Whats up nerds. Veeky Forums here

Whats up nerds. Veeky Forums here.
Everyone knows lifting makes you smarter.

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fuck off kike

Hulse is straight up a functional retard.

Yep. I lifted a book, and read it. It made me smarter. You should try it.

But, recent research has shown learning benefits in children who exercise, and cognitive function benefits in the elderly.

>reading books makes you smarter
keep telling yourself that you harry potter wannabe

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>recent research
I feel like this should have been discovered long ago lol.

That was a rather tongue-in-cheek dig at the Muscle Mary in the op. Sorry if that was too subtle for you.

That's true though. But roids make a you brainlet.

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, 1969, Mr Apollo:

I have seen Mr. Apollo
Uproot trees with his bare hands
I have seen Mr. Apollo's
Body building plans
He's the strongest man
The world has ever seen
And if you take his courses
He'll make you big and rough
Oh! And you can beat up bullies 'til they cry
"Oh lah! Oh, crikey! Let go, you rotter! Don't punish me!"
When you're tough, you're very fit
Your voice is rough, it sounds like grit
You are so strong, and proud of it
Thanks to Mr. Apollo
Follow Mr. Apollo
Everybody knows
He's the greatest benefactor of Mankind
Follow Mr. Apollo
Everybody knows
That a healthy body makes a healthy mind
You know! You know he's the
Strongest man
The world has ever seen
And if you take his courses
He'll make you big and rough
Uh huh, and uh, ha, you can kick the sand
Right back, in their faces!
Kick! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
When you're tough, you're very fit
Your voice is rough, it sounds like grit
You are so strong, and proud of it
Thanks to Mr. Apollo
Follow Mr. Apollo
Everybody knows
He's the greatest benefactor of Mankind
Follow Mr. Apollo
Everybody knows
That a healthy body makes a healthy mind
Follow Mr. Apollo
Everybody knows
He's the greatest benefactor of Mankind
Oh, yeah!

Look over walls!
Wrestle poodles and win!
I was once a seven stone weakling,
Now I am two separate gorillas!

well actually knowledge can help your brain improve its capacity to learn

but exercise is also great

Veeky Forums & Veeky Forums are my comfiest boards.

>muuh damage control

>reading good books gives you knowledge, making you smarter
>some Veeky Forumsard says no because he has a meme picture

The weak should fear the strong

Attached: Weak should fear the strong.jpg (607x608, 32K)

*A Veeky Forums chad mathematician blocks your path*

Attached: math chad.jpg (670x750, 104K)

HGH makes you smarter because it causes tissues in your body to grow, including your brain.

Taking the microwave door off and defrosting a pound of ground turkey while inhaling the aroma stimulates test production

Didn't he go to graduate school for engineering? I didn't think he was a mathematician.


Pietro Boselli was actually a MechE PhD student

He taught math for engineer undergrads.

t. 'World's Chadiest Math Teacher' was actually a MechE

MechE & AeroE are the chadiest STEM majors by the way

Attached: Pietro Boselli MechE PhD.png (246x280, 42K)

>Stopped lifting and browsing Veeky Forums 2 years ago
>Started browsing Veeky Forums
>Am now a drug and alcohol addict NEET

Attached: card_1fe.png (400x402, 61K)

/fitsci/ here. get on my level.

That's the way to do it
Stop making the rest of us look bad and go back to drinking

>Veeky Forums here

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Well yea I didn't need to see a picture of some model engineer to know that math wasn't the fucking chadiest stem major and that's coming from a math major. Eventually you get to a point where literally nothing matters anyway so why bother with anything just do w/e the fuck you want. Call me a cuck I just want my numbers.

>Am now a drug and alcohol addict NEET

That's what you get by reading Threads that
promote drugs as Adderall and Meth

Attached: Adderal.jpg (360x360, 23K)

It promotes activity for me. Lifting and school are all you need to win. Sometime, i think about physics when I do squats like kinetic chain, energy, gravity n whatnot.

you cant become smarter but exercise slows down decline

If reading makes you smart then why are there so many retards on Veeky Forums?

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Then why are Veeky Forums brainlets? Lmao

You mean cardio makes you smarter.

Who /fitsci/ here?
Doing double stem major and just hit 2 plate bench yesterday.
We must pursue excellence both physically and mentally.

Reading works by intelligent people discussing intelligent topics make you intelligent.

I really need to work out in the night just before sleep or else I go tired all day and cannot get myself to think about maths

is lifting truly the most efficient way to keep yourself fit? I hate it, literally any other athletic activity is more interesting but they all seem to take a lot more time

Drink a soda can after working out.

stop being a bitch, lifting is fun. Do lower weight and more reps until your form is good. Or make the much higher amount of time it takes to keep fit with other activity, idc.

depends on what your goals are
but lifting and conditioning is so base level that all athletic activities incorporate it into their training

the real god tier shit is olympic weightlifting though
it's entirely anedotal but there are several records of oly lifters with minimal training in a sport physically outperforming dedicated athletes within a week

It does and it's one of the reasons I have been lifting for about 3 years now.

>Those tiny arms
You could tell he focused all on aesthetics but likely couldn't actually lift much.

Yes. Multiple reasons but
>Lifting makes you stronger
>Permanently increases bone density
>Permanently increase muscle density
>Both of these mean you are unlikely to need a wheel chair later in life
>Decreases chances of elder relates disease including brain disease
>Helps immune system
>A work well rounded workout system also gets your heart pumping increasing stamina
>Improves every day form
>Burns a lot of fat
>In order to get gains you have to eat right which means you will be drinking proper amounts of fluids and eating healthy food in healthy doses
As someone who took 2 years off of lifting and getting back into it I can tell you that I feel far better and my mind is sharper.
Best part is proper lifting only takes 2.5 to 3 hours a week, maybe 4 if you really want to be a gym rat.

Arent you going to regret the time you spent making this thread could have been spent looking at more pictures of naked men?


Yes I am /scifit/ begin pretty nice and healthy.

I’m 37. Been lifting 2-3 times a week for 10 years. Lifting is fuckin magic. All the guys my age are fat sacks of shit with back problems and limp dicks.

I don’t hardly get sick. I can still move around almost as good as my early twenties. My pecker doesn’t need pills. And I’d like to think I look good naked. Keep lifting fellas, it pays big dividends later on.

I believe anything that increases blood flow would make you smarter as it would give your brain access to more energy.

nah thats not how neurons work pinhead

Does the Brain not need blood or something?

It really depends on the book

David Eagleman - Incognito
Dan Areilly - Predictably Irrational
Someone - Thinking Fast and Slow

>Everyone knows lifting makes you smarter.
Then explain Veeky Forums

Yes, but just giving it more blood will have marginal effects. To train the brain you don't only have to work hard, but work smart as well.

If all you do is idiot tier busywork, all yoi train is doing busywork. Then, there is no challenge. If you challenge yourself in excercise, you won't improve. I hope Veeky Forums knows this, at least.

True Rennaisance man. I should go work out more often. The body of an athelete that does both running and throwing heavy balls is pretty close to perfect imo

Some do make you retarded, not all of them.

The ultimate redpill is /fitsci/

isnt that supposed to go the other way around?


Lmao actually completely your damage control retard

Lol just admit it, youre retarded

Here's why you hate it...

1. You eat before you workout

2. You go to the treadmill first. Useless piece of shit machines that fuck up your gait.

3. Doing aerobics. No. No. You're going straight for lifting, you're not diverting energy towards a routine that gives you little gain in comparison to weight lifting

4. Trying to do sets super fast. You only get muscle based on (1) Myostatin and (2) Muscles being torn to shreds. You can't alter #1 at this point of mainstream science. Even if you could, it'd be a devil's bargain because it also builds up heart muscle.

>What's wrong with that

Imagine a pipe that adds layers inwards and, over time, gets blocked. The dark side of having too much myostatin.

#2 is what weight lifting is for. If you're trying to go super fast, you're letting two forces do the work for you. Gravity and Momentum. Your muscles can't get shredded unless they do the work.

>So what do I do

A set of 4 on low weights. Mostly to prepare yourself and to adjust and recognize proper alignment and form. Then you go for a max. You're not looking for a weight number, you're looking at a physical mass which is heavy enough to force failure in 2-4 reps and which you can still maintain control of the weight for form.

If you do that, you'll put in more muscle shredding work while increasing balance in a shorter period of time.

5. You set days aside for particular muscle groups. Time sounds like your greatest excuse and I understand. But you only need 2.5 hours of lifting a week. 3x 50 minutes per session. Just tire out a shitload of different muscles. Never ignore your legs, back, and abs. Getting the back helps immensely in maintaining proper posture. You don't want to be the world's most muscley quasimodo.


And controlling, back to starting position, the weight with proper form shreds more muscle in a shorter amount of time then your average gym rat. As said before, it helps you get finer control over the form and movement of your weight. Because you're not letting gravity and momentum steal the work from you.

And never, never try to "impress friends" with a stupid stunt. You're a faggot until you can do a 400lb deadlift. You don't have the right to peacock strength until you do so.

>be retarded
>lift a fuckload
>be full ottermode natty gains zyzz rich piana
>suddenly MENSA material
seems legit

I bet you do it just to see the other guys at the gym, faggots

>he doesn't want to be the boss of this gym
What are you, a faggot?

How do you guys organize study time and gym? I mean when I workout I get tired as shit and think think. This has made me workout less frequently than I wanted.

*Can't think properly

I only do push-up, squats and crunch.

this, man. I did mech eng but now I'm 25 and realizing I want to do physics. Fuck it, it's what feels right.

this seems opposite of what most people say. If you work out in the morning it gives you a feeling of accomplishment that you can carry throughout the day to continue studying/ working.

People who read books have a higher IQ on average than people who don't.

Arms small. Face ugly. Looks like a sad dog and an Italian did a fusion dance.

different people have different reactions retard.

Not a brainlet don't have to study in uni kek

I don't hate it because I'm too stupid to do it,I hate it because it's much less interesting than doing something outdoors, playing a sport, etc. obviously I'm not excited at the prospect of riding an exercise bike either.

I am too scared to go to the gym

why? nobody cares about you in the gym.

To truly be a GigaChad, you have to have genius level IQ and a herculean physique, then use these things to become wealthy and powerful as well. If you are not brilliant, fit, rich, and powerful, you are a failure.

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Increased blood flow to the brain after working out, sounds good to me. At least it would make you marginally more alert.

who /scifit/ here? Max comfy.
Interdasting thred. Bumping.

Don't worry user, His spirit will be with you
And on a serious note, literally nobody cares about you there

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>tfw no more /fitlit/
April 1st is in a few days, maybe it will come back

Attached: fitlit perfect grill.jpg (845x523, 89K)

I go to the gym right after school/work and then give myself an hour break before studying.

>genius level IQ and a herculean physique
>wealthy and powerful as well.
>brilliant, fit, rich, and powerful

t. ÜberMensch

Be Dolph Lundgren

Masters in ChemE from University of Sydney in 1982
1980 European champion in Karate
He received a Fulbright scholarship to MIT, but he dropped out the PhD.
He starred in Rocky IV as the Soviet boxer Ivan Drago.
Since then, he has starred in more than 40 films, almost all of them in the action genre.

Attached: Dolph Lundgren.jpg (620x701, 63K)

you forgot that he's also 6'4"

Yea. Stephen Hawking was really ripped.

I know he has it fucking all

Dolph Lundgren still very even with 60 years old

His muscles are perhaps more ripped now with 60 yo than in his 20s.

Attached: Dolph Lundgren then&now.jpg (1280x720, 81K)