I've never heard of this discipline until a few minutes ago but it seems to be a comfy field
At a glance less than 10 universities offer it in the entire US
UH is this a Veeky Forums oversight?
I've never heard of this discipline until a few minutes ago but it seems to be a comfy field
At a glance less than 10 universities offer it in the entire US
UH is this a Veeky Forums oversight?
my school has mining engineer.
Every Halloween they host a haunted mine.
Geology is cool. Keep in mind, we're going to need mineral engineers and scientists for the coming space age.
Would be mining engineering a sensible choice for european (german to be specific), considering nearly every kind of mining only exists outside of europe nowadays?
Also, how good do you need to be in math to succeed?
Maybe a eurofag will jump in and answer your first question.
But, I will say that math is required. I know of two reputable mining engineering programs in the US. Both require the full Calculus sequence (I,II,III) and differential equations. Pretty standard for an engineering discipline.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this a subset of ChemE anyways?
You could just go and travel other places. With a European/US title you'll get plenty of job offers in third world countries around the world, and go live in richfag districts there, which have a lifestyle similar enough to first world (Depends on the country).
Not really, considering a fairly huge part is constructing and keeping mine shafts/pits open and structurally safe, installing and directing the machinery and planing extraction, digging and drilling operations.
It is practically a mix of geology, civil engineering with a bit mechanical engineering.
Im not really knowledgable about the industry. We have a family friend who got shitrich with mining engineering 30 years ago, but my two cents would be youre better off doing some mainstream engineering and then jump into mining later if you really want to
mining engineer from 3rd world shithole country here, in my experience this anons summarize the field pretty well
ama if you want
they say mining engineers make good money
From which country are you?
Where did you study?
What kind of mining do you do (open pit, shaft mining, etc.)
Which mineral do you mine?
Do you think mining engineering would be good major for an aspie?
I asked my dad who majored in it back in the 80's (Ruhrarea, he now works as a civil engineer for our state department of transportation) and he isn't sure whether he would recommend it to me, due to fairly large degree it consists of leading and directing people and equipment.
>For the coming space age
Idiot.Literally fuck you, you most likely have contributed to a massive loss of life, all so you can make a few bucks and buy an iphone, all while upping a few market caps and giving the elite more power.
Actually I was pretty harsh, you are probably a decent guy. It's just that I am very aware of the violence and destruction that goes into "resource extraction" I've seen all the footage and I've lost my home as well as much of my community to mountain top removal mining.
Tell me about the area and how "devolepment" goes down
What kinds of mining are you involved in?
What device are you posting from that did not require resource extraction?
I think of the congonesse children Everytime I shit post son.
We aren't doing things the right way.
Just do you civic duty and question authority (to death) already.
im from Chile, graduated from Universidad de Santiago. I have worked on mostly copper mining, with little experience on gold and lithium. For copper, which is the main export of this country, i have worked on both open pit and underground mines.
as for your las question i think it depends a what level you want to work, at operations level the work is mostly managing teams of workers and other engineers, so aspies have a very hard time and dont really last. on the other hand, most engineers at the mine desing and planing level are major autist, specially of the geomechanics specialty
sorry for the broken engrish
all you say is partially true, the resource extraction bussines is the bane of the quality of life of small rural communities, but to be fair is not the miners fault, the bussines is not run by the miners, is run by politicians and lobbysts who have zero interest on the well being of anyone else but themselves.
Thanks for the answers.
>as for your las question i think it depends a what level you want to work, at operations level the work is mostly managing teams of workers and other engineers, so aspies have a very hard time and dont really last. on the other hand, most engineers at the mine desing and planing level are major autist, specially of the geomechanics specialty
Whats your specialty?
How are the work conditions in Chile out of curiosity?