We're gonna program away your Uber driving jo-

>We're gonna program away your Uber driving jo-
lol, nerds BTFO again. Self-driving cars will never happen and I will make money driving Uber for the rest of my life.
Meanwhile you programmer geniuses can look forward to getting replaced by cheaper labor from India. Funny how that all worked out.

Attached: oops.png (1440x2560, 299K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There was a human safety monitor behind the wheel and not even that person caught her in time to stop the car. She probably would have been hit even if the car wasn't self driving.

Self-driving cars don't need to be perfect, they just need to achieve a better safety record than humans.

Wrong. When a person gets in an accident it's just his problem. When a self-driving car gets in an accident it's the entire industry's problem.

Some people, especially low IQ roastie pedestrians, need to die as collateral for technology to improve.

Drivers are often not at fault when pedestrians are struck so I'm not going to rush to judgment on this

I'm okay with this.

this is not true. as the driver you carry the full responsibility. a 3 year old kid could suddenly jump on the road and it would be up to you to brake. if the computer cant do that, it's out.

>She probably would have been hit even if the car wasn't self driving.
Brainlets don't get it


>as the driver you carry the full responsibility
you should be ashamed of yourself. you have access to the most advanced information retrieval system and you're still posting bullshit. just fucking stop.

Attached: 92d.jpg (211x239, 5K)

it's not if it's when.

that's not what I learnt in driving school. sorry. maybe it's because the laws in my cunt are different that yours.
a car has a built-in operating risk to the disadvantage of the driver. if you are not prepared to brake constantly, and if you can't brake in this situation, it is your fault.

Attached: 500_F_88787812_kmk2jRPhkfYk8JAze8adW0nkCeO91Nzc.jpg (500x334, 83K)

Well, that's historically been the only way for unproven technologies to be developed to their full potential. When the British were just beginning to industrialize, they didn't spontaneously delay the industrial revolution every time someone died in a coal mine or factory.

The Uber cars have a record of running red lights and other violations. The human "safety monitors" are clearly incapable of doing their fucking job.

There isn't anybody in the world who could brake in time in the situation in that picture. He's too close and your reaction time is nonzero. If you are not already braking in that picture because you saw the kid coming, it's too late.

>All that autism

>that's not what I learnt in driving school.
They tell you this so you'll take extra precautions to avoid accidents in the first place, because there are brainlets who would just drive carelessly, figuring they can just blame whoever they hit. It's not the reality.

>I will make money driving Uber for the rest of my life.
lel you dont. stop lying to yourself. at best you break even

and there have been 10 other deadly crashes caused by non driverless cars. that makes the driverless car still safer.

if overnight all cars would be replaced by driverless cars, which are able to communicate traffic situations and their own position wirelessly with each other, you would not even traffic lights anymore. pedestrians have to get away from the roads ffs. we would see a 95% decrease in accidents and deaths. the rest are within technical difficulties, you can always have a freak brake failure or steering servo failure

I could. I drive VERY carefully.

This thread is cancer

That kid deserves to die.

>we would see a 95% decrease in accidents and deaths.
And a 10 000% spike in remote sabotage of vehicles resulting in deaths of prominent industry leaders and politicians.

you will never have kids.

>There isn't anybody in the world who could brake in time in the situation in that picture. He's too close and your reaction time is nonzero. If you are not already braking in that picture because you saw the kid coming, it's too late.

Sure you could - if you're driving 10 mph, as you should be doing if you're going through a zone with blind angles and kids playing.

This minus the /pol/ rhetoric. For innovation to take place, a certain percentage of people will have to for it with their suffering.

>Uber's Advanced Technologies Group was trying to hire me last month
>didn't end up working there
Really dodged a bullet on that one.

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>if you're driving 10 mph
and this should be the max speed allowed for all driverless cars

>I will make money driving Uber for the rest of my life.
I am so, so sorry for you.

A driver should do everything within his power to not cause fatalities.
That is not the same as attributing fault to the driver if a fatality occurs. There are rules to road usage that apply to everyone, even pedestrians, which are designed to prevent accidents and that includes not walking out into traffic.

Normies don't know that neural networks are just automated guesswork. Basically a compromise to get a function that works well-enough. We don't have algorithms for stuff like object recognition, which is why neural networks are being used, but since all they do is try to come up with parameters that can best map input with output in training data, they can never achieve perfect results.
The media over-hyped AI way too much. Only reason why grads with PhDs in AI related stuff are getting jobs nowadays is because Google wants them for its autistic 'Brain' project.

Congratulations, you were taught defensive driving.
You are probably a better driver than 70% of the rest of the driving population, but rules are the rules.

Part of that assumes you can see kids playing.
What you were probably taught was constant risk identification.
Slowing down where kids are likely to be around, like schools or parks, is admirable but you cant do all your driving at 10mph because there's a wheelie bin that could have a child behind it.

that dumb bitch crossed without a crosswalk and didn't even check for cars, she basically jumped in front of a speeding car, good that she died, one less moron to worry about

and for the retards in this thread saying the driver always has full responsibility, i fucking hope you get to experience some moron hiding behind a parked car and jumping in front of you right as you drive past

it's your job as a driver to take into account that situations might arise where other people wont stick to those rules and even in that case you are still obliged to protect them
you have to make sure your style of driving gives you the ability to do so even if the rules are on your side. even with a green light, you are supposed to drive carefully and not to accelerate mindlessly.

all the women do that everywhere, it's your job as a driver to know that even before they know that.

Yeah, that's part of what I said.

yes, but you did not make it clear enough.

the algorithm did not brake for her, the algorithm did not drive foresightful, the algorithm killed her.

or low IQ roasties can just not be allowed to drive, and then we wouldn't need remotely operated pods to take away our freedom to drive ourselves

>implying if a condition arises close enough that the max static friction of the tires couldn't even allow the car to stop in time, then it's still the car/driver's fault
literally wrong

if we had a strict driving test and didn't let chucklefucks drive we wouldn't have these problems either. retards need to learn to walk or take the bus

that's /r9k/ rhetoric

But again, it may not have been possible for a human driver to have seen this person before they stepped out, it may not have been possible for a human driver to react to this person stepping out and a pedestrian has a responsibility to check the road before stepping out.

So you cannot just attribute all fault to the algorithm.

as the driver you have to make sure that even a pedestrian who doesn't check the road stays safe and drive accordingly slow and careful, to minimize that exact risk that physics of the car, speed, and road type, as well as neurobiology of your eye-brain-movement-connnections still pose

Uber + Waymo: 10 fatalities per 100 million miles.
Humans: 1.16 fatalities per 100 million miles.

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Haven't Uber + Waymo only done like 10 million miles?

With one fatality.

People who go outside: 10000000
People who never leave the house: 1

are you retarded

It's all about speed the car is going in that picture
Your statement is false without more information

yeah whatever dipshit

did you actually come on Veeky Forums to brag about being an uber driver?

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Oh but user you just don't get it. human beings are totally fucking stupid. We do not understand proportion. The USA right now is consumed by a huge debate about mass school shootings, a problem that is dwarfed into insignificance by the number of our young people dying of obesity or getting into car accidents or of drug abuse. Even though the piles of dead bodies and number of grieving families are much bigger, the stories aren't SEXY! It has no villain that we can directly confront! It lacks drama! "We should punish parents that let their kids get obese by treating it as child abuse" is UGLY and JUDGEMENTAL and it will make parents who have fat kids feel baaaaaaaaad and the kids will feel baaaaaaaad so who cares that they have heart attacks and die at 22 and cost us billions of dollars to treat for their diabetes,and even though by dealing with it we could save a hundred times more people than by freaking out about school shootings. and now one sad death, the same type of death that happens all the time with human drivers, that kills tens of thousands of people each year, is being treated as some great derailing event for this tech, this tech that could EVEN IN ITS EARLY FORM prevent thousands of deaths a year of driver incompetence, because it's new and scary and dramatic.

you seem a bit retarded

Not really.
Humans will only accept self driving cars if they are perfect, despite them having a lower accident rate than manual driving. It's sensationalist.

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you're telling me that just because someone can hide behind a parked truck on the side of a 35mph street, or hide behind a concrete divider on a 75mph freeway and decide to jump out literally right in front of my car--just because this is a possibility and muh I need to be responsible for ALL pedestrians I need to limit my speed accordingly.

you want me to do less than 5mph anywhere but the middle of a salt flat, you moron. you want to do 5mph in the middle of a freeway. you want to do 50 or more under the limit. fucking kill yourself. at that point it doesn't even matter whether or not the car is automated. you seem like an assmad numale, so you'll be glad to know I regularly do 50 mph OVER the speed limit, not under :^)

most likely

>you want me to do less than 5mph anywhere but the middle of a salt flat, you moron. you want to do 5mph in the middle of a freeway. you want to do 50 or more under the limit. fucking kill yourself. at that point it doesn't even matter whether or not the car is automated. you seem like an assmad numale, so you'll be glad to know I regularly do 50 mph OVER the speed limit, not under :^)
I don't give a shit how you drive, speeder, but I do want autonomous cars to drive like that to make 100% sure they don't kill anyone

who the fuck would want an autonomous car to do 5mph everywhere? might as well walk

you are too fat anyways
human drivers should be made illegal and 5 mph autonomous cars should be the only legal way to drive

Ill teach them to not be low IQ brainlets and run out in the middle of the street for a fucking ball

That's the price you have to pay for letting retards breed and prosper and become the majority in a majority rules system, fucking leftypol shitheads

should've taken me less time to realize b8

You should probably run into the cars on the side. Parents come out as "WTF?" and you say "Well your kid ran into the street and I couldnt stop in time, so I had no other option". Then insurance takes your side?

Attached: 100mph.jpg (500x334, 64K)

>your job as a grown adult to take care of other grown adults

cancer mentality.

that's because you drive too fast user, you drive too fast all the time. you have to drive more slowly for that handful of retards who might run on the street in front of your car.

okay enjoy killing kids with your car then

I said adults, not kids you braindead moron.

Attached: wimplo.jpg (296x296, 18K)

>too fast
maybe so but not fast enough. when I get a new car I'll go even faster, and I may get a sportbike within a few years. Probably will end up as a mile long streak of gore on the freeway at some point but whatever

women, kids, old people, retards, what's the difference when it comes to car traffic

kids aren't worth as many points

drive faster then

If an adult walks out in traffic they deserve to die. Survival of the fittest.

So they aren't any better than the vehicle then.

you wouldn't be either if your job was to sit there and do nothing for 400 hours. you'd eventually realize you'll never know if the car is going to do the right thing or not. and by the time you figure out its doing something wrong, then it's already too late anyway. so why not just relax and enjoy getting paid to get deep vein thrombosis.

Attached: Deep-Vein-Thrombosis-Symptoms.jpg (675x579, 38K)

Uber fired half its white males for being better than its other workers and now it is a shit company on the decline. Big fucking surprise.

source on this info

It wasn't the driver that died though

Footage of the accident was released
I cant tell if it's super dark, the camera quality is poor, or both, but there was no way that car could've stopped in time.

>I will make money driving Uber for the rest of my life
Not if they put a decent emergency system

Attached: Volvo trucks emergency brakes system.webm (640x360, 843K)

russians are so stupid



That doesn't say what you claim it says at all

No russian truck can pull that off, and no russian truckdriver is sober enough to react that quickly

>there was no way that car could've stopped in time.
Are you serious? You make it sound like she ran out in front of the car.

She's basically stationary in the middle of the road, walking her bike slowly across, more than halfway across. If you can't see a person standing in the road and stop in time to avoid hitting them, you're driving too fast for the visibility conditions. This was clearly both a failure of the self-driving system and negligence of the human operator.

I didn't claim anything, just saw you asking that other user about diversity hires and figured I'd give you a link about their diversity hiring.
Not sure what you're looking for exactly. They were criticized for not having diversity, a bunch of their old leadership was removed, and they hired a "chief diversity officer whose entire job is to force diversity hires.

The driver's an MTF transsexual, right? They hired an obviously mentally ill person to keep their car-sized robot from running anyone down.

please don't

Attached: freedom_aint_free.jpg (1536x2048, 388K)

Please don't what?

People are never just transsexual and otherwise normal. Wanting to dress up like the opposite sex and surgically mutilate your healthy genitals comes with a whole of other mental problems. The company should be liable for reckless endangerment by relying on such a person for a job requiring consistent clear-headed vigilance.

please don't do what you're doing right now. If you want to bash trannies there are plenty opportunities outside of sci.

I've killed at least three people and hurt many more. I have no legal obligation to stop when someone crosses the street illegal.

Stupid people need to go.

On one hand I doubt any human would've seen her coming, no reflectors on bike + black clothing, passing a under bridge.

On the other hand this is no excuse for whats happened because there are sensors (orthough expensive) which could've recognized this person. Obviously they cant put a ladar, radar, an infrared sensor, an echolot and a camera in a single car, it would be to expensive.

but it means part of the reason she had to die was because a whole industry was too focused on commercialising a product.

I bet there is no risk map of accident history on geolocations implemented in the cars roadmap, partly because documentation of accidents is authorities area and I'm not sure if they are even allowed to release the data, let alone having every record in digital format.

by law its obviously the fault of the driver but the woman could've maybe avoided her death as well... still a long way from commercialising imho...

I dare to predict that before we'll have perfectly safe self-driving cars, we invent another type of vehicle. who would be with me on that one?

you'd tell that story at their funeral?

Fuck right off if you think Veeky Forums is some leftist-controlled safe space where we can't have frank discussions of mental illness and its consequences. This is relevant to the discussion at hand.

It's not relevant at all though. You may state that diversity hires are fucking stupid, and I think most here would nod in agreement, but is it really necessary to stir up shit with the typical 89 IQ rhetoric? And you can also stop acting as if your right of free speech is infringed just because you're asked to tone it down a little, it's not like anyone here is gonna stop you...

So you're saying that: I won't be allowed to buy a self driving van and comfily sleep whilst journeying and/or automate a delivery business and unemploy several hundred thousand delivery drivers one day?

Attached: -crash-138904.gif (210x135, 523K)

>you can also stop acting as if your right of free speech is infringed just because you're asked to tone it down a little
You literally just told me not to bring this subject up at all.

See, this is how scumbag leftists work: you pretend that your political positions aren't political at all, they're just "being nice" or "obvious truth" or "only decent". If I bring up the well-established link between identifying as the opposite sex and other forms of mental illness, it's "typical 89 IQ rhetoric" and if I "can also stop acting as if your right of free speech is infringed" when I'm told not to mention it here.

People trusted a tranny in a job where that fact strongly indicated against his psychological suitability for performing a safety-critical function, and now an innocent woman is dead. That's bigger than your feelings, and so is freedom of speech.

what I asked you to was taking the tranny-bashing somewhere else, nothing more, nothing less. Doesn't look like it had much effect though...

You people are complicit in these deaths. When you try to stop people from openly discussing harms and risks, you interfere with the understanding of how to minimize them, and inevitably, more risk is accepted and more harm results.

Some share of this woman's blood is on your hands, little murderer.

Theres still always the 'last 10 feet' problem, where no matter what you try, you end up needing a human to do some non-automatable task at the terminals. the result would be some loss of jobs, but is mainly an dumbing down of existing jobs.

>Some share of this woman's blood is on your hands, little murderer.

Attached: clap clap.png (587x600, 475K)

>non-automatable task
No such thing desu. The "last 10 feet" thing is more about complacence than actual limits to technology. When you solved most of a problem and the part you didn't solve is relatively unimportant and more hassle than it seems worth it to address, a lot of companies will just ignore it instead of pushing the issue. I can say for sure the vast majority of automation opportunities already doable today are not being taken advantage of by businesses. You'd think the invisible hand would make businesses all operate at maximum efficiency, but there's a bias towards keeping what works that you already have going.

Dumb bitch jumped in front of a speeding car, without a crosswalk and without checking the road.
I fucking hope every single moron like that dies, humanity will be much better off.