How shit is it going to be Veeky Forums?

how shit is it going to be Veeky Forums?

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Can't be as shit as a white trash faggot bitching about muh niggers in muh King films.

average action schlock movie, but shit compared to the book

why would you assume that's the problem I have with it?

what makes you think this was about you, you faggoty ass narcissist?

there something wrong user? you seem upset about something

Now hold on a moment! You are saying that we were kings?

really scrambles my omelet

This seems to take its inspiration from the later books which (except for Wind Through the Keyhole) are weaker than the first few. Idris Elba might be the best part of this thing.

At this point Idris Elba would play any character in movie adaptations.

>He plays Raskolnikov.
>The Judge

Idris Elba is the best part of anything he is in. DAE wish he was their dad? Haha

Wha? At least give him a cowboy hat.

Remember kids, you don't have to address what anyone on this site says, just say they're from reddit and you win

I thought whitewashing was bad though. Isn't this the exact same thing?

>you buy the commodity because the commodity is 'woke' and 'progressive', 'triggers alt right dudebros'

>you get angry at the commodity because the commodity is cultural marxist ZOG-a-ganda, unwittingly playing into a viral marketing campaign

Doesn't even have blue eyes. For the love of God, give him blue contacts. I wouldn't be complaining at all if it weren't for that.

DAE think Idris Elba should've played King Arthur instead of Charlie Hunnam? I think that probably would've saved the movie. Also I was thinking since that musical Hamilton! was so successful, wouldn't it be perfect if Idris played George Washington? Just imagine Idris Elba rallying the continental army at Valley Forge, Idris Elba crossing the Delaware. It would be pure kino and could finally get him the Oscar he so richly deserves.

It will be poorly received, because most King fans are midwesterners or of the lower middle class, i.e. they are Trump voters, or at least wish he wasn't too vulgar to admit to supporting.

Reddit is the internet equivalent of the middle-middle class, the anxious and posturing class, the one that is really glad to have a black actor that doesn't cuss that they can pretend to like.

Whew, what a relief! I can demonstrate my lack of racism without needing to know what words like lean and crunk mean!

Reddit loves Idris Elba because he's black and acts in shitty pop movies that they like. He's not good and you probably are from reddit.

...In fact, he seems like the actorly equivalent of Obama.

The squeaky clean black guy that nobody finds offensive, who does not talk too loudly or too quietly, and who is of a figure neither fat nor skinny. Vote Elba! He's Morgan Freeman, except with sex appeal!

wtf i hate black actors now


Yeah and its obvious those redditors are also lusting for Idris Elba's BBC as well, at least on a subconscious level. Just like middle aged white dads with roided up NFL players. The huge black man with a monster cock is deeply inscribed on White Male America's cultural imaginary, much like communism is in ex warsaw pact nations or catholicism is in catholic countries. It's an archetype, at once freudian and jungian. all americans have to deal with the BBC in some level. it's a rite of passage.


No, it's the opposite thing. This is a non-white person being given a leading role.

Don't know, never read the books. Gonna watch it tho.

> movie from Hollywood
Top kek

Better question is if the book is worth my time.

Elba is a good actor. I do not care if Roland is black. I also do not care that Hermione Granger is black.

I know you're trolling, but still, I would loved to have seen Elba as the Doctor.

>The huge black man with a monster cock is deeply inscribed on White Male America's cultural imaginary

Cuckposting is an ancient and varied tradition user.

>Look some of them up
>That picture is actually factual

It's going to be a shitty CGI fest high paced action movie parallel to The Avengers

I look down on anyone over 12 who likes 'Doctor Who'. It's a mark of the beast, much like wearing a fedora

I enjoyed the older stuff and the the first five seasons of the revival. Iy got just awful after that. I wouldn't have considered myself fanboy.
