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Literature #96
Hello lit
If you could only choose ONE other language to read in, either than your mother tongue, which would you pick?
“War is thus divine in itself, since it is a law of the world...
The Greeks
Just recieved the results of my Mensa test
Post the opening line of your short story or novel and other anons will tell you if they would continue reading or not
Does anyone on Veeky Forums read outdoors during the summer?
Any literature on mysticism and language? I've yet to read Letter on Humanism...
ITT: Write the smartest, most profund thing you can think of
On the existence of God
Why do anti-Peterson posters always scurry away with their tail between their legs when asked to explain their...
No threads about literature on the front page except the genre containment thread
Why do liberals, marxists, academia, etc., hate Christianity so?
Divina Commedia
Philip K Dick thread
I just read Leo Strauss' lecture on German Nihilism and damn
Veeky Forums New York City Meetup III
I want to learn about Catholicism. What should I read?
Author addresses the reader as "dear reader"
Are there any good books or articles about watching porn?
Is questioning reality bad for mental health?
I was violently beaten throughout childhood and now as I enter my early 20s I see that it has affected me on a level...
In about a week you can walk into target and purchase this. Women and men bros unite...
Critique of Pure Reason
Polish literature thread
Is being atheist the most arrogant statement one can make?
What should I read before tackling this, besides Aristotle's Metaphysics?
Daily reminder that reading books is another form of vanity...
Give me deep literature about asian feet
Pierre Boutang
Is going to community college Veeky Forums tier or am I just trying to make up for the fact that I am too poor and...
Is a used book with highlighting/underlining/etc. even worth keeping?
Write what's on your mind
Why haven't you learned the only worthwhile language besides English yet...
How many books will you have read this month, Veeky Forums?
Feminist interpretation
Get told to 'start with the Greeks'
Whats the best edition of moby dick? I'm gonna pick it up but I wanna get the best one
Was Joyce on the side of good, or the side of evil?
The Great Plebfilter
The Foundation for Exploration
Over a century later and Nietzsche is still the most penetratingly, overbearingly insightful man in philosophy...
Origin of the species
Has there ever been a more embarrassing interview in the history of television...
Any books on the primacy of looks over personality regarding romantic relationships?
Why haven't you gone to your local parish and joined their Bible study yet, user?
What's his endgame?
/Critique thread/
Veeky Forums humor and cringe thread
When will you realize that there is no morality, no "the good people win in the end", just pure chaos?
Why aren't ppl including digital media, social media, the internet etc etc in novels
What broke PKD?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
I cannot tolerate my eye floaters anymore, I want to kill myself because of them. Any books about this feel?
Any good literature on the American Indian war, either fiction or non-fiction?
ITT: Awful book covers. Which book covers are the worst that you've seen?
Veeky Forums reads Notes From The Underground - Online Day 4
A close friend of mine was found hanged inside his bathroom by his girlfriend yesterday evening...
How does Veeky Forums feel about Haruki Murakami?
What's the funniest book you've read?
Why are you scrolling through Veeky Forums instead of reading a book?
I've become rather interested in the big book witch version should i read?
Why should I read about mysticism and religion and occult stuff if it is all fake?
The master and margarita
Can anyone convince me that the artistic life is superior to the life of attempting to gain as much wealth and power as...
Be me
Right vs. left
Dumbledore was always gay
Just finished reading this. What did I think?
DFW. Great. A favorite between the ages of 14 and 15, and hereafter. By far one of the finest artist in recent years...
Why Do Female Authors Dominate Young-Adult Fiction?
Is Pynchon for me?
What's Veeky Forums's stance on Kurt Vonnegut?
ITT: Characters who really pissed you off
How in the actual fuck are you supposed to understand Shakespeare?
Where should I start from?
Why do you buy books from your local bookstore instead of just ordering it online?
Which board on Veeky Forums do you imagine has the worst taste in literature?
What are your thoughts on the FSOG trilogy?
NYC Veeky Forums meetup III II
Any other smart guys in here that want to talk about the greatest (and arguably only) achievement in the field of...
Don't start with the Greeks, start with this
That long list of people and cities at the end of book 2
This is Evelyn Waugh. Say something nice about him
Redpill me on NYRB. What are your favorites?
"From the Greeks I have not at all felt similarly strong impressions, and to be blunt...
Veeky Forums BTFO
Local bookstore started charging a manlet tax on every purchase
Looking for lit that has a "visionary quality": feverish discursions, Pythia on the fumes...
Were his actions justified, Veeky Forums?
Which edition do you own, Veeky Forums? I know there's controversy
Greatest Words of All Time
ITT: How to Spot a Pleb
Qu'ran translation
What are some books about strength and courage?
Found a trove of short stories I used to write when I was in sixth grade (I'm in college now)
Is there a better way to begin a philosophy book?
Have you ever wondered what it is like to kill a someone?
Mfw Veeky Forums is STILL salty that Harry Potter is one of the most succesfull franchises of all time
What's so wrong with cowardice?
How did you quit smoking Veeky Forums?
How old were you when you first realized that life is a wholly aesthetic sensation?
Loved trashy middlebrow New Yorker fiction
Yukio Mishima
Literary archetypes
Why do undergraduates think they know more about psychology than JP when he's written about it for 25 years?
The picture that could upheave society
Which are the best books with suicidal characters?
Can i just jump right in with this guy? where should i jump in? anti oedipus from the get-go?
Is it Kino?
Full disclosure: the first time i read Nietzsche i felt that his books were just a ridiculous collection of nonsense...
Authors whose bodies...
Why are painting and sculpture so stale compared to music, literature and film...
Are there any good Youtube channels about books?
I've just finished it. what are your thoughts about this book?
Favorite Borges short story
How does one learn a second language and where does one start from?
To both religious and atheist people
Good books on Filmmaking?
Veeky Forums meta thread
Be English major
What are your favorite Gods and Goddesses—regardless of whether you subscribe to the religion itself or not...
Do You Feel a Conflict Between Writing "Literatute" vs. A Good Story?
What am I in for Veeky Forums?
How important is it for a writer to move to an environment that is conducive to his craft?
Who would win in this debate and who is better?
He considers himself """literary """
What is your literary fear?
Never had a problem with penguin classics. What's the big deal here? Text is never smudged, paper is fine...
What does Veeky Forums think of this man?
I don't understand the devil. I've heard that satan, lucifer, etc. are all different people...
I want to write
What are some books about college life?
Gogol General
What is this Veeky Forums...
Okay, let's be honest here
Are Easton Press books meant for reading or for just sitting on your shelf and looking nice? I'm genuinely curious...
Arms akimbo
Why no Kafka?
Is Emil Cioran basically the character Kirillov from Demons IRL?
What's the best Catholic apologia out there?
Have you ever come across a realization in philosophy that you would say has been actualy, unironically completely true...
A good writer doesn't need more than 100 pages to impress a reader enough to make them finish the book
What did He mean by this?
Book store thread
Could anyone give me a TL:DR on this guy?
W-what d-do you think of Miss O'Connor, Veeky Forums?
ITT: Share your edgiest, most contrarian literary opinions
Shitty Book Covers
Almost 21 centuries since its inception
Name a better literary antagonist than Judge Holden
"I think "gamer girls" are the pinnacle of the downfall of western civilization...
What is the fanciest book you own?
How do i start reading?
Hey lit, whats your bedside book at the moment?
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. The only thread where it is acceptable to express all your dirty plebeian secrets
The Dialectic of Evolution is absurd
Worth reading?
Rec me a good erotica guys?
Read about 100 pages of pic related
What do you think of Alain de Botton's erotic literature?
Peterson and the Traditionalists
Words that sound like their definition
Is this the best translation of Demons available? Looking to order a copy some point soon
Which are today's sacred cows we can't critique?
How Does One "Start With the Greeks?"
Insofar as
Wow reading by candle light fucking sucks. How did people ever do this? Goddamn power outage
What's the best literary works to get in touch with my feminine side?
The rest of you enjoyed Candide, no?
How Veeky Forums is your city, user?
Samuel Beckett Thread
Mfw trying to explain to my friends why the Torah is a literary masterwork
Has any author/philosopher coherently argued the existence of a god?
What is it about Rand that triggers Veeky Forums so hard...
Books to get over someone? I need help
What's the consensus of this Borges translation? Which is preferred...
Open TheSorceror'sStone.pdf
What's the philosophy of Harry Potter?
NYC Veeky Forums meetup III
Why is "literally" literally the most brutally raped and abused word in the English language?
"The feminist movement will not succeed as long as the woman depends on the man for her sexual needs."-UG Krishnamurti
Is there really a good argument against this?
What translation of "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum" is the best?
I bought my self Moby Dick
I am diagnosed with crippling depression. Suggest me some books to read
Why do so many people hate on Jordan without reading his material?
What is some good anti-colonialist literature
What's the Veeky Forums equivalent of this album?
Isn't the teleological suspension of the ethical kind of a fucked up idea...
Use a picture of the Simpsons to describe a book you've read
This man is your FRIEND
Life Affirming Essay
Who do you think would be the better ruler, should they seize the Iron Throne?
Name a more influential book
Constantly get told to "start with the greeks"
What are some book like dark souls?
Visit chain bookstore
For those who loved this book, why did you? What makes it so great and popular? I'll be starting it soon...
These are the first 20 threads on Veeky Forums right now. All the highlighted threads are shit...
Spanish literature once again
Do it
Name one (1) good christian philosopher
Online Group Reading DAY 1
How to cultivate my inner Feynman?
Harry Potter
Hi Veeky Forums
How do I become as erudite as Kantbot?
Are there grills on Veeky Forums
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What is better for writing, adderall or weed?
Spend the next 4 minutes writing a poem and post it here
Latro in the Mist exhaustive commentary
Is iambic pentameter a good English-language substitute for epic meter? Was Milton right to use it in Paradise Lost?
What do men read?
Since jews and muslims are allowed to practice their religion...
Do you guys have these thoughts while in bookstores
Ran out of page swipes on my Kindle
Post Veeky Forums advice
Tell me about the pseuds you've met user
Dune Thread
Tfw you start Plato's complete works
What book had the most beautiful prose you've ever read?
Does anyone want to do a group reading of Phenomenology of Mind?*
What are some good right-of-center authors who aren't Ayn Rand?
Nine hundred FUCKING pages into this book and this asshole starts going on about patriarchy
What was the point of reading the Iliad (in translation) if not for the plot?
What books would you recommend for someone who was severely neglected as a child and basically learnt nothing?
Favorite novel
Does reading multiple books at a time work?
Just as the Bradys were getting locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me, “Have you ever gotten a blowjob?”
Why does Veeky Forums hate this guy? His logic is flawless
Hello, I am looking for books written by autistic authors. These can either be non-fiction or fiction...
Why is there no japanese lit have they wasted their talents on my anime desu?
This fat oaf slipped me le redpill
Post quotes that people want to pretend do not exist
Are Penguin Classics Shit?
Anyone interested in helping me edit my 'experimental' novel?
More like this?
Anyone else here a hamalton fan
How do I get into this bastard? He's got so much material, I have no idea where to even start...
What's the answer to Post-Modernism?
Of course it's true! Nietzsche said it!
Websites for selling books?
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm looking for some books about people who didn't give a fuck...
What books do I start with before tackling Goonan?
Why was he so fucking retarded?
Read books faggots or u gonna end up president of united states
Why is it that when I want to read a philosophical treatise about mental health...
“The Tao is always nameless” (Chapter 71)
Need some help Veeky Forums I'm looking for books that talks about the human psychology any philosophers worth a read
Find a finn*sh author
Book of the New Sun
Stack thread, haven't seen one in a while
Severely depressed existencial nihilist
"start with the Greeks"
What is some classic literature that will kindle my passion for life?
Why aren't you reading Joyce in Chinese user?
What are some good writing exercises?
Why do kids stop reading as they get older?
The Stranger
Is "The Dead" by James Joyce the greatest work of literature ever composed?
Welp, Veeky Forums, I've fallen for the STEM meme and now there's no turning back
Any recommended literature exploring Solipsism?
Holy shit
I'm poor and my copy got coffee spilt all over it. Where can I finish it online? Y-you know, for free?
ITT: Essential daddy-issues-core
Disregarding fantasy elements, what aspects of ASOIAF are unrealistic?
Was he a medieval writer or Renaissance writer? I'm getting conflicting answers, and I don't understand history
How can consciousness be possible if there is no collective, only atomic agglomerations which form a "self"...
Why did Nabokov disparage literature written for ethical or political purposes when the greatest Russian writers...
Need books to help me stay sober
Does anyone here actually read for FUN?
Weird esoteric mad black Deleuzian shit
Notes From The Underground Summer Reading Group
Can Veeky Forums tell me what are the greats books in brazilian literature? Beyond Machado de Assis...
Used books
I'm trying to get into Adorno
Favorite female author? For me it's Evelyn Waugh. Also did we scare off ontologicool?
Dumbest Writers
What's the difference between fascism, corporatism, nazism, socialism, and national socialism?
If you're a young, hot, but insecure girl, reply to this thread
Hegel BTFO?
Is this edition of Moby Dick good or trash?
Did the Harry Potter phenomenon actually contribute to long-term literacy...
Too drunk to read
Michelle Carter walks up to you in the library and asks what book are you reading. What do?
R8 my haul Veeky Forums
Do you agree?
Is love real?
I am trying to write realistic sisters but I dont know what they do...
Any ficition or non fiction regarding transgenderism? Ive read Orlando by Woolfe and loved it and would like more
Co-workers are talking about books
/lr/ - Lit Reads Moby Dick general
What happens when we die?
Post the name of your favorite book, but replace one word in the title with "dick"!
Why are we alive?
What even is reality?
Marx - Lenin - Gramsci - Laclau - Lacan - Althusser - Therborn - Jameson - Latour
Philosophy Book
How do i pray?
What are you writing? /Critique thread/
Why the fuck is The Handmaid's Tale such a big deal all of a sudden?
Is it possible to prove U.G. Krishnamurti wrong?
Prove him wrong
Any recommendations for literature that will make me hate weed users?
Okay Veeky Forums as cliche and retarded as this is going to sound...
MFW we are simply incapable of original thought
Why are there no women philosophers?
Used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary pretty fast...
What do women like to read?
Stack thread
Rank Joyce's works
There's nothing active here so lets spice it up
Has he ever been surpassed as a psychologist and moralist? The only better writer I can think of is Shakespeare
How does one become well spoken?
I am wasting my life
I signed up for a 24 hour writing competition for my city's art festival to make a couple thousand word fiction piece
Stop all the clocks
...I don't get it
I read the first part of this where he's talking about the consciousness and it was very interesting...
What is the end goal of Deconstruction?
Is there any book that can give me guidance to keep on living while being a 3/10?
He still believes free will doesn't exist
Poor Cliff cant take a Pynch
Has anyone ever reached out to an author, philosopher, intellectual personality, etc...
Expensive books
What the fuck was Molloy's problem?
What are your top 3 favorite books of all time?
What are some books with snarky smartass protagonists who believe they're better than everyone else?
Why are female writers so bland and unispired? Can women actually do ANYTHING better than men?
Welp, another binge on a Friday night, of ice cream pop corn, cola, and lots of chocolate...
What are the best books on race?
What if all philosophy is just plain wrong?
Best Hp Lovecraft story
Haiku Thread
How do i respond when my parents ask me "what is the point of reading all those books"...
Next 5 books you plan to read
Write what's on your mind
Can somebody explain what is cultural marxism?
For those of you who grew up in a country other than the UK or US, what books or authors did you study in school?
"yeah, I'm a Buddhist
Is this enough prep before tacking Kant's first Critique?
Never worked
Which way is better?
It doesn't matter how much I tell myself yesterday was "the last time I'll eat junk food!" If I am still reading a book...
Any books on rich people inventing harmful ideologies to keep themselves in power?
What's some good catholic Veeky Forumserature?
Hello Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums, recommend me some light reads for when travelling
Want to write a legit fan fic. Any fans of ATLA/Korra on here?
New Nick Land essay on Jacobin - #3
Most of the classical economists of the 18th-19th century would today be called socialists or Social Democrats...
Can political discourse be saved from books like pic related (Both from the right and the left)?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What exactly should one read for?
Do you guys annotate your books when reading them...
Social Justice Literature
If you were stranded on an island for the rest of your life, what 5 books would you bring?
Recommendations for beginning political philosophy?
What does Veeky Forums think of artificial intelligence?
Who is this guy? And what can you tell me about him?
If you frequent Veeky Forums you're not the kind of person who is going to be a true writer
Starting with the Greeks. Thoughts on this?
Anyone here read while high...
Occult/hermeneutic books that are closely related to the bible or the Torah...
Best Dialogue Writers
Prose is the ultimate pseud magnet, the most middlebrow, mediocre form of art...
Invite a girl from my literature class over for dinner and to study
What's his endgame?
JUST fuck my poetry right up famalam
Most literary films/tv shows thread
I'm realizing now that this board is a shithole... the whole Ontilogicool incident is a good indicator of that...
Starting with philosophy
Last 5 books you read
Orgy of the Will, round 2
The madman is back!
"OMG I love Edgar Allen!"
Is "Lovecraftian" an overused term and how do we replace it?
Post the edgiest book you've read
Haruki Muracucki
Why do philosophers love to talk a lot...
Always keep in mind that if a retard like this succeeded, you can do anything
The Phenomenology of the Ideological Co-Option of Nietzsche
Which book(s) would serve to undo the mental damage that years of r9k have imparted on me?
What is the scariest story you know of?
Do you ever get asleep whilst reading? Do you ever get bored? How strong is your ability to focus on the text...
How do you write a sex scene?
Come join us user, we're about to discuss The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy!
What's the point of reading if we don't even retain 99% of the books we read? No, seriously...
Daily reminder you need to read the top 100 chart or else you need to go back to r/books
Thoughts on ontologicools taste in literature? Watch "hi Veeky Forums" on YouTube
Time for Veeky Forumserary confessions:
I'm a hardcore internet addict who spends ~14 hours a day online...
What do you think of Sashas book series the juliette society? who's the biggest pseud her, ontologicool or James Franco?
How do we stop him?
What are some books about really clever criminals? Preferably true crime
Oxford world classics vs Penguin classics?
What would our guy nietchze of thought of our other guy?
Are there literally any arguments that prove fascism doesn't work from a theoretical point of view?
Italianfag here
Is there a character in literature as brilliant as George Constanza?
What literature will make me stop acting like a pussy?
I'm looking for some works that outline the conservative tradition in political philosophy
What edition of Moby Dick does Veeky Forums prefer?
Why does Veeky Forums periodically harass girls on youtube?
Who was the best: Aeschylus, Sophocles or Euripides?
Name the four best poets of all time
Post philosophers that oddly enough fit Jordan Peterson's definition of Marxism
What was Vonnegut's best book and why?
Who was the greatest 20th century American writer, and why was it J.D. Salinger?
English - What's this?
All right which one of you fucking white knight faggot told her
Finish my daily workout
Post your favorite lesser known work
The Foundation for Exploration
What are the most Veeky Forums dog names?
Why does Veeky Forums love post-modernism so much?
Laszlo Krasznahorkai
Do you read it? What are your thoughts on it?
Here is a question for you guys...
What should I do with these notebooks?
Hello Veeky Forums
Who would be worse to have a module under? who's worst for self-masturbatory political ramblings...
What's your favourite book?
Thoughts on this man?
How is it?
Is Shakespeare too white?
My friends barely talk with me and i'm lonely
How does it feel to know you will never be a published author...
Find me something more autistic
>tfw there has been a Left-wing revival online in the past year
How do I overcome nihilism? This is a serious question, please state your opinion if you have one and help me...
Got these for $16 today, pretty content boyos
Can you explain this Übermensch shit to me?
Is this the Twilight for nerds?
What music do you listen to, Veeky Forums?
What the fuck was his problem?
Sup Veeky Forums, bfag here. Need a recommendation on Tom Clancy. I have been told Sum of All Fears is great...
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Ask an old fella anything
Is pic related the best general chemistry book out there?
[current year]
Best edition of the Histories
Give us your best prose
What do you think about Giacomo Leopardi?
Any books on rich people inventing harmful ideologies to keep themselves in power?
Why aren't you a neoliberal yet Veeky Forums?
If you had to advice a list of the books that everyone must read before dying, fiction, history, culture, etc
Need an author who's straight up brutal, eerie and abrasive
Start writing a serious, profound, intelligent, high-brow work of literature
Anons, who've read the Iliad, what's your favorite part
Unpuzzle this, Veeky Forums. I'm an MTF who started taking female hormones like 4 months ago. Since then...
Are his works nihilistic?
That tfw when your library is based
Major in philosophy - worth it?
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on this author?
Why aren't women good at writing?
First Lines of a Book
Tell me about the Orthodox Church of America
How do I go about getting into Ezra Pound? Is there a chart? I'd be very appreciative
What are your Veeky Forums related ambitions?
Lads, what profession will allow me to where i can half ass my work and read books and shitpost
Is this the greatest series ever?
The living substance, further, is that being which is truly subject, or, what is the same thing...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Reminder that Veeky Forums is compromised
How does it feel knowing you'll never win a single accolade because you're a pasty white nerd and not a big beaufitul...
Is this a good read? I only know that it's an Oprah Book Club book, so I can't assume so, but figured I'd ask anyway
Are the Witcher books worth reading?
What's the difference between an object and a process?
Why do so many French people pretend to not like Houellebecq?
Are there any writers besides Borges and Calvino who are worth reading?
Lololool he makes such a big deal out of how much of a fitness lifting nut he is and he's skinnyfat fucking end me
Best female philosophers
He believes in subjectivity
What's the most patrician way to relax?
There exist mathematical statements that have no proof
Why we love to hate J.K. Rowling
My summer reading
I work for Penguin Books USA in NYC and a few weeks ago...
Tfw Taoism might be the ultimate way to true happiness
Moby-Dick discussion thread - full content spoilers
My daughter is 7 years old, she does not read very much and I want to get her into reading...
New World Translation
Neal Stephenson
Reddit: Captain Ahab is a quirky villain and a moral lesson about the dangers of revenge and probably racist
What went wrong?
Introducing Little Brother to Literature
Favourite bible verse thread
Is he overrated?
Postmodern politics is not the same as postmodern literature
Men are better than Women
Is she the new queen of Veeky Forums?
If the reader has also received the benefit of the Vedas...
"I want to be a writer"
I don't understand Hegel. Not one bit in English...
Horror Books!
Tfw he actually falls for the "start with the greeks" meme
Poetry Critique:
Let's write a novel, Veeky Forums
Why does literature and literary culture engender so much pseudo intellectualism?
What writer has the best prose you've ever read?
Dude if you disagree with me then you are mentally ill LMAO
“An alcoholic is someone you don't like, who drinks as much as you do.”
Alright here we go
Stop using periods
There are no patrician booktu-
When was the last important philosophical book written?
How old are you and what are your tips for an 18 yr old (me?)
Lol fuck capitalism *tweets off iphone and eats quinoa bowl a third worlder died harvesting*
Is it worth quitting my job so I can become a starving artist and write?
What happened to Russian literature during the 20th century?
How does one legitimately practice writing fiction?
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on pick related?
I think Catcher In The Rye is a damn good book, I really do
A Medieval Fantasy novel doesn't talk about Taxes or other realistic things like A Song of Ice and Fire
Excellent Ethereal Storyteller
Stop being nihilistic
What do you fags think of this?
What's the fucking difference
Who else /wavers between apathy, hopefulness, and the bitter blackpill/ here?
Where did archetypes come from? how do you know for sure they exist?
The bible is painfully average
What is the most immersive book you have read?
Please recommend books to make me see "modern art" in a new way
What literature will make me go back to wanting to fuck girls instead of wanting to be them...
What's your reading speed?
Whats the closest thing we have to actual "tomes of forbidden knowledge"? This isn't /x/ retardation...
Be right wing Trump supporter
What are some Veeky Forums subreddits?
Would Veeky Forums be interested in a quotes thread?
Tips for a horror short story?
Hegel General
Is this actually worth studying? Seems it would take weeks just to skim it...
What's her problem?
Man imagine going to jail. I would get so much reading done. it would be like a godsend. I would be so dedicated. read...
Pipes and cigars are for pseuds, what's the most Veeky Forums cigarette brand?
Word thread
Rate how pseudo this guy is on post-modernism
It's ironic that I am repulsed by Jordan Peterson's "just be a Christian and believe in demons and dragons" advice when...
This is a kids book
About to read this. Thoughts on it?
Veeky Forums's thoughts on writing/reading on psychedelics?
Why are these books so popular? Everyone knows the prose is awful, but the narrative is boring and padded out as well...
So is this the new wave of philosophy? Is anyone on Veeky Forums interested in this stuff?
So, okay: Severian eats Thecla's cooked corpse with the gland of the alzabo, which allows him access to her memories...
Is Veeky Forums's hatred of David Foster Wallace like /tv/'s hatred of Tarantino...
I know it's often considered a "meme book" on here...
How's the writing career coming, Veeky Forums?
What is the best translation of the Odyssey? The main ones seem to be Fagles, Lattimore and Fitzgerald...
What would you say his masterpiece was?
Write what's on your mind
My vagina when he owns a copy of Infinite Jest
What the fuck is with the whole "logically operating magical systems" meme that is plaguing modern fantasy...
Is it appropriate for a white writer to include minority characters?
2500 years of European philosophy and still no non-meme answer for this shit
Self sabotage
Do you not give a shit what condition your books are in, or do you try and keep them relatively spotless?
Dante in translation
Are any of the Eastern.Asian philosophies worth reading into?
I'm reading Whatever by Houellebecq and this hit me pretty hard:
What is the greatest work of literature you have ever read?
What does Veeky Forums write on/with?
I would say there is *not* a universal morality that one would benefit by both preaching and practice
Tfw Veeky Forums ruins ur life
Redpill me on Malcolm X. Indicate me some book of his
Is reading at the bookstore the most pretentious thing one can possibly do?
Nihilism is...
Anyone else miss /fitlit/? I really think if that had lasted we would have gotten rid of all the protestants, fedoras...
I believe Nietzsche was correct about Judaism, Christianity and the slave morality...
What are works that instantly expose tryhard hacks when they talk about them?
Unreadable shit
What's the best edition of Lovecraft's complete works?
With no spooky shit prove to me that idealism > materialism
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Why was sub-saharan Africa incapable of creating any literature or poetry of great value?
A rupi kaur parody poem is indistinguishable from a rupi kaur poem
Moby Dick Breeding bread
Harris on Objective Morality
He reads less than a book a week
Alright, Derrida thread, let's keep it civil
Do you agree with the Lit category?
Try and tell parents about books I read
Could anybody recommend some actually funny books? Not funny in the normal literature sense...
What did he mean by this?
Chapters longer than 15-20 pages
Is there anything like this, but less defeatist...
Where to start with Baudrillard? I've been trying to read him more but I can't seem to find a good introduction...
Help me. i am an undergrad in philosophy in a position to pursue a phd at a good program...
What the fuck is the occult?
Which Bible passages are your favorite?
Critique thread?
So I fell for the meme Veeky Forums
Why was she wrong again? Present it to me without ad-hominem etcetera, you faggots
Beauty/morality/art are subjective
Biggest books
ITT: Kant
What African language offers the most literature, art, and culture?
Walk into B&N
Does it make sense to speculate about what's outside our perspective...
Now that the dust has settled, did Holden really rape his sister Phoebe?
Makes you think
Girlfriend asks what I'd like as a birthday gift
Actually good conservative literature that isn't /po/-tier?
My taste in literature is generally straightforward...
Name an unluckier writer
How do you know if your own writing is shit?
Improving your spoken vocabulary
Who are the most important thinkers of the last century? Where should one start with contemporary philosophy?
What is the best book to introduce me to Bruno Latour/ or ANT?
Is there a popular interpretation of a particular piece of literature that you think is pure bullshit?
Secret Library in the ghetto
Well Veeky Forums the longest piece of literature in human history is now Ambience: A Fleet Symphony...
How do you expect to become a good writer if you can't even leave your house, you recluse...
Debord thread
And this is why people read Harry Potter and other actually engaging books instead of some old bullshit
Good books to expand feminine vocabulary
Walk into gentrified neighbourhood
Can hip-hop/rap be Veeky Forums?
The bible
Ex-Yugoslavia literature thread
Why do you guys get off on making people feel like shit?
Which language has the best literature? I think it would probably be Greek (Homer, Plato...
I want to meet this tumblrette
He doesn't read female authors
Stirner and nietzche
Thoughts on Debord?
My dear dudes
Who is the great American literary character?
What did he mean by this?
What has Veeky Forums taught you?
Redpilled literary agents?
Time to settle this matter once and for all: How does Veeky Forums feel about Stephen King?
All that the socialist tradition has produced in history is to condemn
Is there such thing as a secular philosophy that encourages isolation?
Absolute Surplus Value
Spanish language thread
Is Don Quixote the most underrated work of all time?
Can anime be literature?
/pol/ safespace thread
Why hasn't Africa produced ANYTHING of literary value? Is it because they have extraordinarily low IQ?
How does one step out of the pleb zone?
Who is your favorite right-wing writer?
Write endlessly about desire and the symbolic/imaginary
Is it weird that I just intuitively "get" what Joyce was trying to do in Finnegan's Wake? I mean...
Does isolation foster creativity or hinder it?
What is essential Egyptian literature?
What are some right wing proposals of a political and economic system?
Tfw want to buy Lolita from Amazon
What history books have you read lately Veeky Forums?
Is anyone into Persian literature? It's one of the great civilizations that tends to be ignored...
Realised we don't have a discord server, so I decided to create one
Sup Veeky Forums
Charts & Guides
Who knew it would be so easy to sell religious conservatism to millennials?
To be or not to be, that is the question
Any literature that will stop me from wanting to be a girl?
If any of you enjoy reading but don't know why, or don't understand the mechanics of reading...
I'm trying to write a story centered around the (admittedly done) concept of fairy tales and folklore being real...
St. Aquinas has never been refuted...but you're still an atheist?
I honestly can't tell the difference
Critique Thread
QTDDTOT, Literary Edition
Why didn't I know that Radiohead is the most Veeky Forums band of all time?
How many pages/hour can you read?
These queers would get the chair if they lived in today's world
Why is self destruction so romantic?
Does anyone else think that intellectual pretensions in art produce nothing but bullshit? lit is kind of horrific...
Good books with over 1000+ pages
ITT: authors who are red flags
Does having a career totally unrelated to writing or literature negatively impact your ability to write...
He thinks free will exists
Has anyone on lit gone to their local bible study...
Why is John Green such a popular and successful author?
Will this book help or make worse an existential crisis?
Absurdism Refutal
How is Veeky Forums going to celebrate Bloomsday?
How the fuck is it possible for one guy to write so much? I've gone through a few of his short story collections...
Japanese Light Novels
Mfw he spent 150,000 dollars on an education he coulda got for 6 bucks in late fees at the Boh-sten public library!
Book covers that are better than the book
Writers Need Not Apply
What should I name my protagonist? this is a tragedy and the protagonist is a senator
How did you get into literature, user?
Have to write an essay on a book i didn't read. anyone willing to help a guy out? 500 words by tomorrow morning
Why study literature in college? Why shouldn't everyone major in STEM? Wouldn't majoring in math further our world ?
Going to college in a few months
Books against self-hate?
Do journalists make for good writers?
Post writing advice
My smile is stuck
Are there any good post apocalyptic novels that involve rebuilding society?
A Nick Land Reader: Selected Writings is done!
Everyone besides the girl is a total asshole to him. He literally did nothing wrong...
Is russian real difficult to learn or what
If you had to boil it down to 4
I just post this here:
How do we stop anti-intellectualism?
Is The Animorphs series Veeky Forums?
To what degree was he influenced by Hinduism?
ITT: Future Literary Movements
'Green-Pilled' Literature
He reads dumb people books
No water thread?
Woke lit
What is the worst book cover of all time?
Which essential works of Catholicism should I read?
Does Veeky Forums read multiple books at once or one at a time?
Recommend a book about defeating your tormentor
Can we get a thread based upon our utter despair regarding literature that is lost forever...
Are the ends of EoE and Eva the question of Schopenhauer (human instrumentality) vs...
What is the worst example of a book that you've ever come across and/or read?
Hypersphere @ MoMA
He reads but doesn't write
What are the books I should read to have interesting things to say to people? How do I actually be interesting...
Are great lyrical rappers like eminem up there with great authors?
I have a question about language, and i figured this would be the best board to ask this
American literature
What is the single prose mistake you despise the most?
I find it funny that most of the books you people recommend are from the standard high school curriculum. Oh wow...
ITT: books you actually don't have to read if you've seen the movie
Find out if you're a good writer or not
Will perfect native English speakers and grammar nazis on this board please tell me what is actually wrong with the...
Moby Dick
What are some ways to motivate yourself to actually write your damn book when other things tempt you instead? Honestly...
Stop using language
Western fiction
What are some good books about college life?
Will he ever be surpassed?
Friendly reminder if you read on the train, you're a pretentious faggot. Fly overs need not apply
What's Nietzsche's most accessible work for a beginner and which is the best, most modern translation of said work?
What should I read to decide on a political identity?
What are some books like the story of Spec Ops: The Line...
Why is Veeky Forums against works written post 2000...
Does anyone have the Tunnel on audiobook they can seed to me?
Books to convert filthy psueds like me into lit-gods with perfect taste
How do I find a bf with strong opinions on art?
When, exactly, did we shift into a Pynchonian world?
Tfw cannot understand written geography
Fight the dragon of Chaos
Why is Slam Poetry so fucking terrible?
Literature and fiction are two entirely different things. Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity
Comic is an often overlooked yet perfectly valid medium still at a very early stage of development
So what book are you gifting your parent for fathersday?
Is this actually useful, or is it only used by YA fiction authors?
What do you think
Anyone else here sick of leading the artist's life? Now...
New Poet Laureate of USA
Is this the best way to experience literature?
Poetry thread
Tfw u plagiarize sparknotes for ur nobel prize in literature fancy speech
Mein Kampf
Does anyone else think Infinite Jest is too autistically-written to enjoy...
Hegelian dialectic
Please recommend a few of your must read books related to psychoanalysis...
Post them here. I'm not giving that site a click
ITT: We rank the most Veeky Forums non-european countries
How do you get comfortable when reading? The main reason i dont read as much is that i lack a comfortable place to sit...
Do you like rap/think some rap wordplay is worthwhile?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games