What happened to Russian literature during the 20th century?
What happened to Russian literature during the 20th century?
i wonder
it stopped being exporting and american posers didn't read it
The Soviet Union happened
OP can't /thread himself
Art and happiness are resources of the ruling class to distract and oppress the working class
The rurikid aryan aristocracy that was responsible for all the triumphs of 'russian' civilisation fled or was exterminated, leaving only an illiterate ural-altaic peasant substrate
Unironically this.
The reddest of pills is realizing that the ruling class became the ruling class due an intellectual superiority that allows them to also create literally masterpieces
The true aryan is a savage militant and mystic. STALIN was the epitome of aryan man
It got raped in the ass by communism.
communism is anti-intellectual
>The ruling class produces art
No they consume it.
Because they correctly identify it, expose it, and inevitably popularize it
Umm, no sweetie.
Russia is ruled by jews to this very day. ZOG territory. Putin is just a front for a cabal of judeobolshevist oligarchs
Unironically this.
This ignoring it's obvious stupidity is a common misconception. Although nothing produced was Tolstoy or Dosteoevsky tier the soviets cultivated a love of reading the classics among the working class. Probably one of the few culturally good things about the USSR. Shame that part didn't last.
>of reading the classics
No, it forced the classics upon the general public, with the kind of results you see in Catcher in the Rye or Great Gatsby threads. And where is that great "hidden" soviet literature you are speaking of?
It's different from the classics, but there's a lot of great Soviet-era Russian literature. My favourites are 'Envy' by Oljesja, a great story about a man who is unable to get with the Soviet times, 'Overstocked Packaging Barrels' by Aksionov, which is about the same subject matter but with more barrels and dreams. Ofcourse everything by Bulgakov, which is just the best and very much Soviet, even if he was critical of the SU himself. Then there's Ilf and Petrov, Katajev, who I personally dont enjoy reading but is good and a lot more that I cant come up with right now. It's worth checking these writers out.