DFW. Great. A favorite between the ages of 14 and 15, and hereafter. By far one of the finest artist in recent years...

DFW. Great. A favorite between the ages of 14 and 15, and hereafter. By far one of the finest artist in recent years. One would like to have filmed him watching a tennis game.
"This is Water." A particular favorite. Especially good. How marvelously one maneuvers towards the realization that this is water! Essentially a commencement speech for very young people. For the ages.
Infinite Jest. Never liked it. Second-rate, ephemeral, puffed-up. His mighty commencement speech towers over this loathsome novel. A non-entity, means nothing to me. Certainly not genius.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, I never just like... really NOTICED all this stuff going on around us, y'know? It took a genius like Dave to point it out.

And it's really true, too. A fish wouldn't know what water was.

Is this movie out yet?

Sam Hyde and DFW are linked in a deep cosmic, spiritual level. You just know one man wouldn't exist without the other. You can just tell they are dialectical poles of this intangible cosmic phenomenon that embodies the inherent duality in man and the inherent duality of America.


Hyde is amazingly irrelevant

Wow, came out 2 years ago. So is it any good? (Not a big dfw fan.)

as is DFW. that's what unites the pair. profoundly banal and banally profound.World historical figures. Post cold war american culture can be divided between the DFW era and Sam Hyde era. Kurt Kobain is probably a variation on the same basic theme as those two. Understand that and you will understand why America is an abortive civilisation sentenced to premature Spenglerian Doom.

Y'all don't get the joke?

I always thought the part in Ideas Man where Sam says to pull the band aid off a little bit faster, and tell them something they don't want to hear, while he draws a swastika on the board, was making fun of Peterson trying to convince his class they were Nazis

you're on Veeky Forums

the joke is on you for being the first person who absolutely NEEDED to point it out


Bro I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thoughts like these.

Very real, true, and good.

I had a laugh

Yeah, no.

just bizarre... only someone whose entire coordinate system for understanding the world came from Veeky Forums/reddit/meme culture would say something like this

get out more, m8. and quick

if you're at that point of feeling you'd be better meditating than making this thread

Yeah, um. you're a faggot. um no. sorry.

Not really, it probably helps though if you're not a fan because I think fans know DFW would've hated being turned into a shallow film character

I'm glad to see that the literati is finally coming around to the fact that Infinite Jest, The Pale King and his short stories are not his best work. "This is Water" will be remembered in history as his magnum opus.

who/what are you quoting user?

Trigger warning

Sam Hyde is a really disgusting existence you have to wonder why he hasn't killed himself when DFW did.

One man is currently existing without the other.

Nabokov would've hated DFW, I think

The cosmic dyad exists beyond time and space

I watched it last night and know what you're saying. I wouldn't say I dislike DFW, and would actually probably classify him as the best writer of the last couple decades, but I just find something annoying about him and his writing.

That said, I actually came out feeling more sympathetic toward him after watching that posthumous hit job. Nothing more than a jewish-produced film based on the one-sided POV of an annoying jew who was doing a hit piece for a disreputable jewish magazine. I consider myself a much bigger DFW fan now than I was before because of that. Jews are truly soulless and shameless creatures of the sand.

I hear what you're saying, if you haven't read this already, Bret Easton Ellis does a very good take-down on the film here and sums up my sentiments pretty well:


I don't think he would have bothered reading him.

DFW is existing within Sam Hyde's stomach

Go to sleep, Nabby.

It only shows DFW in a time span of 1 week. You can't really get a good idea of him or his entire life based on that.

>screenwriter of the Canyons

Honestly the worst part of that film was not the writing or direction but the stunt-casting of James Deen. Some scenes of his are tolerable but others verge into full-blown student film territory