitations of the human body.


The future is not cyberpunk.

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have you ever tried to put your dick in an antqueen? They're super tight and spit acid in your peehole.

But we can, it's what the warrior caste always was.

are you even trying?

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Because ants have the supersoldier genes already inside them, we just need to activate them.

Because of muh ethics

Those guys arent supersoldiers, they're too big, too easy to be shot.
Supersoldiers of the future will be as tiny as possible and dexterous, not big and strong.

Supersoldiers are and have been a thing
>recent breakthroughs
"recent breakthroughs" are actually just disclosures of old tech long after the original creators have died along with their ethical misgivings

The real reason you don't see public, widespread gene engineering of supersoldiers is that building advanced weaponry (autonomous systems and "upping your firepower") is a more cost-efficient and reliable way of increasing your military capacity

>Gentlemen, Weapon Zyzz is operational.

Attached: Zyzz-Before-After.jpg (500x451, 31K)

That's not what a supersoldier is. If you think something other than supersoldiers will catch on instead that's fine, but don't call that other thing a supersoldier when it isn't.

>supersoldier ants
I've heard of soldier ants.

This is next level shit, not just regular soldier ants, look at that ant's fucking head, that's supersoldier shit there.

supersoldiers of the future will be robots and unmanned machines, not humans you dummy

What is it with you and him both calling non-supersoldier things supersoldiers?
Tiny dexterous fairy people aren't supersoldiers and neither are robots or unmanned machines. Those are completely different topics, supersoldiers are humans who've been mutated so they're twelve feet tall and built like bully whippets.

nanotech will balloon through machine learning test ecosystems before unmanned human-scale weapons become a major thing.

>too easy to be shot.
wot? is this really your argument?

I never said human scale. the size will range from tiny drones to large unmanned aircraft bombers. but you are very wrong if you believe that those machines will be nanoscale

You must be high because there is no such thing as super-solders or super-soldier ants.


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A supersoldier is simply a human who has been designed and trained to be as effective at infantry combat as possible, it has nothing to do with some giant Spartan Halo thing or whatever you're thinking it is.
And those robots will be as small as possible.
If you can put the same firepower down range (you can), you want to be as small as possible.
Basically but more muscular.

>my definition is better than your definition!!!11!!1!

They're a kind of dog you idiot.
lmgtfy.com/?q=bully whippet
>no such thing as super-soldier ants
No, fuck off you autist, everyone knows what supersoldiers are and they aren't fucking elves or predator drones.

>A supersoldier is simply a human who has been designed and trained to be as effective at infantry combat as possible
No, that's a stupid definition which leads to retardation like your "tiny and dexterous" plan. Name 5 books or films where anyone used "supersoldier" to refer to "tiny and dextrous" soldiers.

>when the roids kill you

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>Name 5 books or films where anyone used "supersoldier" to refer to "tiny and dextrous" soldiers.
What the hell am I even looking at?

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You tell me, you're the one who wrote that retarded idea:
>Supersoldiers of the future will be as tiny as possible and dexterous, not big and strong.
Unless you aren't, in which case why are you responding?

Now here, THIS is a supersoldier plan:
>The drugs and genetic enhancements and some technology which gets applied would allow for regeneration, faster healing, muscle strength enhancement up to current olympic levels, endurance of an Alaskan sled dog, cognitive enhancement, operate without sleep for many days without performance degradation, the metabolic energy of twenty year old for a forty or fifty year old and immunity to pain.
Unfortunately it didn't go anywhere and their budget was diverted elsewhere after that article was written.

PS: Audie Murphy wasn't a supersoldier, he was just a good soldier of the standard human variety.

He isn't I was. I don't see why you NEED to define a super soldier as anything other than "a soldier who has been genetically bred and specifically trained to preform infantry missions at a higher success rate than otherwise" or something like that, in which case the "elves" as you call them are the best design and fit the bill.

Steroids and meth

>supersoldiers are humans who've been mutated so they're twelve feet tall and built like bully whippets.
Wooo boy we've got ourselves a supersoldier expert in the thread.

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Do you girls want a compromise?
The average Army Ranger is 5'9/174lbs: you can expound on this if you wish.

soc.mil/USASOCHQ/Public Affairs/Fact Sheets/75th_RangerProfile.pdf

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>Supersoldiers of the future will be as tiny as possible
hearty chuckle

Why do you disagree?

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>Steroids and PCP

The first guy is over 2 meters tall and was a member of the australian SAS who received the VC