So how did this retarded ass shit get into schools?

So how did this retarded ass shit get into schools?

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In the 1990s schools started adopting standardized testing to judge teacher performance, leading to 10+ different standards. The Federal government realized the possibilities and then passed the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002, which mandated standardized testing and tied funding to it. There was then 50 different standards, the solution to which was by creating one standard - the Common Core which was more or less forced on all K12s in 2013.

Does this answer your question OP.

But how does such a backwards ass method of computation get put into schools?

because it was already there, nobody noticed because it didn't have a name. It worked fine for it's purpose and not taken out of context like most people do on the Internet.

This isn't to defend the CC though. It effectively centralizes national education into one office, destroying the ability for local schools to teach what they want. This is bad and only lends itself to abuse, just look at who's President.

trump wasn't a product of nor voted in by common core students

What exactly is common core and where does the weird math come in?

You just split the numbers up to make addition simpler then add everything back together, there are some really stupid examples though, and it's entirely unnecessary.

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I feel dumb, what's the 11 1 doing?

They're just trying to teach number sense

thats 2 tens

its actually a lot better in terms of math curriculum. Its about time we stop bringing this down and carrying that. Long division is abysmal. Common Core actually gives kids a fundamental idea of what it means to divide one number by another.

there's literally nothing wrong with cc

Long Division is fine, but at this point I just multiply the number by a decimal to do the same thing.

Actually I don't even remember how to do long division.

How do you know its "fine" then? It really isn't. Its a hack and a baroque one at that.


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>It effectively centralizes national education into one office, destroying the ability for local schools to teach what they want.

CC is the bare minimum though fora school to adhere to. If a state school wants to go above that it's up to them.

The real retarded shit, was mainstreaming the disabled students. Used to be the mentally defective and slow went to their own classes. Now they're mixed in with the general population.

There's nothing wrong with it. Going through addition problems in convoluted ways is to help you understand how addition works.

now try to do the common core method on a time attack with only 5 minutes for 50 additions

the negroes, spictards, and the genderfluid fuckfaces needed a way to keep the whores of government taxes sucking the life from the nation, so tardworks CC was devised - passing retards due to general lack of discipline and morality for the payday bucks has become top priority, importing shit at higher and higher illegal rates causes the exponentially increasing speed - prepare for gender fluid neutral eubo-spanish rap reading, etc...

People who complain about CC math are people who don't understand math and basically treated it in school as a memorization class

Is CC math fast and simple? no and no
and that's the way it should be to LEARN the fundamentals of math and build a stable foundation for harder math

Once you understand, memorizing simple shortcuts is meaningless

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Doesn't even teach RPN. The Chad of math.

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I remember when I was graduating high school they had us take a practice exam because they were implementing it the next year. We all took it as a joke and I remember one kid going on pornhub

>now try to do the common core method on a time attack
Why would you?


>and that's the way it should be to LEARN the fundamentals of math and build a stable foundation for harder math
If only CC actually helped with that.

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Common Core is a set of standards and goals. It does not define the specific methods used to meet the learning goals. Your problem is with shitty textbook authors, not Common Core.

Also it's how you do math in your head anyway, it's not stupid.

>This isn't to defend the CC though. It effectively centralizes national education into one office, destroying the ability for local schools to teach what they want.
schools teaching whatever they want is how we ended up with west virginia schools dropping their standards through the floor to boost their graduation rates with the effect that everyone who goes to college has to take remedial courses in everything to catch up

Who cares, everyone knows public school is shit. This is targeted to hurt children of based red states by making them all graduate with worse grades. It's about the grades, not the content.

And that's half as terrible

You can't keep recreating the simple into the complex for retards, and keep hoping the retarded can finally get the simplest of concepts, all so that you can get your god damned teacher tax money and help the poor oppressed idiots pass, while you piss on the rest that are smart enough to immediately acquire the concepts by the old method.

You're dumbing down and slowing down the entire group so the retards can play "equal", which they of course never achieve. It's a new modern crime. Consider putting the moron and retards back where they belong, in the remedial dumb as shit class with each other, and letting the gifted achieve. This, is now, considered "unfair", as everyone must coddle the tards, in every movement, in every way, in every "lesson".

wut the fuck ?

What's the cc meme and why do burgers seem to flip over it?

I guess this is modular arithmetic? "hidden partners" means inverses? I don't know what those circles are for or what a "number bond" is.
this guy makes a good point. local jurisdiction also gets us bullshit like red state schools cutting out evolution
yeah looking back this is what bothers me, the teachers never taught towards the smart kids

that wouldn't surprise me at all after seeing this fbi and doj psycho felony marauding...
not like it used to be where sanity flowed from the fed gov - something one could be proud of...

The public school I went to in leafland had a sort of no child left behind policy until high school, where math split into 4 streams/levels. The result was:
>teachers dumbing down class so everyone could pass
>smart kids do fine with no work
>smart kids don't learn discipline
>they get to highschool
>do ok, but not well because they never study
>school declares that all is well because average on final exams was a pass
>kids get to college
>get slaughtered because they have no discipline and never learned how to "read" a math book

Getting a national minimum standard that college instructors can expect and work with is better that the "just pass them lmao", but it could be streamlined for the non-idiots too.

So the answer to "our schools are shit" is "we shouldn't try to improve them"? That's fucking dumb.

exactly, the result is a dumbing down overall heading toward the lowliest idiot, never gets there, but stupidity is increased

that's what they've claimed they were doing, and instead they destroyed them
at some point you have to wake up
you got played dozens of time already, when do you get smarter ?

I don't really understand why people blame public institutions for the faluts of the corrupt hoarders who fuck over said institutions with shit policies that only function to fill their own pockets.
And by "don't understand" I mean stop voting red while they plung your ass repeatedly.

>not like it used to be where sanity flowed from the fed gov - something one could be proud of...
"When I was a boy, the imperial walls used to make me feel safe."

>I don't really understand why people blame public institutions for the faults of the corrupt hoarders who fuck over said institutions with shit policies that only function to fill their own pockets.
Because they're inseparable?

We've separated gods and Kings, yet you think school can't be separated from policies?

>waaaaaah why can't I reliably offload the responsibility of parenting my spawn to the state.
A variety of private schools exist to serve your needs, most of which are less shit than public schooling. Homeschooling exists for those that can't afford that, contrary to popular belief it's not just an education path exclusive to young earth creationist retard families.

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Man I wish I lived in your fantasy. Sounds pretty great.

they're not inseparable at all.


well, not nothing wrong but its a major improvement

>everyone knows public school is shit
well apparently yours was.

saying public schools are shit is a useless complaint and without context its meaningless. public schools produce more scientists and mathematicians than private schools. private schools are ran like military barracks. so, relative to private school, no they arent shit.

>This is targeted to hurt children of based red states by making them all graduate with worse grades.
wouldnt be a right winger without a victim complex.

sorry cletus, you cant flunk math exams and pull As anymore. thoughts & prayers for you.

>you can get your god damned teacher tax money and help the poor oppressed idiots pass, while you piss on the rest that are smart enough to immediately acquire the concepts by the old method.

if youre too dumb to get in the honors classes, thats on you. i was in every honor and AP class except history. never had this problem.

"muh teacher tax money" mhm. i bet you hate that foreign students are better prepared than a lot of US students too. yet you want to further cut compensation of our teachers. wanna know how i know youre a flyover?

sorry that you were too dumb for the honors classes. thoughts & prayers.

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How about the context is that school only exists to give a massive bureaucratic class pensions and that public school kids will never have the same affinity/networking that private schools promote.

There's a reason why virtually all public schools allow cell phones and why the most elite silicon valley privates DON'T allow personal electronics.

>sorry cletus, you cant flunk math exams and pull As anymore. thoughts & prayers for you.

You stupid fucking idiot. Public schools are mass daycare and they waste the cognitive computation of millions upon millions of children on irrelevant bullshit.

> private schools are ran like military barracks

You mean they take out distractions and enable kids to learn? Woooahhhh man that's fucked up.


>if youre too dumb to get in the honors classes, thats on you. i was in every honor and AP class except history. never had this problem.

Honors and AP are only taken by a minority of students. Most public school kids have to deal with the fuckups of retarded adults. And imagine if you're poor and get free breakfast/lunch. What a shitty diet they slop onto children.


Not to mention that the selection of honors and AP varies from school to school to the point where a lot of them don't have much other than 2 or 3 classes.

But that's okay, just double down on your retarded perspective that never examined all the fucked up systems that converge on "public schools" whether it be the mass misappropriation of money on administrative positions, perks, and pensions, or on shitty food that's bound to prep you for pre-diabetes. Or 11,000+ schools that haven't tested for lead in their drinking water....

yeah because honors classes are so much better, still taught by a retard on still at a curriculum rate that is laughable compared to what children are capable of if given the opportunity and environment. My grade 9 ap math was linear equations and we spent half of the time on y=mx+b just spamming equations and graphs with no lecture time.

Just came into this thread. You idiots are honestly have no idea why common core is useful. I'm a huge proponent of common core. It's simple and merit based.

What the fuck are you supposed to do? What the fuck do you propose in order to change it? Common core established a COMMON core of topics students should learn and understand before leaving high school. How on earth is that a bad thing? And then people are against standardized tests for a means of evaluation? What the fuck, how are you against standardized tests? How else are you supposed to evaluate students?????

You guys JUST DON'T GET IT. This is a public school system. They don't have all the money in the world. If you want a private school education, as you suggest, maybe you should spend 5k a year sending your child to a private school. Oh, and maybe give them a school uniform so their life sucks a bit more. You think shoving every kid on earth into a private school will suddenly fix everything? Try it and within 5 years (after you've gained enough experimental data, of course), then you'll see all those "retards" from public school are still retards in the newly heavily flooded private schools that are all of a sudden underfunded or their prices have quadrupled. God, you morons fucking infuriate me. Common core is not perfect, but it does a damn good job of providing a strong basis of education for students across the entire country of millions upon millions of students.

And then you're complaining about the school lunches? Dude, are you fucking stupid? Now they're supposed to have gourmet 10$ lunches every day, catered to their individual interests? Give me a fucking break. Go be a moron somewhere else.

>Parents giving their age 6-14 year old a 1 thousand dollar smart phone because reasons
Modern society is sickening.

>This is a public school system. They don't have all the money in the world.
The only reason this is true is because the electorate is ok with it. Basing an argument around "this is the best we can do" when its in your control to change the circumstance is utterly retarded.
> school uniform so their life sucks a bit more
Yeah it must suck having an equalizer so that kids from poor families have one less vulnerable vector for social pressure.
>And then you're complaining about the school lunches
There have literally been cases where the food supplied to schools was rotten and inedible, and just to play on american culture : other cases where the food was rated unacceptable for prisons. Tacitly that means society cares more about the quality of life of convicts than school children.

You said it best yourself.
>Go be a moron somewhere else.

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>school only exists to give a massive bureaucratic class pensions
>Public schools are mass daycare
ah you mustve been in the remedial courses with the other tards who unironically wore full camo outfits everyday. guess you need to blend in so a bear doesnt attack you in the lunchroom.

>virtually all public schools allow cell phones and why the most elite silicon valley privates DON'T allow personal electronics
wtf are you even saying. cell phones are not what makes a school good or bad. the absolute state of flyover education

>You mean they take out distractions

uh no. i mean the teachers have massive authoritarian complexes and have fetishes to bark orders, demand submission and punish kids for wrong answers.
isnt it so funny that the """"freedom fighters"""" apologize for schools that have no freedom? almost as if theyre actually authoritarian losers.

>Honors and AP are only taken by a minority of students.
like i said, if you arent smart enough to get in, thats your fault. you dont even need to be that smart, your parents can call and get you in.
i mean here you are bitching about schools and cell phones but you didnt even make the effort to get in honors classes
>whether it be the mass misappropriation of money on administrative positions, perks, and pensions
objectively false. gas station cashiers make as much as school teachers in several states. its not much better in the others.
as far as admins go, yeah there are some corrupt ones. especially if youre in a state that guts regulations on it.
if you think public school admins are overpaid, wait til you see how much private school admins make

its just so funny you worship private schools when theyre just embezzlement fronts for the wealthy """""school choice""""" pigs like devos

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>or on shitty food that's bound to prep you for pre-diabetes.
thanks, reagan.
luckily obama started the healthy food initiative. too bad republicans are trying to end it.

>yeah because honors classes are so much better, still taught by a retard on still at a curriculum rate that is laughable compared to what children are capable of if given the opportunity and environment
you know you can take initiative and learn on your own, right? libraries exist.
im sure youre the next feynman just waiting to have a breakthrough any day now. since youre so smart and all.

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Americans only care about children when they're still in the womb. After they're out, they don't care again until the kid is old enough to fuck.

>luckily obama started the healthy food initiative. too bad republicans are trying to end it.

"healthy food" Let me guess, it's based around unplatable vegetables and fruits. They'll also add "whole grain" bread to it, as if it does anything than add fiber. And little high-fat low-carb food.

Let me guess, you've never known what it feels to let Leptin do its hormonal magic.

I agree with this roast post

>Yeah it must suck having an equalizer so that kids from poor families
thinks uniforms help poor kids when poor kids cant afford private school to begin

the absolute state of flyover remedials

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You mean the fucking retard who replied back
"wtf are you even saying. cell phones are not what makes a school good or bad. the absolute state of flyover education"

Not realizing that private educators recognize that personal electronics sap students of focus, attention, and will in going over material and learning from it.

Instead he just spewed some irrelevant ad hominem against flyover states despite the fact I LIVE IN FUCKING SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO (depends where work takes me). I grew up in fucking Los Angeles.

>I'm a huge proponent of common core.
Pic related is for you.

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>luckily obama started the healthy food initiative.
I gotsta git me suma dat obamagrub. danks obongo

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Uhhh... you fuckin stupid? All of the teachers I knew demanded students weren't on their phones during lecture. Also, have you never seen teachers with those phone pockets requiring students to put their phone at the front of the class until it ends? Can't believe you can be so ignorant.

Not an argument. Can you support your ad hominem attack?

>thinks uniforms help poor kids

They do help poor kids! Do you how much stupid peacocking and disruptive shit would be shut down by forcing kids to be "different" in their actions and not by buying some shitty $300 sneaker wearing some shitty $200 Beats (worthless pieces of shit)?

1) You can pack your own lunches if you want
2) That's not a normal lunch. Gotta love the cherrypicking.
3) School lunches are 'cheap' because they have to be. Students need to be able to afford them.

>Uhhh... you fuckin stupid? All of the teachers I knew demanded students weren't on their phones during lecture. Also, have you never seen teachers with those phone pockets requiring students to put their phone at the front of the class until it ends? Can't believe you can be so ignorant.

What county and area did you grow up in? I grew up in Los Angeles and holy shit, all the public schools are zoos and anarchy. Schools where the teacher can't assume the class will listen to jack shit and chimp out.

You realize this kills creativity, right? Can students not be unique/creative with their personalities anymore? Gotta spend all night after school ironing their school uniforms so Ms. Sarah knows what everybody is wearing that day?

>Not an argument. Can you support your ad hominem attack?
Yeah, people like you are fucking worthless. You probably think we went to the moon and that Hitler was the greatest evil in the world.

Btw, you're a girl. Only fags, retards, and women type "Uhhh...". Get back in the kitchen because you don't understand the fucked up dynamics of public school systems.

Ohio, where the education is done right.

Germany has the best educational system. They separate kids into ability tiers at high school level.

We have a janky version of that with our AP system, as well as "advanced classes".

Wearing clothes =/= being creative.

The point is to have uniforms in public schools and to have those uniforms provided by the government. How can you be this retarded?


>You realize this kills creativity, right?

Are you fucking dumb? Fashion is not "creativity". Playing around with increasingly complex mental models is creativity. Creativity you rob when students try to enter in the social hierarchy by wearing retarded shit.

In a world of rational individuals, I'd get your point. Most people aren't rational and most people aren't unique individuals.

This is actually incredibly salient given how out of the developed world abortion and planned parenthood is only a hot button issue in america but they also have to worry about getting shot going to their underfunded daycare.

>Playing around with increasingly complex mental models is creativity
lol, found the antisocial high school loser. I found a ton of freedom in wearing whatever I wanted to school everyday. If I wanted to wear shorts, I could do that. If I wanted to wear baggy stuff, I could do that. If I was in a rush, I could just throw whatever I wanted together. Girls are probably better at this, but they can dress to express how they're feeling. Maybe you just don't understand what creativity means

Refer to the above.

Ok then why dont we get rid of schools because there is the internet and libraries. Whats that you say? No one would do any work because people are lazy fucks? Dont be such an idiot.

Yeah exactly, now go eat a tide pod for common core.

you are so stupid it's hilarious lol
maybe we SHOULD change common core after all, it produces zombie retards like you :)

Nope...I went to private school :)


>Girls are probably better at this, but they can dress to express how they're feeling.
What feeling is conveyed by skin tight yoga pants that show the contours of a girl's ass? I'm so happy I went to high school in the early 00s and only ever had a keyboard phone. Between the new cultural obsession with social media, the touch screen pocket computer "phones", and the girls dressed like strippers, I'm afraid I would have done even worse in high school than I did (if only you knew me, you'd find it hard to believe that were possible).

I happen to agree with Creative people will always find ways to express themselves. If you feel you lack the ability to express yourself without trendy swag from Hot Topic, you're probably not a creative person anyway.

So what about the emo/goth people? You think it's fine to just constrict them? That doesn't kill their creativity in attire?

I can never understand how a girl in yoga pants distracts somebody from class. Like, "Stacy is wearing yoga pants, damn dude, I might fail this class now". Come on now... yoga pants don't do shit. If yoga pants are the sole reason for a guy failing a course or an exam, then they have bigger problems in terms of concentration that will already fuck up their adult life.

Times are changing, grandpa. You don't need to be a prude with no social life to concentrate on your classes. Not saying you are, but that's what you entailed in your post.

>materialism is creativity
>materialism is individuality

>I can never understand how a girl in yoga pants distracts somebody from class.
Are you kidding?

>I can never understand how a girl in yoga pants distracts somebody from class.
I'm not saying it will literally make you fail your class but I have no doubt it is somewhat distracting and also probably fucks with social dynamics. Would you be totally cool if your boss came to work in a speedo and you got a glimpse of his bulge every time you talk to him or look his way?

Why don't you tell me this: why can't I wear shorts to work, but underage girls can go to school with their faces painted and wearing "pants" that show cameltoe? Why are students, who probably need guidance the most out of any of us, for some reason exempt from any sort of dress code restriction when it is the norm in everyday situations?

>Times are changing, grandpa. You don't need to be a prude with no social life to concentrate on your classes. Not saying you are, but that's what you entailed in your post.

Yeah, times are changing but I doubt that humans nature has fundamentally changed since 2004. The only reason this slutty behavior is tolerated is because of shrill feminist screeches and political meddling in education.

>So what about the emo/goth people? You think it's fine to just constrict them? That doesn't kill their creativity in attire?
Oh no! Somebody think of the teenage cringe subcultures!

Riddle me this my guy: why must girls attend school in tights that show the contours of their ass? Why are they compelled to be "creative" in this way in an educational institution?

It's not my business what people do on their own time, but why must these individuals have the right to dress this way in school?

Maybe we shouldn't have any rules at all lest they limit the freedom of children with underdeveloped brains to follow their impulses.

Your speedo analogy isn't accurate. They're not nude. Yoga pants are essentially just tight pants. Sometimes, it doesn't look pleasant on a girl, producing the cameltoe. Also, those underage girls with their faces painted are equivalent to any adult female painting their face; what's wrong with that? If they want to be ugly, let them go ahead and do it. Yoga pants are a lazy fashion choice, but they're pants nonetheless if worn properly. Lastly, those 'lack of' dress code violations don't exist in real life. They only exist in a work environment where everybody is supposed to be professionally equipped with their attire. Even then, there is a lot of freedom in what you can wear. However, in client-facing roles, you obviously want to dress proper. In coding environments, a lot of companies don't care if you wear shorts and a graphic tee every day of the year if you want.

Refer to two posts above yours. Are you really going to fail a class or midterm because Stacy is wearing yoga pants? Really man? Sure, I look every now and then, but I can still focus on schoolwork....

I mean, sure, yoga pants are suggestive. There are many news stories about schools banning yoga pants. While I was attending high school, this rule wasn't in place. However, I think it was finally applied about a year or two ago for the reason of being suggestive. Naturally, the females threw a fit because they think it's fine to show off their ass, but you're right to an extent. However, if we ban yoga pants, a somewhat normal thing to wear, what else do we ban next? The list could go on and on. It makes sense to allow them for students. Plus, in real life, girls in yoga pants exist everywhere. If you want high school to be less sheltered, why not allow them more freedom while they have the chance?

>If you want high school to be less sheltered,
But that's not what I want. Maybe students in high school could benefit from being taught to exercise self-restraint and act with the same professionalism that is inevitably going to be expected from them when they enter the workforce.

Yes, girls with yoga pants exist everywhere in real life, but there are places and situations in which that attire is not appropriate. As I said, anyone is free to where what they want on their own time and thus, I struggle to find the gross offense in restricting what students can where to class.

>Plus, in real life, girls in yoga pants exist everywhere.
One step at a time, this should be cracked down on as well. There is an acceptable and even healthy level of authoritarianism required for any society wishing to endure the ages.

*free to wear


I can agree with both of you now.