Critique of Pure Reason

What should I expect?

Some sort of critique of reason I'm guessing

Reading atm critique of judgment and he is an astonishing philosopher, but boring and repetitive as fuck.

Excellent sleep aid.

the birth of pomo

Pretty much. He criticizes pure reason. He says we should only exercise what he calls "partial reason," and also give voice to our emotions and feelings. The first part of the book is all the criticisms of how logic fails. The second part is about how to, in his words, "follow your heart" and live a happier life.

The second critique is about being too practical verses having dreams and ideals and the third is basically a take down of judgemental people or someone who judges a book by its cover basically.

>lets rate music from 0 to 100
>but i dont give 100 to anything because perfect music cannot be acquired

So 99 is the new 100.

I've read 'Groundwork', and although it was mostly pretty badly written, I thought it was quite beautiful in some places.


Influential philosophy and horrible writing

Garbage that has been rightfully critiqued by Hegel.

The best metaphor in philosophical literature when he compares Plato to a dove.

What's his critique?

0.999^ is NOT 1 no matter how what this stupid cunt vheart says.

I don't see a problem with that

Hegel basically completes Kants project by going all the way with the critique, throwing logic out the door (in fact he writes his own "Logic" later). Hegel says that people are rarely logical but more often than not "spiritual" or religious. He examines spirituality versus atheism and shows that, while atheism is more "logical," spirituality is more rewarding for human beings. He then shows how it relates to history such as how atheism caused the French Revolution.


3-4 pages was all i could handle each night

It goes to 11.

Limbering up to read this. I went & read Hume 'An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding' & would recommend.

Wrong. typical dumbass answer.

Obviously number systems are an abstraction that do not perfectly correspond to the real world. Thus you leave room at both ends for the possibility of future perfection of measurement.
But then we have brainlets like you coming along with typical mercantile thinking.

This, typical fucking retards everywhere, even in the Israeli Medical Profile scale goes from 21 to 97.
No 0's and no 100's, fucking hell people are dumb.

>Hegel basically misreads Kants project and replaces it with obscurantist drivel


Never have truth and falsehood intertwined so well as in this post