How come science caters to bullshit?

How come science caters to bullshit?

Look at all of this crap from "prestigious" universities such as Harvard. Remember when it was something to strive for? Who would want to attend this shitty liberal school now?

The world is doomed if we lose science to deluged mental cases.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh the humanity!

Universities tend to be progressive, get over it.

>Remember when it was something to strive for?

That "strive" was artificially induced. Once State Schools started to become common it became very apparent that prestigious schools biggest asset was legacy, connections and enough private gibs to attract high acclaim researchers.

Do yourself a favor and stop bitching about already.

>shut up and take it in the butt, goy!


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isn't that the scientific consensus, though?

Don't forget to take your soy supplements before going to bed

your picture isnt relatable at all

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What is this, progressivism for ants?

leftypol can't meme if their life depended on it.

i dont get it
being able to "meme" is something to be proud of in 2018?
i have a lot to learn



Here is some more sources to piss OPenis off.

ughh c'mon it's 2018 people

Not at all.

>he has lived as both.
For fucks sake, he hasn't. If he wore dresses, high heels and refered to him as she it didn't change his brain, hormone balance and other differences between man and woman. He hasn't lived as a man and a woman, he lived as a man and a man in women's clothes

lol this, the chromosomes ENRAGE the 'trans'tards. No amount of scrubbing is going to get the ys out.

Of course there's a neurological basis, how could you explain behavior if not with the brain? Are you implying some behavior is caused by magical processes like a soul?

So you say that University New students are turning into a bunch of gender queer, cock sucking, dildo addict Faggots.

In few years Unis will promote Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality and AIDS acceptance... Oh wait they already promote it.

Harvard now

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At which does being progressive went against knowledge, science, reason, logic and even basic decency?


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>Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.

Traps become effeminate by Estrogen intake, Testosterone blocking drugs and Chemical Castration.
Traps are not born that way. And the DNA inside the Chromosomes won't change

bottom text

If you get offended by anybody burning anything then you're a brainlet.

They're not wrong. Science still cannot decide if mathematics is a universal truth or an invention of man for crying out loud. So everything we could possibly know about the universe could just end up being one of the massive lies of the universe.

But how, pray tell, does that debunk anything that trained educated professionals discovered?

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>being able to "meme" is something to be proud of?
>being able to generate spreadable ideas and relatable concepts is something to be proud of?
>being able to relate and intuit other people's perceptions is something to be proud of?
>being able to have a skill that reproduction is precedented on is something to be proud of?
yeah you do you have a lot to learn

Which academy did you graduate from?

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Unabomber is the GOAT

What are these, queers for ants?

fuck you, OP

i clicked image to look for cute lesbians and the image didn't get much bigger

fuck you

"Science" and "scientists" ar two different things.

"Science" is a mental tool to, as much as is humanly possible, compensate for our human tendency to be led astray by a wide array of modes of fallacious thinking.

"Scientists" are humans, dedicated to using that tool, but by no means made perfect by it. They suffer from the same fallacies, delusions and errors as the rest of us, and as they sometimes depart from pure science and allow their human prejudices to influence them.

Literally always, pick any example from history. Additionally define basic decency.

>"Science" is a mental tool

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people who worry about this don't have the rigor to worry about this, people who'd have the rigor to do so, don't worry about this.

The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.

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Someone's buttmad about getting in
Harvard is still something to strive for, it's one of the best universities in the world. If you wouldn't go there because of some gay club, you're more of a faggot than the people in your pic

*not getting in

>get over it

this is the most faggoty phrase ever, I would fucking break your fucking face If I see you you fucking meek

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>tfw you have become a living meme

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Most (((scientists))) are low-T nu-male virgins.

Patronizing liberalism like that is just a way to keep dumb liberals oppressed.
"Hey guys, look at aaaallllllll theeeessee courses for your opinions that mean nothing in the real world. Look at all these famous people talking about it. That could be ¡!~you~!¡"
That way even if they fail being the hundredths of a percent of people chosen to keep up the facade they don't boycott it since they don't have any good argument for it.

Universities know those people are going nowhere. Why not make money off it at least.

Who fucking cares, their collage students that don't have any power. I bet you were on a similar level of retarded when you were in collage, be honest.

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why would this piss anyone off
>If you get offended by anybody burning anything then you're a brainlet.
hmmmmmm anything? :^)
pence get the petrol

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The only people who would be pissed at this are in insecure poltards that can't handle that truth.

>u cant kno nuffin
>but u can kno that u cant kno nuffin

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Let me guess, a "scientific" social studies paper that hasn't been published in any significant journal or cited by anyone with a fucking brain.

>fake Veeky Forums filenames
Holy christ go back


This article is funnier than a racialist blog.

>It would be remiss to claim to be able to define or categorize all variations in human sexuality and gender (hence the continually lengthening acronyms used, sometimes tongue in cheek, by the community); one of the larger acronyms, LGBTQQIAAP, still humbly accepts that it is not all-inclusive.


Attached: ef5.jpg (500x374, 3K)

>shut up and take it in the butt, goy!

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Gender Studies 101 - Introduction to Anal Sex
Gender Studies 110 - Basic Fellatio
Gender Studies 112 - AIDS acceptance
Gender Studies 121 - Bestiality Lab1: Dogs
Gender Studies 131 - Hormonal Therapy

Gender Studies 201 - Gender Fluid Mechanics
Gender Studies 202 - Dildos and Sex Toys
Gender Studies 210 - Child Sex Education
Gender Studies 221 - Bestiality Lab2: Pigs
Gender Studies 230 - Chemistry of Estrogen
Gender Studies 240 - Pole Dance

Gender Studies 301 - Quantum Gender Theory
Gender Studies 302 - Group Sex Lab
Gender Studies 311 - Exhibitionism
Gender Studies 312 - Bestiality Lab3: Horses
Gender Studies 320 - Advanced Fellatio

Gender Studies 401 - Bisexuality
Gender Studies 402 - Chemical Castration
Gender Studies 410 - Fisting and Extreme Insertions
Gender Studies 411 - BDSM Lab
Gender Studies 412 - Golden Shower
Gender Studies 421 - Educating the next Generation

*Gender Studies 140 - Crossdressing

Gender Studies 330 - History of Fagottry

>Gender Studies 101 - Introduction to Anal Sex

Hello students. Welcome to Harvard. My name is Ellen Dickman, Genderqueer & Professor of Gender Studies.

My specialty is Anal Sex, probably the favorite subject of many of you.

All students must bring their Dildos and Lubrication to the Exams.

*Puts a huge horse dildo on the table*

Sometime I will pick one of you students to do a practical demonstration with my dildo in front of all the class.

Don't be shy. Becoming shameless is essential for your future career.

So relax and welcome to Harvard university.

Is there something wrong with my filenames, pray tell?

[spoiler]It's called the upload from URL feature that comes with Veeky Forums X, newfag.[/spoiler]

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Someone is mad that his application to one of the prestigious institutions was denied so they make fun of said institution. This is a common trait found among the alt-autistic. As someone who has studied at Harvard in the field of Cuckology, I can confirm this.

Then why, pray tell, are you so upset?

>Unironically endorsing memes as a good form of communication

Don't American college students literally have to take a bunch of useless units do "diversify" them?

Honestly, it's a cultural thing. In 100 years, the things mainstream society fundamentally find offensive and desirable will change again. This is the nature of life.

I would bet my life that in 50 years "science" won't mean the same thing. I guarantee that science itself will be critiqued and the general consensus will be that science is too "white" and not inclusive enough of various cultures and other traditional forms of reasoning. Scientific proofs will come to include things like voodoo magic. People will read this and laugh now but they won't be laughing in 50 years.

But I'll be a hermit, living in my self-sufficient monastery that I built by then so I don't care. Let the masses do what they want.

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What if scientists of the future comprise mostly of people of color? Would it still be called "too white"?

Also, science has always had an up and down consciousness with the general public. From thinking the world's answers lie with science to depictions of mad scientists who play God. It has always bounced between such positive and negative receptions.

you'll make better money as a decent plumber than you would as a Harvard graduate with a PhD in African Dancing or whatever the fuck they teach in those propaganda mills nowadays.

You misunderstand.

I mean that the logic of science and the history of universities stems from primarily European civilization. Therefore, people will claim that the logic of science is invalid because it did not evolve with influence from a diverse enough range of cultures. This will mean scientific logic and evidence is invalid and will have to incorporate various cultural conceptions of how to find truth.

See this:

You spend too much time on the internet and/or watching the local news too much.

When this bullshit starts influencing the faculty getting hired I can’t just “get over it”. I honestly don’t care that they do all this diversity BS so long as it’s for show, but once they actually lower the standards on both ends (faculty and studentry) then it’s a problem. This isn’t to discredit current Professors, but if this shit keeps getting pushed then it’ll be understandable when people question the credentials of certain professors (e.g. what affirmative action has done with students).

Joke school, rich lawyers buy their son's business degree there and then give generous "donations" to the faculty every now and then.

Those professors would still have more credibility than you, a neckbearded fat virgin who posts on Veeky Forums to make himself seem credible.

>tfw Muslim, Indonesian, female math tutor who can't competently speak or understand English
>She literally just reads the worksheet given each week in front of the class then writes the answer on the board and says "get it?"
>Someone asks her a question and she doesn't understand so she asks him what he means 5 times before answering a question that wasn't asked
>She makes mistakes on the board that confuse people until someone points out that she fucked up so she just erases it

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/leftypol/ can't suck dick if their life depended on it. Did you see the video of its tranny admin making disgusting pig snorts and nearly throwing up while sucking off a homo fag?

Citation needed.


Can you, pray tell, prove that mathematics is a universal truth?

There's one sitting in the White House right now :^)

I have one cracker, I get five more crackers, I then add these two cracker groups together, now I have 6 (six) crackers

Gender Studies can't answer properly one of the greatest philosophical questions of our time:


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Yes, they are. Traps are just anime girl heads on top of shota bodies, which are by definition homosexual.

That is call arithmetic which is only one aspect of mathematics.

And how, pray tell, does Donald Trump relate to "rich lawyers buying their son's business degrees from Harvard"?

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That would make them bisexual and not homosexual.

>claims to like science
>except when it confirms things he doesn't like

>Body of a male and a few feminine facial features

U retarded boy ?

Are you not attracted to both the masculine body and the feminine facial features, pray tell?

when did we start to let /pol/ raid us so easily?

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What if your mom got burnd?

By that logic, fucking twinks is bisexual

Broadly speaking, people fall into one of two types.

Providers and Takers.

The Providers create. They make stuff that people want. They innovate, they invent, they fix, they organize, they optimize, they make, they provide essential skills and services to other Doers.

The Takers merely consume what the Providers create and sometimes, not always, serve as useful labor to carry out the goals of the Providers.

The Providers create the vast majority of useful goods and services. This in turn gives them wealth, prestige and power. The reason they have more is axiomatic to the Providers. They would be puzzled if asked why this situation exists, for the reasons to them are self evident.

The Takers usually occupy the lower strata of society. They are less wealthy, and less respected. They are usually incapable of understanding their position in life, they have neither the intellectual capacity or pragmatic education to understand that in the grim reality of life it is the Providers who are more valuable than themselves. This part of the social contract is simply incomprehensible to them. You may as well be try teaching quantum mechanics to a cat.

Envy is a powerful human emotion. Those who perceive themselves with less will always be seeking to usurp the power and wealth of those they see as having more. The Takers will always be attempting to take the position of the Providers.

What we are seeing is a tipping point.This is how a revolution of the masses against the rulers takes place in a democratic society where out right revolution is neither practical or desirable. Instead it is done by stealth, infiltration, and creeping socialism.

It is not a conspiracy. It is not being "organized" by someone or group. It is the inevitable result of what Marxists would call "class warfare" and conflicting economic factors operating in our societies.

Its all merely a normal cycle in human society which undergoes steady changes in human hierarchies.


t. African Feminism major

This retarded thread is not Veeky Forums related
Take your crap back to pol be there

Further to this, a re-balancing takes place. As the Takers usurp the power of the Providers, on average the standard of living for the general population will decline.

You simply can not replace competence with medocrity and expect the economy to continue functioning as well as it did before.

Generally then, over the course of decades the general health and prosperity of the society declines. Innovation declines, scientific progress slows, education standards fall, productivity tapers off. The society becomes less wealthy.

When this happens the conditions of wealth that lead to the rise of equitable
social constructs, such as tolerance, equality, and social protectionism are no longer affordable. This in turns provides a tipping point to swing the balance of power back the other way. However the danger lies in that doing so power will become more concentrated in the hands of a ruling elite while the masses suffer a decline into third world living standards.

Did you just realize you are one of the Takers?

Well done! You have shown more intellectual capacity than most of your ilk.