You should be able to solve this problem (standard for high school students in Hungary)

You should be able to solve this problem (standard for high school students in Hungary)

Attached: prob.gif (1050x976, 295K)

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Do your own homework.

t. brainlet

This is such a shit problem, there's so many unknowns here.

There's one. Solve it faggot.

Is this about rubber band elasticity? Because some are more tough and some are more elastic.

Am I holding the disks side by side or front to back? How large is the center hole of each disk? Is the band length the diameter of the band or the circumference? What's the thicknesses of the disks? What's the change in length for rubber bands anyway, is it asking for the size unstreched or stretched? Are they held together with the elasticity of the band or can I tie the band in a knot and stick it through the center?
Where do you even begin with this question?

>le superior communist education meme
kys pinko

All of these are bait recently, don't reply and it will die out.
There is no real question/answer to be found here.

Attached: 1464744167977.jpg (1019x965, 278K)

This comes from Fazekas Gimnázium, Budapest 2007

12pi + 2sqrt180
too lazy to simplify

this. The rubber band material is gonna matter.

Brainlets, I swear to god.
>side to side or front to back
Side to side, obviously. How autistic do you have to be to think the other is intended?
>How large is center hole
There is no center hole mentioned, only autism would provoke a response like that. It doesn't matter anyway
>change in length, elasticity
The question is incredibly clear, you're just retarded it seems. It's asking about to circles of arbitrary size placed so that the touch each other at one point exactly. Now put a perfctly taught band or string or path or whatever you want to call it around them. You'll get two arc sections and two lines. What's combined length? Go.

How thick are the discs?

They're already side by side, therefore they're already together and the band is a frill at best.

>Side to side, obviously. How autistic do you have to be to think the other is intended?
The front to back version would be trickier because you'd need to calculate an angle. Either way you need to know the thickness.

>the band is a grill at best
So the circles have r1 and r2. How long is the band?
>inb4 2pi(r1+r2)

You don't have to calculate tany angles at all. If the they were front to back the problem is nonsense and only makes sense with a physical rubber band (which this problem is not about)

Attached: cirgle.png (660x321, 11K)

No center hole.

There is no center hole.


Attached: balls.png (2704x1224, 42K)

Right, I fucked up and didn't read, just glanced at the picture.
Still, it's wrapping the disks, more than just holding them together, so wouldn't that be a waste of material?

Cut a hole in the disks, use any size band you want.

2: disk
noun: disc
a flat, thin, round object.



Guy who never had geometry class here, how is this solved?

>not understanding the prompt

Find the tangent to the circles to find the length of rubber band between the circles. Multiply by two. To find the length of band that wraps around the circles, calculate the circumference of each circle and divide each circumference by half. The sum of all the segments you calculated will be the rubber band length.

>not realizing that the prompt is shit and contains a metric fuckton of unknowns.

also worded like sheit

>not saying whether the discs are perpendicular to the band or not
Well played OP

Am I in brainlet city? Unless you're retarded or deliberately misunderstanding, the prompt is clear and means exactly one thing, which I've already posted in this thread.

>additional details that aren't within the prompt itself


Yeah, like the hypothetical properties of a real rubberband around two physical disks.The fact you didn't immediately assume the prompts is about an ideal and nontrivial situation, you've revealed your terrible math skills. Get the fuck out of here. The solution is

try harder
hyper autism, literally none of what you are asking for is relevant


Rubber bands do not have a well-defined length.

Not in the prompt. The shape described has a fixed length.