Is a technocratic government run by an emotionless AI network of brains of the best minds the most stable form of government Veeky Forums?
Is a technocratic government run by an emotionless AI network of brains of the best minds the most stable form of...
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>the best minds
what did he mean by this?
define stable
Religion is the most stable form of government
Your shitty cartoons are less clever than you think
go to fucking Wikipedia you faggot. Every thing you just wrote is a fallacy.
>religion is the most stable form of government
>looks back at the middle east
>wow those theocracies sure are stable and happy
What does "brains of the best minds" mean?
Cutting them out and suspending them in vats?
I know a f***ing imbecile who claims he's a "stable genius".
A good place to begin experimenting.
Remove the wig and the skull and reach in with tiny tweezers and...
A government by humans that doesn't consist of humans is the least stable thing possible.
Go play Deus Ex and find out
Never been tried so who fucking knows
meh middle east went 2 for 3. modern world is built on the backbone of juedo-christian values. Islam got left behind in the dust where it belongs
Actually liberal democracy probably is. At least in the present global economic environment. Theocracies, dictatorships, and the like are unstable because a few people can fuck the country up. Liberal democracy has enough layers as to not easily collapse, with the exchange of having less effective and authoritarian governance.
Wow a wild dumfph poster haven't seen one of those in sci for a while.
A decent mind is fine too. The biggest advantage of Sibyl is that it's not corrupt (because not a complete brainlet).
For a second I thought I tabbed over to a WAYWT thread
goddamn psycho pass was such a great anime. Season 2 was complete shit though
If it is competing against another technocratic government run by an emotionless AI network of brains which is superior and trying to cause it to be unstable, yes and no.
>government run by an emotionless AI network
>post network of highly emotional meat computers
>not posting true AI network
Also, to answer your question as to why it's not stable, see pic.
I think if you black box it, it would be highly vulnerable to powers of corruption. All you need is 1 bad actor posing as a maintenance man or a high level official, or a foreign power hacking it from abroad.
There is 1 huge benefit to this that you're ignoring, the ability to be 110% transparent. You could make the AI that runs your government open source freeware. Any time a citizen questions the government, they just download the program, run it on their own non-networked machine and see the results for themselves. It would instill trust in the government like nobody has ever seen before, which all governments need to function and the US in particular is running short of at the moment. Even if the AI isn't perfect all of the time, having trust is a powerful thing.
Go to /pol/
No, the best government is a psionic gestal conciousness running things.
>network of brains of the best minds
You wouldn't need the best minds for that. It is all about processing power. You could use pig brains or rat brains for all the mattered. In fact, it'd be best to simply grow brain cells and neural pathways from scratch.
loved that anime, still waiting for the Netflix live action movie
>Emotionless brains
Negro, por favor.
Emotions are essential for decision making. Without emotion, nothing has any value, so no judgement can be made.
A completely emotionless brain would be plagued by a paralysis of indifference.
Essentially, you're arguing that a severely depressed AI should be making all the decisions.- pic related.