What is the scariest story you know of?

what is the scariest story you know of?

for me its survivor type by stephen king

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I remember the nightmare room books spooked me when I was a kid.

That story about being stuck almost forever in a white void if you teleport to mars while conscious is pretty good, also from King. I don't really like him as a writer, but he makes some good stuff occasionally.

are these works referenced here short stories?

The jaunt was an excellent concept

He flush out the potential that was there though imo


Is that the one with the stranded surgeon?
King wrong some decent short stories actually. The novels aren't awful for what they are but the seem kind of full of themselves.

Alastair Reynolds has a few good ones too but most of it isn't really horror.
I suppose "Nightingale" is.

There was a Ligotti short story about a JK Rowling stand-in that wrote about a character that came to life and haunted her. it was pretty good.

Is that the skyscraper that inspired Allen Ginsberg to write the "Moloch" part in Howl?

My diary desu

This should be the only answer allowed on this board. I'd ban everything else

See the film Metropolis.

Almost had a panic attack while reading about Roko's basilisk. I read the eternal torture version.

It's to late for us user

How is that story scary? It's basically Cast Away with heroin.

The last question by Isaac A.
Not spooky but being skeptical on God and shit I realize there's a chance everything in existence will fade to nothing. Entropy has been in the back of my mind since I've read it

Not to derail, but how the hell does king put out books faster than I can read them. Same question on Tom Clancy (although Clancy is just a simple story generator)

He's basically held together with cocaine and amphetamine paste, it's no surprise his output is so crazy

This story was pretty disturbing


Inb4 >cancer


Most of Hubert Selby Jr.'s stories and novels.

Not really horror in the sense of the supernatural or even of a looming threat, it's more the atmosphere, the feeling that this probably happened somewhere and is probably happening again all over the world. The characters feel like genuine human beings that evoke mixied feelings about them and that makes them feel more real and it just makes all the things that happen to them all the more horrible. His stories feel like watching your next door neighbourgh crash his car in slow motion without a seat belt or an airbag.