How many pages/hour can you read?


about 250 pages in an hour

7 trillion

30-50 pages per hour.

bout tree fiddy

300 to 500 depending on how it's printed.
If you feel something gently touching the back of your head, do not worry: it is the tip of my gargantuan dick reaching all across the globe.

2 pages in an hour, but only if I focus really hard.

20 pages an hour of pic related, reading in my native and only language: english

25 for real books.
50 for genre fiction.

You read jack vance and gene wolfe at 50 pages an hour?

Ok Google.




How much?

They are real books you cuck

It all depends. On average, I can read at a speed of about 620-650 words per minute.

The average adult reads approximately 300-350 words per minute.

>25 for real books.
>50 for genre fiction.

WTH is a "real" book?

depend how often I have to check my phone

delete this

I've never been autistic enough to care or count

literary fiction.

Why does literary fiction take you longer to read than genre fiction?

Depends on the print and how many times I have to flip to the end notes.