If we had infinite computing power

If we had infinite computing power,
as in we had computers which could do an arbitrary number of computations per second,
how would the world change?

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We would have household anime kitten sexbots

Who cares I'd still be alone

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we could predict the future


with simulations. But the question is out of this world, there's a theoretical limit of computation for what we know currently about physics.

You'd have the brainpower of God

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Anything that uses modern encryption techniques would be obsolete

>there's a theoretical limit of computation for what we know currently about physics
I understand, it's a hypothetical question

I still don't think you could immediately predict the future though
Because you'd still need to have software which can do that. We don't have software that's that advanced
and it needs to take input from the world right? How the hell would it do that?

Just a reminder that I'm talking about having arbitrarily fast hardware only. I'm not talking about having super advanced software or something.

that's true

Any current encryption short of a one time pad could be easily broken by these magic computers; so say goodbye to online banking and such.

And while they could be used for much better simulations than we have today, limited input data and software will keep them from being a crystal ball. Weather simulations,for example, would be limited by the number of thermometers in the world providing input data, among many other factors.

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We would be a lot better at predicting chemical properties of yet unsynthesized compounds, because we could do the hardest quantum chemistry computations and simulations in an instant. So I guess we would have better materials, better medicine and cheaper consumer goods in general (since the development/optimization of new catalysts would be a lot easier and faster).

You could control/stop/reverse entropy of the universe and the heat death of the universe.

You could escape the universe forever and achieve eternal/permanent Godhood.

Two words user: Artificial Girlfriend

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It means you can do work without using energy, so you're asking how would the world change if we had infinite energy...

Dunno mate, probably wanking at the speed of light

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How do you convert computing power to energy?

What about memory constraints?

Not even close, the brain power required to bring matter into existence at will is immeasurable.

Maybe the weather men might start getting their predictions right at least for a few days in advanced. After that tho conditions change due to atmospheric conditions not yet understood. The computer could not predict those.

Computational chemistry is currently limited by speed of computation in complex (million or more atom) systems. So, for starters, biochemistry and chemical/biological medicine would be solved.




in addition to these, with more experimentation data, protein folding could be solved, meaning complete and absolute knowledge of amino acid composition and how it relates to protein output. This would be enormous as you could design novel enzymes which could make extraordinarily complex biological compounds from easy precursors.

we would instantly know everything that could EVER be known

so how the world changes depends on what we don't know today, to even answer your question would require that computer in the first place

What piece of code can you run to know everything that could ever be known?

This problem has already been solved pretty well for small complete protein (subdomains) such as PDZ or SH3 domains, and current research focuses on speeding the process up. If speed isn't an issue, then the bottlenecks would be in modeling the transition states of reactants, paramterizing co-factors (including multivalent ions), realistic membrane simulations, and glycosylation. Protein binding interactions would be immediately solvable, which is the focus of most medicine.

A neural network that can shitpost.

Nothing good will come from QC until adequate encryption methods have been developed. If not, the future is a hackers wet dream.

Top kek

We would be able to perform Solomonoff induction and thus have full AGI

Quantum resistant encryption is a non-issue. This thread is not about quantum computers. There will never be an encryption algorithm that is resistant to a computer with infinite computing power

Since you can run a simulation for a literally infinite amount of time in less than a second with this computer, you can build infinite theories and test them against whatever data you want until you have the most accurate depiction of it.

You can brute force solve anything because you can instantly create every computer program that can ever exist, run them all, AND evaluate their infinite results based on whatever criteria you define. The algorithm for creating those programs is simple: just count from 0 to infinity and treat each number as bytecode of whatever turing complete language you want.

The power of "arbitrary computations per second" is truly unimaginable. You could even simulate however many complete universes you want for however many trillions of years you want, all in less than a second of your time.

>You could even simulate however many complete universes you want for however many trillions of years you want, all in less than a second of your time.
That's a good point, and actually would make for a funny roundabout way to learn everything: just create universes with completely random laws of physics until one of them happens to host humans on an Earth around a Sun, and then just run it until they figure everything out for us.

>You can brute force solve anything because you can instantly create every computer program that can ever exist, run them all, AND evaluate their infinite results based on whatever criteria you define.
oh right, that's true, I hadn't thought of it like that

We would have funny paradoxes, e.g. :
1.ask computer to emulate itself infinitely many times
2.Repeat 1. in each of these emulations.
3.Repeat 2. n (choose n as an infinite quantity higher than the infinity chosen in 1, e.g. set of integers vs set of rationnals, for more fun) times
4.Ask every emulation to simulate the universe whit the original infinite computer in it
6.Lol virgin computer simulated itself within itself an infinite number of time what a dork fagget

Infinite bitcoins

Genetically engineered catgirls for domestic abuse.

Being with someone is overrated, trust me. I'm with someone who I would call my soulmate. After a few years, all soulmatey stuff wears out , and both just tolerate each other as much as possible. I wish I could go back to being alone playing vidya, but I have muh responsibilities now.

You can still make it too expensive to be worth cracking.

information/entropy decay is energy so you would have infinite energy

How is running every program possible remotely useful? It would just be like the library of babel, you would just get every output possible

How are you going to convert computing power to energy?

It'd be like the library of babel but with effectively infinite power to actually read all those infinite books and sort/filter them by any means.
Evolutionary algorithms and other metaoptimization techniques which are limited primarily by computational complexity no longer have any limit at all on OP's hypothetical computer. So rather than his claim of "everything that can be known" it might be more accurate to say that we'll immediately solve "everything that can be optimized". But that might not be an especially meaningful distinction since theories-of-everything, self-improving AI, universe simulations, etc. all fall under the category of problems that can be optimized, with the first one only being limited by the fact that it must match all current physical data (i.e. must reduce to GR and QFT) but can't be confirmed further until its new predictions are tested.

imagine people having to go to this computer to know how well their next date would go. because that would be the day to day use of this tech.

How would infinite computing power do this? This task seems limited by the amount of data you can feed it to train on rather than computing power

Not really.