Can political discourse be saved from books like pic related (Both from the right and the left)?
Can political discourse be saved from books like pic related (Both from the right and the left)?
>posts picture of a pamphlet
In theory, everything is possible.
But if you look at your average American voter... no.
What's wrong with this book that we need saving from? It's just an essay.
It's true, but I doubt she actually knows why. Unless this is an essay on the perils of our disastrous retirement policies that are going to bankrupt us. Immigration is being pushed hard because theres literally not enough people to support the boomers on retirement. Thats it--thats the conspiracy they hide from. Thats why Joe Biden can say with a straight face: "immigration will not slow down, nor should we want it to." He's talking about economics. Our parents and their parents wrote checks that our asses now have to cash. We have to earn 3-4x more than our parents to match their standard of living.
Mostly this --- in terms of pure economics immigration is never a bad thing. It's vital for a healthy economy. The challenges arise when domestic politics come into play and cultural values are asserted. It's much easier to blame foreigners or some "other" for your current predictament than to accept the cold rationale of market forces.
But folks here understand that for the most part and I'm preaching to the choir.
People who pretend like immigration is some natural and positive thing are retarded. "Immigration" was unheard of before the modern clown era and had a more accurate name: invasion. Nothing has changed except rhetoric.
The economic benefits of immigration are negligible
Not really. Political drones have become too radicalized at this point. Nuance is completely lost.
I hate American politics and Americans that enjoy their retarded politics.
Nice generational warfare that doesn't exist. You should hate bourgies, not your fellow proletarians. They ruin things.
What do you mean when you say "good for the economy?" Does it increase gross GDP? Sure, simply on the virtue of there being more people in the workforce, and as such the economic benefits of immigration are largely reaped by the immigrants themselves. As for new technologies and innovative business practices being introduced to a country, in our globalized world immigration is not needed to provide access to such technologies/ideas.
>largely reaped...
and through taxes, and through increased production by increased labour. also, depending on the immigrant, like indian or chinese, the second generation goes on to a professional career, unlike most natives who continue in mediocrity.
I don't know why people insist on talking about the economics of immigration as if that's the biggest to be against it. The laws of a country reflect the people that live in it. Our culture and society changes as the people change. If we import people from one culture our country as a whole will begin to reflect that.
I don't want Muslims to immigrate into this country because Islam doesn't play second fiddle with other religions. When they gain a foothold in any country they don't give it up. They don't integrate at all. Where they live begins to look like where they came from and I fear that once enough of them come into this country they will begin to influence the law and cause it to reflect their culture. A majority of Muslims have embraced a doctrine of the uncreated Quran, and a result of this is a literal rejection of logic and reason and causality because the Quran is the only source of true knowledge. For Sunni Muslims it's actually a heresy to even question this and it's a big reason why Islam is completely incompatible with western civilization. The world can't afford to see the west reject philosophy in the same way that Muslims have.
Probably not, It's been this way since WWII. Intellectual politics probably won't come back until we reach another tipping point.
>I hate American politics
>You should hate bourgies, not your fellow proletarians.
ah look an effete european marxist. lets all take in his no doubt thoughtful analysis and say "hmm" to ourselves.
Political discourse can't be saved from itself because in the 21C the production of weaponized/monetarized discourse is itself the point. When you have a system of mutually beneficial war-machines that feed off each other things work because they engender one-sided views that sell books.
Both sides benefit from a downward spiral into totalizing either/or splits. The clumsier and more stupid one side becomes, the more the other side becomes licensed to act even more clumsily and stupidly in return and everyone turns on the TV to watch the fireworks. Deliberate misrepresentation greases the wheels of irony and cynicism and lines the pockets of disingenuous fucks and shallow pundits on both sides of the political spectrum who perform a clerical function by Making Things Real Simple.
And good luck shooting the messenger, who has always-already-almost shot himself. Peterson is wrong about Derrida because it's not Derrida but his disciples who are air-horning him. But social justice/alt-right are just two arms of a system that work because they benefit the lowest and the stupidest and most degenerate aspects of thought.
The true political pill is the Wittgenstein pill. But dead air is bad for Neilsen ratings.
t. brainlet
not an argument. enjoy further dicking from your corporate overlords though
Boomers deserve considerable blame. They were the generation the jews used to disconnect whites from their civilization and heritage by telling them that all the world needed was peace and love, and that racism was the most evil sin in the world, when all that did was entrench the jewish power that is currently trying to destroy their children. Boomers will be remembered as the most prosperous generation to ever walk the earth, and the most naive and hedonistic.
well since Im american and not living in some backwater in europe where we all wipe our ass with our hand I actually enjoy what is objectively the highest average standard of living in human history. but I guess I should be upset because people have more money than me.
maybe I should quit my job and bitch about the bourgeois all day from my parents basement like you and your pathetic /leftypol/ brethren?
>calling anyone else a brainlet
the bourgeois and their mentality is a thing regardless of your working a job and enjoying the benefits of what they and the higher classes have built.
you are just ignoring an important aspect economic and social reality.
Go outside commie fatty
why is it important?
there has always and will always be inequality. Whether people are poor because they're lazy or it's all a big conspiracy by the elite it doesnt matter to me one bit. being perpetually butthurt about that is the most annoying thing about communists and it makes me glad that shit tier ideology is finally going the way of the dinosaur.
>in terms of pure economics immigration is never a bad thing
Yes it is. You obviously have no knowledge of neither economics nor history.
For most of history, immigration was only a thing when the native population didn't have enough children.
And not to mention, the immigrants who came were never from a culture so divorced that they literally hated the country and culture they moved to.
1.3 million Middle-Easterners came to Germany i 2016, and I bet not even 5% of them qualify as refugees.
Both the bourgeoisie and the proletarians are bad
Yes 85 iq niggers are vital for our increasingly technological economy, thanks
Bourgeois is such a redundant and quaintly milquetoast term to use in the age of globalisation and mass urbanisation. Spoilers: you are bourgeois, the proles in 21st century society are third worlders.
it is important because the bourgeois extend themselves into everything, like politics where their issues are the issues talked about, and laws which primarily benefit them while occasionally being injurious to the rest of society are passed because they actually vote, contribute financially, and exert control on politicians.
Bourgeois is not some conspiracy group, goddamn you internet "marxists" are dumb as shit and dragging the left back to the stone age.
>in terms of pure economics immigration is never a bad thing
Clueless teenager detected, the vast majority of modern-day immigrants travel north from Africa and the Middle East, which aren't exactly bastions of knowledge themselves. Immigrants at the moment are a net drain on the economy, and 5 to 10 years before the Boomers all retire is the worst time to bring in a large number of unskilled laborers.
oh you haven't read a single book about politics, history, or economics. you are actually and utterly ignorant.
Technology increases production in [current year], not manpower.
say all that is true, What am I able to do about it and what do I stand to gain from resisting?
the best bet is to transcend politics and focus on your own fulfillment.
Debate me then, Mr. Oh-so-well-read Marxist. Give me reason to take 'bourgeois' to be anything other than an archaic term with no relevance to 21st century society.
Or you could wake up and realise rehashing rhetoric from the 19th century Europe is a waste of time since we no longer live in that society.
>highest standard of living
HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit are Americans this deluded?
Enjoy your mass produced McMansion
>people are poor because they're lazy
This is blatantly anti intellectual. I don't think literature is for you
>yuropoor can't refute me
>"enjoy your big house and affordable cars and 30-40 hour workweeks and amazing vacations and top quality cuisine LMAO!"
prove me wrong, Achmed
why dont you go teach yourself instead of asking me to do it for you
Not that guy, but you clearly didn't read his whole post. Maybe pause before accusing others of intellectual laziness when youre just skimming and shitposting.
See, I knew you wouldn't have anything to say. This has become the default stance of trolls on this board lately, and frankly it's pathetic. Stick to /pol/ it's the place for intellectual lightweights and trolls.
You probably live in a flyover.
How is it "anti intellectual?" You could say it's a over generalization but it's not wrong. Most poor people are poor because they're bad with money because they're stupid, and they're stupid because they're too lazy to put in the work required to learn how to deal with money.
you proved yourself ignorant, why should i take you seriously?
>"y-you probably live in a less nice part of the greatest country in the history of the planet"
the best part is I live in SoCal and I work 4 days a week and maybe 8 hours a day max. I'm very happy and blessed to be able to waste hours shitposting with some 3rd world sour grapes marxist.
You don't have an argument, you're just accusing others of being wrong and then scurrying back into your cave to feel smug. You're the very definition of a pretentious pseud.
Social Darwinism. Nice. You lack basic critical thinking skills. On par with a 15 year old Redditor who thinks he's more intelligent than a monastery archivist because he doesn't believe in Le sky daddy. No self awareness.
you use these words, but you don't understand them, why is this?
I live in SoCal too
I wouldn't brag about living in SoCal if I were you
What is social Darwinism?
Increased production and taxes are negligible when dispersed amongst the immigrant population. For example, Germany boasted of the increase in its GDP by .3% when their population increased by 1.5%. That's a decrease in GDP per capita
yes, by uniting under absolutist rule and thereby circumventing (((politics))) entirely
>Enjoy your mass produced McMansion
i.e. enjoy your home that would cost millions in any European suburb, with its half acre of land and its 5,000 square feet of living space. Also, enjoy having a much higher per capital GDP and significantly lower taxes.
>"Immigration" was unheard of before the modern clown era
lol, your expectations of the housing market are a little unrealistic amigo. you sound like you live with your parents.
Lowering taxes directly impacts society in a negative way you dunce
Higher taxes directly affects the purchasing power of the lower and middle classes. And taxes that are too high lead to higher unemployment.
My point is that making fun of cheap McMansions because of their lack architectural sophistication is retarded when that family's equivalent home in rural Germany would be smaller and more expensive.
>home that would cost millions in any European suburb
That's the price of a castle.
>We have to earn 3-4x more than our parents to match their standard of living.
>When real wages have stagnated since 1980
Most countries have shorter work weeks than America.
Oh hey, I think I spot your great-grandparents in this one.
Notice how they're white? Lol not the same thing retard.
The brown hoards are different than white people. Immigration is an invasion and immigrants are tearing western society apart.
>how everyone else is to blame by my own disappointments: the book
that's what you get for letting women have opinions
You know absolutely nothing about the American immigration system, do you? We're not fucking Europe you.
Somehow I think the native Americans might have something to say about societies being torn apart.
What a fatuous comment. How does an historical displacement excuse a modern one?
In one sense I think this is just what happens when people's identity and anxiety gets tied up with and expressed through the culture wars and that kind of ingroup/outgroup political dynamic. I'm kind of optimistic that if there is a return to popularity of social democratic ideas this culture wars stuff might go away a bit.
But on the other hand, I think that this level of discourse is basically what you expect when regular people get involved in politics. I don't mean that in a bad or snobby way, most regular people don't have time for nuances and want stuff that is simplistic and that panders to them to some extent. What is kind of dangerous in the US is the vitriolicness of the split and the people who basically make a living stiring up shit and denouncing the outgroup.
I don't see it de-escalating without a serious turn in the US economy in terms of jobs and real wages etc, people lose trust in elite centrist types who are telling them everything is ok when it's not for them.
The Force Awakens was abysmal.
And I continue to hate Americans. The country needs to be nuked for its own good, and for the rest of the world.
Holy untermensch!
You don't know anything about politics. The bourgeois the heart of a healthy economy. I live in Brazil and everyday I suffer on my skin the evils of the big state.
politics r gay
i just want to live in a cabin away from everyone and do psychedelics and play my guitar.
Both sides have already reached the point of no return
>implying you can't get screwed over by both
Plus there are far more centralized and authoritarian countries than Brazil
You idiot that's what you don't understand. The politics is dictated by the economy alone. It's not about what you feel.
And here I thought the average lit poster was familiar with realpolitik
More like how baby boomers, immigrants and Islam(ic Chads) have scewed my vagina
Most of the migrants from outside other Western countries and Asia, even in the US, are net users of public services. Although they pay for Boomer retirements, this is akin to racking up a million in credit card debt when you earn 50,000 a year - you will have to keep upping the migration to pay for more and more elder pensions. At some point, the whole thing will come crashing down, but the politicians in question will be long retired and enjoying their pensions.
>And I continue to hate Americans.
we know Ahmed, great satan blah blah blah
>And here I thought the average lit poster was familiar with realpolitik
Don't let the fact that we read books intimidate you.
>Veeky Forums
Pick one
That joke is so old and it's used on so many different boards you should be ashamed of yourself.
It is a truism not a joke newfag
The proletariat is simply all wage workers.
I support high skilled immigration but if you think importing a bunch of people with sub 90 iq's and no training is gonna help the economy you are dumb
evolutionary theory (being most fit for the enviorment) applied to economics. Its pretty good and gets way too much shit.
wtf i love bernie now
>using a race genocided by immigrants as an argument for immigration
>Notice how they're white? Lol not the same thing retard.
>The brown hoards are different than white people.
>literally "they're bad because they're a different color than me"
holy shit
no, it will be saved be these folks
what is the opposite of intersectionality
The right could benefit from developing its own form of intersectionality.
how about a shield wall
To be fair, no country in the world would complain about a large population of white people moving in.
>mfw this bullshit again
>be Japan
>have third largest economy in the world
>allow almost no immigration
>wages go up
>housing prices go down
>more open space
>good all around
Yeah. The Japanese aren't buying what the international jew is selling w/r/t the importation Israel's muslim neighbors to ... erm ... "boost ageing economies." If only whites were less under their spell.
Japan actually did take something like less than 20 refugees ... and one of them immediately raped a Japanese girl.
Smh, whites gotta wake up to this. Come on people.
And it still has all the problems of high living cost and low income (and home ownership for young people) like Western countries. Really makes me think.
It is neoliberalism dumbass
No it can't.
Not everyone can read complex political philosophy. In most cases they are not smart or dedicated enough to do so, and so does that mean they shouldn't read anything political? No.
Complex ideas can be delivered in a way for the average Joe who maybe doesn't care too much about politics, but wants an idea of what is going on. In a sense these kind of books are necessary. Some are good, others are bad but thats just like anything else.
Those issues are gradually becoming less of a problem. Systems don't have minds of their own, though. They are abstract entities instituted by people, and the people who have instituted that system are the reason for these problems, not the abstract system itself.
Political discourse does not need saving. Watch liberals and democrats all around the world - especially in U.S. be incapable of working in co-operation with Republicans. They're incapable of dialogue. They will just obstruct. They are not even willing to compromise and MAGA. Their agenda is just 180 of whatever Trump administration wants at any given moment.
What it needs is burning down.