To what degree was he influenced by Hinduism?

To what degree was he influenced by Hinduism?

Other urls found in this thread: 13&Version=KJV

Hindu don't proselytize.

Greco-Buddhist influence of Christianity is the more interesting topic, but the evidence is severly lacking, particularly when it comes to monotheistic Galilean Jews who would need to be open to pagan ideas.


Aside from one or two yogis who visited the eastern Roman provinces, there was no Hindu influence in the Roman empire, and absolutely none in Judea which remained strictly jewish. Jesus was firmly rooted in the apocalyptic vein of second temple judaism.

I was thinking of this today: basically how do we know that the scripture which has been assized and augmented by the Church numerous times is valid? Where is the proof that they did not simply take the words of Christ which are a wonderful philosophy and then ascribe all kinds of justifications for their cult hundreds of years later. I honestly would like to know that. In answer to OP probably only tangentially via Platonism and Stoicism if those schools were at all influenced by Hindus I couldn't say.


>still written probably centuries after Christ

None. He was Buddhist.

He was obviously an avatar of Vishnu

Krsna = Christ

>hundreds of years
Read a book.

Well, Vishnu is of Hindu belief so, no.

I think what OP is suggesting is Jesus's supposed "missing years"

To what degree were he and his followers influenced by Zoroastrianism?

Not just Hinduism but the general thought of the Hindus valley and what traveled bath and forth between the near east and there.

Yes, the 15 (I believe) missing years where Jesus studied under Tibetan Buddhist monks. Not OP but I know what he's talking about.

Was this the religion which believed in the Anunnaki?

A bit due to the bigger rejection of flesh sometimes.

Not at all, that's a total myth. He said there was only one God and that you lived only once, so if he did travel to India he would have learned nothing. Jesus' missing years he was probably just being a carpenter. That's why when he first starts preaching, the pharisees said "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?" So these people knew he was and said "where did he get all this stuff he was preaching?" If he went to India, they would have just said "this must be what he learned in India," because they knew who he was so they would have known he learned in India. Instead, they were shocked that he knew what he was talking about because he didn't seem like an educated man. Matthew 13 is the passage I'm talking about, if you want to read it for yourself. The discussion starts at verse 51 13&Version=KJV

You're saying Jesus traveled to India during those years? Might as well say he traveled to The New World and was influenced by Native Americans.

Not at all? Though interestingly enough Hindu priests do recognize Jesus' divinity for some reason.

I'm not, I was just suggesting it's what the OP was suggesting.

Not only that, but it's a well-known piece of speculation that people titillate themselves with, how have you not heard of it? There are supposed bits of details in real life to support it, you can Google it right now.

Except Jesus left when he was young and returned as an adult. Which means if he was referred to as 'the carpenter's son' then they aren't talking about his carpentry skills but his father's. In fact, if he travelled to India, they would be more likely then to refer to him as his father's son than his own being for he is detached and alienated.

Nah, that's more Mesopotamian. Zoroastriansism is the one with the god Ahura Mazda in a struggle with Angra Maynu/Ahriman and it has an end times myth that
Was my main reason of seeing a connection.

If this is true, than Oriental philosophy essentially created Western culture entirely.

>posting this hard

imagine how rad the planet would be if iran was still zoroastrian instead of getting converted to that semitic cult

Implying trade routes that were actually used in that time are as ridiculous as travelling to the Americas. Please.

>In Zoroastrian eschatology, a 3,000-year struggle between good and evil will be fought, punctuated by evil's final assault. During the final assault, the sun and moon will darken and humankind will lose its reverence for religion, family, and elders. The world will fall into winter, and Angra Mainyu's most fearsome miscreant, Azi Dahaka, will break free and terrorize the world.[75]

read Nietzsche's Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks

>Nietzsche's Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks

and where does one find such a thing?

The three magi were zoroastrian, and the beliefs were more relevant in Egypt than in Judea.

Did the beliefs ever spread to Greece?

wait, i thought they were manichaean? or was that augustine? some big time christian mother fucker was actually maichaean who converted later to get on the bandwagon when christianity went mainstream

weren't the greeks more into mythraism, isis cult, and diana at the time

They did have a few wars, Greeks and Persians. I'm fairly sure that it did, especially after Alexander.

Don't really know. Although from a couple of the things I just looked up, Mithraism could have spawned some of the same themes I was noticing, so maybe that's more the cause.

>Except Jesus left when he was young and returned as an adult
So a huge chunk of his life. And people who know his mother, his "father," and all his brothers and sisters, wouldn't even know about it? That's really unrealistic in light of this verse.

Well there IS a folk legend in England that he traveled there. It's where the poem "Jerusalem" gets its inspiration.

Considering he came back and revolutionised religion, I don't believe his terms of leave and return were typical nor understood even by his family. He travelled to India, came back and preached. There was no way to communicate, so it's not like they could know of his life after he left.

So he left for years and refused to tell anyone what he did, and nobody thought that worth to mention in the multiple books written about his life shortly after he died? The books that tell a story about him getting lost as a little kid didn't that worth mentioning? Doesn't it make more sense to say he probably just didn't do anything of note during those years?

It was important that Christ had a father from the David's line in law only. Once you understand the idols jews worship, it is another spiteful remark from God.

Imagine how advanced humanity would be if Europe somehow became Buddhist or Hindu - 2000 years without the slave philosophy

How do you give up the power of an unclaimed religion to the East?

The seething, frothing resentment of so many people on this site towards Christianity is pretty amusing, honestly.

you think buddhism isn't just another resentful slave morality?

>all those people who like what i don't like are SUFFERING
>oh i didn't want all those comfy material things anyways cuz attachment is SUFFERING

blah blah same life denying resentful crap as christianity except without the value of life that lead to the idea of human rights

china was buddhist for quite some time and it is an awful shithole with a polluted environment and no concept of human rights, i'll take the christian version of resentiment ideology thanks

>Imagine how advanced humanity would be if Europe somehow became Buddhist or Hindu - 2000 years without the slave philosophy

you need to learn more about history if you don't understand that christianity is what makes europe successful: the idea of progress rather than cyclical history is from christianity, the idea of human rights is from christianity, etc. put down the fedora and read a book, nerd


Millions of casteless people shit on European soil.

Imagine how advanced China or India would be without European Christians.

Imagine how advanced China would be without Europeans and Mongols*