I'm a cell biologist and my field is literally full of soy. Soyboys everywhere, from the chemistry faculty to physics and everything in between.
Serious question: Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/
No, this is /soy/
Fuck off to /pol/
How about you make me you fucking soyboy
What a ridiculous question.
>hurrr can TRUE chads do science???
Grow up.
I'm going to fuck your mom and beat you up/ SCIENCE SOY FAGS SOOOYYY BUG EYED BITCH TITS!
this is a very legitimate question ignore the bots
There are no chads in science. There are some pretty alpha dudes. Also chemists are rated as some of the most sought after husband material.
My bio teacher in HS always ranted about how we are experiencing the same collapse the Roman Empire felt. He was probably a neo-nazi.
back to /pol/
also sage
Short answer: yes
Long answer: the current culture of science is pretty bullshit and collectivist as evidenced by the responses you're getting here. It takes alot of self-control and repression for someone to remain masculine and self-determining in the face of such a bleak milieu. therefore even if there are those with 'chad' tendencies, they're likely well hidden and eroded so you will really just have to get to know people and find out for yourself. but there are still a few around, even despite all of the pitiful demons that have invaded.
>the current culture of science is pretty bullshit and collectivist
stopped reading here
einstein married his cousin
top tier chad and abused his son
based einstein
Academia attracts a disproportionate amount of beta males for three reasons. First, being a good schoolboy and pleasing teachers is inherently beta behavior, so school naturally filters out dominant personalities who naturally rebel. Second, academia is a SJW hell hole in all fields, and you basically know you have to keep your head low. Three, there probably is a relationships between high math IQ and low social skills and many smart guys get bullied into submission by their peers. It is a sad situation.
>why is science done by nerds?
Were you born yesterday or something?
>Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
Pic related
Many astronauts:
have PhDs & are
>Can chads and masculine people do top-tier science?
Yes, but they aren't as likely to want to because they have/had way more going for them in their youth. Awkward and bullied kids have fewer options and so spend more time on intellectual interests, which then makes them better scientists down the road. Chads rarely have a reason to invest that much effort in something like that, but if they do apply themselves there's nothing really stopping them.
And predominantly bald it seems..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the estrogen in soy have little to no effect on humans and "soyboy" is just some stupid, overblown infowars /pol/ meme?
It's a replacement for the word nu-male because nu-male lost its impact. Same thing happened with the word hipster which became the replacement word for poser.
You are either retarded or very detached from reality. Go take a look at prestigious engineering agencies or research department of any huge multibillion dollar corporation.
Pro tip: Well adjusted and successful professionals are well paid, successful and confident in their ability.
Is he natty?
Roiding just to get that would be pretty dumb.
ONLY chads can do real science
There's a reason it's called soyience. :^)
Really though get back to your containment board.