I found this edition of mein kampf in my great grandfather's bookshelf. Can anyone tell me if this is rare or common book?
Mein Kampf
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don't know, but it's certainly beautiful
i can take more pics if u guys need it. it says its from 1939
Is that an actual signature or just a print?
For this book, and this book only, /pol/ might now a lot more about what edition it is.
its a print!
do you think i should post it there aswel?
oh my god.....
tfw you will never own a signed copy of Mein Kampf.
It's not
Per se but rather a print of the signature still cool but not that cool.
This is v sexy. Unironically I think the poster who said that /pol/ would know more is right. In pretty sure our (((race realists))) are just larping
fuck off to /pol/
fuck off to /lgbt/
Go to a big city and find an antiquarian book store. They will generally give a free analysis. Antiques roadshow also gives affiliates
Wow, this is awesome. What's the story with your great grandfather? He was German, I assume?
Too bad the book itself is garbage
>knowing anything
Burn it.
Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here.
It's terrible, gain some taste
You seem exceedingly defensive over a shitty, old book.
you must be a fellow redditer, tell me when does the bacon narwahl??
it says that at the time this edition was printed that already 5550000 copies exist
its a very nice edition i would be glad to have it but since i live in germany i would probably be thrown in a reeducation camp
I thought (((we))) burned all those
Why, it's a cool find.
t. commie
user hit the motherload on this one, damn
The lack of jew influence always looks Veeky Forums.
It's an edition from 1939 when they were massprinting the book. It's not worth much but it seems to be in fine condition.
I can tell you that the original is in a library in the bigsha library-archive in Leipzig or Hamburg and that you need ultra special permission to get near it. I've been told that all other editions are heavily edited and have additional notes.
You forgot the timestamp, OP.
And all the retards in this thread forgot to ask for it.
OP here: im going to an antiquarian bookstore tomorrow, i'll post an update then. thank to u all!
do u have any idea where should i find it in the book?? btw im not selling it, it belong in my fathers library
my great grandfather fought in the second world war, but when they took paris in 1940 he grabbed his girlfriend and moved to brasil, sao paulo. thats the story lol. yes, he deserted
They had one of these, a '36 I think, in my uni library. It was really cool.
I wouldn't get your hopes up for it being worth anything. It's just a '30s Mein Kampf. There were a lot of them. Not to discourage you, just saying, realistic expectations.