That long list of people and cities at the end of book 2

>that long list of people and cities at the end of book 2

Was it necessary for the story?

How else would people know who fought for the Greeks?
It sounds good in the Greek dactylic hexameter too.

I heard so many complaints about the catalogue of ships prior to reading this that I was dreading coming across it, only to discover it's four fucking pages long. Stop being a bitch and read it. I bet the whaling information in Moby Cock isn't nearly as bad as you all say

>is it necessary to honor all of these people who gave up everything to fight and die in this war
I don't know, OP you tell us.

>Moby Cock
underage joke but i'm laffin

Honestly I'm happy to read that part. The section that pisses me off is the funeral games. I'm sure plenty of academics have analyzed that section and can explain to me why it's crucial to the whole poem, but fuck that

That's one of the the best parts you fucking normie. It's a treasure trove of historical information. I bet you're not even on the spectrum.


>I bet the whaling information in Moby Cock isn't nearly as bad as you all say
It's not. It even contributes to the mythologization of the white whale, one of the great triumphs of the novel.

it was the original pleb filter.
Homer was btfo your pseudo-ancestors who sadly seem to have successfully reproduced enough to bring you into this world.
But at least the lineage ends with your virgin ass, and Homer, as is to be expected, will outlast every pseud's bloodline.

It's also funny. Lit readers are retards when it comes to the catalog of ships in Iliad and the cetology in moby dick

>t. pleb who can't trace his ancestry back further than 3 generations

true, Ishmael's voice is a delight to read

Good post

the whaling info chapters in moby dick are some of the best moments. people will complain about fucking anything here.

I dropped the Iliad and I'll now start the Odyssey. I should have heard Veeky Forumss warnings

Audiences liked hearing the names of their ancestors called aloud when the poem was being recited.

I dislike Book 10, A Night in the Camp. It's inappropriate and always jarring.

>I dislike Book 10, A Night in the Camp. It's inappropriate and always jarring.

That's because it was written by a different poet then Homer

>I dropped the Iliad and I'll now start the Odyssey.

Fuck, no, no, no, no, no, no don't do that!

I am not joking, the Iliad is a masterpiece, even though it takes patience, and the themes of the Odyssey are based on those in the Iliad. It makes a lot of references to the Iliad, and many comparatives and contrasts

*as well as many comparatives and contrasts

>this is what late night shit-posting does to you

Iirc those passages were used to buy time for people reciting the poem to gather their thoughts

All deaths are tributed like the deaths of heroes like Achilles. Because every lost in war is a tragedy.

is it because it's totally inconsequential?

I thought it was hilarious and set up the espionage dynamic of Odysseus and Diomedes that also occurs in the Little Iliad

Well, supposedly, it was a relic from when the city-states commissioned aedes to recite the Iliad while also glorifying the city they were singing. Pysistratus simply didn't care enough to tell the transcibers to exsponge it.