Used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary pretty fast...

used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary pretty fast. I would like to balance my reading so could you recommend me some modern (or old) communist / leftists writers that honestly address the following points:

1 - Take responsibility for all the murderous "not real communism" and propose measures to avoid it beyond magical local communities that somehow emerge from nothing and "beautiful soul" style ideological purity that will never lead to anything in the real world?

2 - Puts any effort into building up structures that could work instead of centering all their efforts into tearing down structures without really having a working replacement for them.

3 - Doesn't despise actually existing working class people

Doesn't need to be the 3 points in the same text. Just addressing some of them would be nice enough.

rn im loling @ ur life
how can you be so basic

How old are you?

Generally, communism is just a vision with barely any real idea how to get there in a practical capacity. Ancaps have a similar issue with their world views.

Your list of complaints is super basic, so I doubt you've read much leftist theory. Here's some reccs that give concrete ideas on how to transform the relations of production.

Richard Wolff's lectures and essays
Chomsky - Government in the future
Cockshott & Cottrell - Towards A New Socialism
Cockshott & Zachariah - Arguments for Socialism
Market Socialism - The Debate Among Socialists

What communist or lefty works have you read so far?

>used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary pretty fast
it's spelt "right-handed" not reactionary. if your left hand is unusable now, you should stop jacking it or playing video games or whatever, not switch hands.

>used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary pretty fast.
lots of literature for this feel. old school marxist and reactionary are bros....?

>used to be a lefty. turning into a reactionary
Those aren't the only two options. Look into classical liberalism.

why don't you just read Proudhon?

His brand of socialism makes the national-socialists seem like a bunch of wet-paper-bags being blown up by little girls.

>force women to stay at home
>expel the foreigners
>sterilise the disabled, the j00s
>exterminate those who refuse to leave

A) It's shit and B) the average classical liberal back then would be called a nazi nowadays.

Everyone is called a Nazi who isn't a commie nowadays, and they're just called Commies

>classical liberalism

the most meme political ideology. I've never met anyone who used that label who wasn't just trying to dress bizarre right-wing ideas up in a more appealing (and "intellectually respectable") dress.

>the heavens
>the sky
>the earth's crust
>the earth's mantle
>the earth's outer-core
>your understanding of politics
>the earth's inner-core

Murray Bookchin.

Check out Chris Hedges, he's got whats needed for what ails the Left


Kill yourself /r/socialism

Zizek will just make him even more Right Wing

Zizek acknowledges the important problems, but he doesn't really address any of them and as much as he would like to think the opposite, he is still "deconstructing" more than building anything positive.

Read him if you want to be better at spotting ideological constructs, but not much else beyond that

Don't listen to these people.
OP, while it is true that your list of complaints are super basic, it's because the problems with Marxism and its offshoots are so fucking blatant that they're impossible for anybody with an average IQ and a good relationship with their parents to ignore.
Don't let this turn you into a fucking pepe, though. Form your own opinions. Read Hegel.

I think Zizek is very aware of this. He struggles to even identify as a Marxist anymore

>Read Hegel.

Kant man, have to read Kant first

Sure, no disagreement. Though, I found myself understanding Kant better after having read Hegel. If anything, I couldn't give a shit about Kant until I needed to know how Hegel was responding to him. And Hegel's a lot more useful if you want to understand history.
There's a delicious irony embedded in the fact that socialism's repeated failure since its inception is a perfect demonstration of the dialectic.

Though, Kant's ideas about dogma are also useful as a critique of Marxism.

kill yourself pseudshit

Fuck you, the kid's asking an honest question. Go cozy up to your Lenin body pillow.