What's his endgame?
What's his endgame?
this guy is fucking stupid
Nazbol is the ultimate meme ideology.
This man is a genius
>According to Dugin, the whole Internet should be banned: "I think that Internet as such, as a phenomenon is worth prohibiting because it gives nobody anything good."[61] In June 2012, Dugin said in a lecture that chemistry and physics are demonic sciences, and that all Orthodox Russians need to unite around the President of the Russian Federation in the last battle between good and evil, following the example of Iran and North Korea.[62] He added, "If we want to liberate ourselves from the West, it is needed to liberate ourselves from textbooks on physics and chemistry."[62]
this interview is incredible. it's earth shattering. before I watched this interview, I saw the world one way. now, afterwards, I see it a completely different way. I have no words
"there is no such thing as a fact. wittgenstein has proven that."
this is the man who will shape the history of the world
his whole life is a meme
He is a jew who wants to start a diverse fascism country but he himself would just watch the outcome, fucking mongoloid subhuman
There was a Brazilian guy here who said he picked him up from the airport to drive him to a lecture and all he had in luggage was a change in shirt and socks
Are you happy now you pomo shitters?
This is the future you chose.
watch... the... fucking... interview
The interviewer went in ther with the intention of making him look like an idiot, he's fucking insane but he's absolutly spot on here in showing western media how ridiculous they really are
This isn't even scratching the list. Once when roaming near the border with Kazachstan he freaked out and told everyone to close the hotel windows because a giant Cat demon living in a lake across the border was releasing nuclear fallout against Russian's. Probably his greatest contemporary influence Alain de Benoist admits he doesn't know what the make of his eschatology
Been a while since I heard someone state they are a post-modernist with pride, I was beginning to think it was just a derogatory term.
Dugin rallies against post-modernity, although I'm sure I grasp his position because his is a very postmodern position
Pure retardation
This is Dugin's belief
It's kinda baffling to see that Westermers are taking him seriously, here he's seen as Alex Jones tier retard.
Alex Jones isn't that bad
>Derrida and the poststructuralists opened the Pandora's box of moral relativity and deconstruction
>There's now no way to argue against imperialism, fascism or totalitarianism without simply being a powermonger who is imposing a worldview on someone else
kek, the world will surely end now.
>Been a while since I heard someone state they are a post-modernist with pride
I'm not sure he's stating it with pride. He's essentially saying "You opened Pandora's box, and out came a tool that we also can use. Deal with it."
> thought it was Michael Moorcock
> it's not
abandon thread
what has he been up to lately?
Brought out some new work in english with Arktos, continuing with the 4th political theory
how is Nazbol doing in Russia?
azn muslim orthodox chirstian fascism antinazi fag killing antidemocracy beard wearing eurasiaism
>comments disabled for this video
Absolute boys
wtf I am a #petersonbucko now.
I'd still like to see the Limonov sex tape.
What's the green thing?
3 new titles in the last few months, one is a sequel to 4pt, other is about ethnosociology. I'm not Russian so I don't know but as far as I can tell he officiously considers natbol obsolete with the other 20th century ideologies
It is said Dugin personally controls Donald Trump's every move through a siberian voodoo doll of some sort
>Yegor Letov
>[From an interview with Sergei Zharikov]
>We once stayed with (Sergey) Kuryokhin - Dugin, I and Nyrych. We woke up, I opened the window, Dugin was lying on the bed, wondering: "But where does Omsk lay?" I say: "Well, where: in the south of Siberia, next to Kazakhstan." - "Is Kazakhstan close to you? What if the Kazakhs were poisoned by the wind? They can also poison the wind! Well, quickly shut the window: the wind is poisoned!" And, quite seriously: frightened terribly, began to walk about the room. "Kazakhs, damn it, the wind poisoned - how can I go?" It's true, I know they have reed people. "They have a lake called Balkhash, and there is a large reed, reed, and reed, Reed people who never stick out, only breathe through the tube. " Then he thought again, thought and said: "And in the middle of Balkhash there is a huge island, where there lives a giant, gigantic cat, to whom they all worship." This is Kuryokhin's affairs, unequivocally. Where else could he get this? He says: "Damn, reeds, reed people around, what can they do? They can arrange an invasion, that's all - then it's the end to us!" If the reed people get out and they crawl on with their cat! And the cat is huge, three meters tall! "
Reminds me of the crazy guy in the DOS KGB game. Best listened to with Kuryokhin
I hope this makes more sense in russian.
Destruction of all European western liberal 'values'/perverted nihilism and technological Gestell (he frankly wants to ban computers and internet). Instead a 'new Beginning' with the People rooted back to the Land. Y'know blut und boden nazi type shit. Also end of capitalism and implementation of national communism.
Geopolitically the strategy is to weaken the influence of US over the EU, and preparing a Russian takeover of Western Europe culminating in a eurasian nazbol empire.
If Hitler, Stalin and a megalomaniacal imperialist warlord had their genes thrown in a pool.
I don't know about you user, but anything with an eight pointed star should probably be declared heretical and purged immediately.
To sit in the throne room of a dungeon and wait for a plucky teenager, a male and female childhood friend (the latter having a crush on him), a grizzled veteran recently enlightened to the good of the world, and a more mature woman who enjoys trolling the rest of the group to burst in and challenge him. Seriously his ideas about the goal of politics being eschatology are some SMT shit.
post soviet anime
He is a Spenglerian visionary, fulfilling the new burgeoning Russian High Culture by attempting to destroy the culturally distorting element that is inhibiting organic, Russian, cultural development, which is modernity.
He idolizes the Red Army and Stalin the same way Homeric Greeks loved their Achaeans and Achilles. The "Great Patriotic War" was the Russian Battle for Troy epic.