How is it possible that there exist girls THIS HOT that do Mathematics? What the FUCK?? EXPLAIN THIS

How is it possible that there exist girls THIS HOT that do Mathematics? What the FUCK?? EXPLAIN THIS

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Looks like a dude.


Okay. Attraction is an irrational reaction in your body that nobody completely understands. What you find "HOT" (which I can only assume means "sexually attractive") is an algorithm of phenotypal genetic variations which exist throughout all known populations of human being. Culturally, while people with certain distributions of these phenotypes have been expected to do poorly in cognitive areas, the ability of human beings to understand and explain mathematics has literally nothing to do with any of them, and thus you have cognitive dissonance when presented with a speaker whose message does not match the ethos you anticipate, which is based off your acculturated expectations.

Also, , I get sort of masculine vibe from some features of her face, too. Are you assuming that this would be unattractive to OP, though? You really have no idea what they find attractive, so you're just projecting.

Hope that helps.

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>YouTubers posting videos teaching brainlets how to do high school mathematics

Step it up, user

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I agree the Mathematics is simple, just surprised a girl that hot is at the level where she can teach Mathematics (probably a Math grad) and not a model instead.

Why can't we have girls like this teaching Algebraic Geometry or Ramsey Theory?

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Marilyn Monroe had a higher IQ than Albert Einstein.

Do you know you're sexist, or is it just one of those things you'd rather not think about?

You literally can. You'll have to find a university that holds classes on the beach, and professors who use way too much makeup, but there's no reason why that's not possible.

The problem is to find girls like that with the adequate knowledge in these areas.

Well, maybe we should build a society that actually rewards people for knowing math, then. I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of really attractive and smart people all around, though... you should start talking to attractive people about smart things more often.

No she didn't

These are the teachers for the courses on higher algebraic K-theory, model theory and ergodic theory, respectively.

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>Well, maybe we should build a society that actually rewards people for knowing math, then
We literally do, people educated in math heavy subjects make the most money. There are plenty of attractive people who study these things as well.

Women are superior at math, logic and critical thinking. Their hormones are also more conducive to focus and long term attention. Theyre more detail oriented and have better organizational skills.

Women are the future of every worthy field now that theyre finally getting a chance.

Attraction is mostly psychological

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Is this a reunion of lecturers in the Math Departament?

Okay, it's unfounded. But this is what one of her biographers has to say:

"I’ve never come across any information or details on Marilyn actually having been tested on her intelligence quotient. I was lucky enough to have viewed the contents of her personal files on multiple locations. There were no records present of her having been tested.

She was very sensitive about her education. It’s known widely that she never graduated high school, but she did focus on self improvement and development throughout her life. Her personal library contained over 400 books on a variety of subjects, reflecting both her intelligence and her wide-ranging interests. No surprise to those familiar with Monroe, they were the books of a well-read and inquiring mind. Works of Literature, Art, Drama, Biography, Poetry, Politics, History, Theology, Philosophy, and Psychology covered the walls in her library. Among the First Editions was her own copy of The Beat Generation classic On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man and William Styron’s This House on Fire. From Tolstoy to Twain, many other classic works of literature were represented, including her copies of The Great Gatsby, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, James Joyce’s Dubliners, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and The Fall by Camus. Her library also contained books on gardening, her Bibles, and children’s books, including her own copy of The Little Engine That Could which was possibly marked with her own childish scrawl." (

Either way, it's just retarded to think that attractiveness and intelligence are mutually exclusive in any way. It's a meme, bruh.

You think you're making fun of the idea, but those girls could totally be geniuses at any number of things. I happen to want to have sex with all three of them at the same time, but that really has more to do with me than them, now doesn't it?

Quantum Physics Department*

No, you're not paying attention: we reward people for making money with ideas based on math, and for creating products using math, and even for teaching math - but we don't reward them for *knowing* math. There's a big difference. Sure, it's its own reward existentially, but bitches gotta eat and you can't pay any bills with the Pythagorean Theorem. Even if you generalize it to the Law of Cosines when things ain't right (get it? See? That was rewarding.)

>You think you're making fun of the idea, but those girls could totally be geniuses at any number of things.

These are white brazilian girls, so maybe they had the potential. If they had studied like Tao since an early age in an adequate environment, they could be good mathematicians.

You may not realize this, but you're a fucking shill. "Their hormones" have the same limited affect on behavior as "your hormones" (if you're a dude) do, and the historical disenfranchisement of females is a byproduct of a system based on controlling both men and women by turning sex into a cat-and-mouse game. Thinking women have magical powers is just as sexist as thinking they're inferior.

Wake up and smell the logic.

Also, saying that attraction is psychological is basically useless. So what if it is? You still want to have sex with the people you want to have sex with for whatever "reason" - can you explain your sex drive, if you have one?


Maybe for a man. This bitch could be a deadringer for Cillian Murphy


>If they had studied like Tao since an early age in an adequate environment

Implying that you have to acquire math like a human language before the critical age of fossilization.

You do realize people can learn math at any point in their life, don't you?

Obvious troll is obvious.

Actually, if you search the image results, you'll find that it leads to some white supremacist bullshit on /pol/ (boards.Veeky Turns out the poster was dishonest about these women's status as university professors.

I, for one, am disappointed.

the proof is left as an exercise to the reader

Are you serious?

No, if you're not a first rate mathematician by the time you're 26 it's too late for you.

>Attraction is mostly psychological
Fat feminist ogre with blue hair detected

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Did you really believed they were university professors?

These girls are just Brazilian sluts.
The original source was from Brazilian websites

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The premise was that they could be mathematicians if they had grown in the adequate environment.

Cause it's easier to fuck a dumb thot than a smart thot.

Unless you're trying to wife her out but that's a different story kiddo

Don't be stupid. That's an issue with academic institutions, not Mathematics. You should still go to grad school, though.

I'm attracted to fat feminist ogres with blue hair, faggot.

So there.

Yes. I was quite sure that they all graduated with PhDs when they were child prodigies and climbed the ranks of academia at an unusually early age. It was a crushing blow.

There will probably be parity, but your thinking is on par with "men are better than women" garbage.

That's a much better source. Thank you. I wish I was more familiar with Portuguese.

Thots don't need to study to succeed. Just a nice face & body is enough to get chads.

PhD is an overkill, unnecessary for girls who just want to fuck chads.

Thots go to college just to get a humanities degrees to work as dick-sucking secretaries. Or a Biology degree to become dick-sucking nurses

You're treating mathematicians like they're some sort of species of flower or some rare breed. Math is everything, if you think about it. Everywhere is an adequate environment. I think you might be thinking of something that isn't Math.

Yeah, but I don't want to rape people, so I don't take advantage of them in order to have sex with them. It's not a good idea for anyone, IMHO.

And "wifing" isn't actually a different story at all. Kiddo.

Oh, I get it - you're referring to the perpetual cycle of sex-slavery where women are treated like objects in order to be supported by their more-intelligent male patrons.

Fuck you.

Hence all the female mathematitians in history

Literally nothing in the world is stopping girls from living a good lifestyle. Nothing stops them from starting a business, making passive income or even doing Mathematics.

Girls choose what they want to do for money. Some do porn, some make ASMR videos but equally some do start their own businesses. It's all relative.

Nothing stops you from being successful other than your limiting beliefs.

No you're not, stop white knighting for entitled women and making yourself look pathetic.

>choosing to be a prostitute is sex slavery
You aren't smart user.

>having sex with someone dumber than you is rape
holy fuck did you scrape your knee on the way to write your post?

I'm left leaning but I don't condone your brand of radical liberalism

You may laugh, but many white supremacists on /pol/ are Brazilian mulattoes.

Unironically this.

He's not a shill there is this thing called bait you stupid autist.

Not as good as Nancy.

Nancy and MathBFF had a fall out and Nancy started her own channel, this is her replacement.

I thought (and hoped) that Nancy started MathBFF as her own project.

This new woman is much hotter, but IMO not as charismatic as Nancy.

I would never miss a lecture.

>mfw it's a trap

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Don't forget this great number theorist:

Her eyes are too far apart.

This is high school level shit tho

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Most models are weird looking. Everyone has flaws, including you with your small penis

I mean not saying I wouldn't enter her and never pull out for all eternity, but still

If you look at most models, they look weird like that bro. It makes them unique.

she's not really that hot.

I see girls this attractive around the department at my school often enough. And yes, they are grad students.

OMG she looks like nixie pixel but for maths. New videos when?

Where are all of the HOT guys that do Mathematics?
Surely the market for good looking guys teaching high school subjects also exists on Youtube.

Trap or not, (s)he's still cute.
I would go for it. Not knowing adds to the thrill.


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Yeah, but there's also that thing where if you don't know an option exists, you can't choose it.

You're literally trying to tell me what I find attractive now? That's cringy.
You don't understand. You need to get out more.
If you didn't think the post I was replying to was rapey AF, then you're not paying attention.
Oh, it's funny and it's sad at the same time.

Not just from Brazil

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Latin America has more neo-nazis than the US.

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I don't think so, that's like giving kids presents to get good grades. They will cram and forget about it a few months later.
If you want to do math (or any other science) well you got to have the autism. There are a lot of smart women but they typically complain about things when they don't go their way rather than actually obsessing and wondering about things like guys do

So, are you saying we won't have hot latina lecturers in bikinis teaching combinatorial set theory in the near future?

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Posts with Brazilian & Mexican flags are indeed very common on /pol/
Why do brown people such as italians and Spanish think they are white? Mediterraneans and hispanics aren't white.

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Dat man jaw though

If you beat them until they studied math , then yes they could. But all women will understandably take the easy road of sucking dick.

The best "girls" in STEM are cute traps with feminine Penis.

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fuck off back to

Math bff is the only reason im majoring in mathmatics.

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>Mediterraneans and hispanics aren't white.


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Anyone can be good at math.
You don't have to be ugly, or weird, or cool, or even that smart, its more just an approach to solving problems and optimizing life, which can appeal to anyone.

Cute traps are patrician tier, but this one is too manly
Pic related, Tutturu talking to best girl

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>tfw atleast 5 cute and/or hot girls every class
Studying in a shit tier european school has its benefits

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>they typically complain about things when they don't go their way rather than actually obsessing and wondering about things like guys do

Socialization + Confirmation Bias

I dream of a world where you can be taught combinatorial set theory by all kinds of sexy folk. I don't know the chances of this happening... but boy, do the numbers look good ;)

She ain't hot.

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>I don
t want to rape people
youre never gonna make it

lololol don't cut yourself on that edge, bro

math is an auxiliary science, or an assistant science.

i read a while ago the graduation statistics on math regarding male:female ratio. so it was 50:50 for germany.

thats was unusual to me, i expected clearly more guys. but math is really a more female field than most think.

engineering, especially electrical, and informatics, and car engineering, was like 90%+ guys.

but math is filled with lots of chicks, really a suprise. as said its an assistant science, so that matches chicks - assistants.

>implying she read the books in her library

>TFW qt GF is better at Chem than I am


Well, if you're just gonna be like that, there's no point arguing.

There are physical differences in the structure between male and female brains. Not everything is down to socialization, we aren't blank slates.

she is only slightly more attractive than the average non garbage girl

Look at these retards, what kind of shit tier mind do you have to have to think partaking in this is a good idea? This is why I dont have kids.

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>Yeah, but there's also that thing where if you don't know an option exists, you can't choose it.
Don´t kid yourself - every young woman brought up in western society knows that she is afforded the exact same opportunities as men. They knowingly choose less demanding careers because they subconsciously understand that a woman´s status in the workplace is not as important for attracting a suitable mate as it is for men.

>le blank slate
Did you recently arrive by time travel from the 18th century?

>assistant science
You say that as if it somehow describes the difficulty of said subject - it does not.
>thats was unusual to me, i expected clearly more guys. but math is really a more female field than most think.
The vast majority of math graduates are mediocre students who end up teaching high school math. Take a look at those who pursue a master´s degree, or PhD, without focus on teaching (i.e. without a focus on passing brainlets) - these people are almost exclusively male.

My PhD group is pretty much 50-50 as well though. In particular, my supervisor has 3 other students and they are all girls.
The cut-off exists somewhere after post-doc level.

>My PhD group is pretty much 50-50 as well though.
What is the main subject of study of your PhD group? Applied mathematics, perhaps?
>The cut-off exists somewhere after post-doc level.
For most universities, the same can be said for the post-grad level.

Lol You will never know how right you are.