Why do liberals, marxists, academia, etc., hate Christianity so?

Why do liberals, marxists, academia, etc., hate Christianity so?

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Why wouldn't they? But this is not realted to literature.

Oppressive. That's pretty much it.

Literature is Jew trash, everyone who reads books needs to die.

plebs can't into share the Absolute

They don't, in fact a good majority of Christians identify as liberal. Hillary Clinton's running mate was a wannabe pastor who quoted doctrine the whole campaign trail for fucks sake.

Niggas dont know bout my liberation theology

>majority of Christians are liberal

You're thinking of protestants, which is utter heresy.

You're not Catholic, stop roleplaying.


I recently read As I Die Lying. I thought it wasn't that great. I don't get it every one hyped it so much. Did i had to read the pilgrims progress before hand or did i just completly miss the point here?

They don't when it is a current, community or movement that obeys them. They hate anything that doesn't submit.

Mods get rid of this shit. Please.

>tfw Veeky Forums is too ignorant to understand Catholics hijacked the democratic party.
>tfw Veeky Forums is too spooked by muh godless leftists to know about liberation theology in south america

Stop projecting your guilt, fag

lole welcome to \lit/ freind

Can't handle the truth, faggot?

Because liberals took power from christians, which are miserable retards. also, liberals are godless christians, which makes them super miserable retards.
here is a jewess for you.

How is pointing out you're pretending to be Catholic "projecting my guilt"?

Grow up, stop being a retarded troll. Do you even go to Mass? Were you even baptised?

>tfw Jewish gf

>implying I don't go to Latin mass every Sunday

Seek Jesus, pagan. Save your soul

this is blatant shitposting. i've been banned for less.

trolled hard

>as Paul was to discover, the messianic affirmation does not sympathize with the validity of the law as supreme instance, or with the cult of the Temple. The law and the Messiah cannot coexist, because the Messiah sums, completes, and in this instance overcomes the law, making it lose its validity as a means to salvation. Again quoting Rabbi Taubes:
The bases of the Jewish religion and community tremble not when the monotheism of Judaism is refuted but when the validity and the interpretation of the law are denied. Every Messianic aspiration presents a challenge like this, since it affirms that an age of improvement of the law is introduced.

>That is to say, the law, for the ‘Jewish tradition’, is the very core of its existence. Israel existed before the Temple, and can keep on existing after the Temple, but it does not exist without the law. It is in this context that Paul is going to tie the existence of the ‘God of Israel’ to the Abrahamic faith and not the Mosaic, indicating that the law is given more than 400 years after the call ‘by faith’ to Abraham, and that it has its meaning as a pedagogy and human mediation while the messianic promise was pending. The same appears in the prologue of John’s Gospel: ‘For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ’ (John 1.17).

>The law governs the normal mode of existence, the ordinary time of democracy and in that it does not lose its validity and must be held as just, holy, and good, but not eternal. To suspend it from the ‘sovereignty’ of the powers that be makes the victims feel defenceless. But when messianic time occurs and the law is revealed as a law of death, it appears as subsidiary, as a signal of another thing, as an instance to be overcome by the graced life, by the gratuity that the market cannot support. Therefore, the law is also seen as a trap, watchful, a temptation that can endanger the freedom that the Messiah introduces into human history.

holy motherloving shit

Marxists are crypto-christians. Dialectical Materialism is an outgrow of christian eschatology

Why are american Christians so...........unchritstian?

Stop calling socialists/communists 'Marxists', It's like calling all fruit apples. You're on the right track, look at the earliest examples of this sort of communist thought, it all springs from Christian ideals. Anabaptists, Cathars, Bogomils, and the early communists in Germany themselves were theistically inclined. The logical extention of Christ's thought is socialism, the reason its been supressed for so long is because autistic romans were trying to keep their role as the world bank.


Another exception:

The United States was settled by literal heretics, and their heresies continue to this day. The allahu ackbars of 17th century Europe.

>tfw you get your marx and your jesus and your moses mixed up but moses gets the ax

>tfw you can have christianity with your christianity or christianity with your greeks or christianity with your judaism or christianity with your hegel or

>tfw your mind starts to melt

I don't hate Christianity, but I hate your Christians.

>Stop calling socialists/communists 'Marxists', It's like calling all fruit apples. You're on the right track, look at the earliest examples of this sort of communist thought, it all springs from Christian ideals. Anabaptists, Cathars, Bogomils, and the early communists in Germany themselves were theistically inclined. The logical extention of Christ's thought is socialism, the reason its been supressed for so long is because autistic romans were trying to keep their role as the world bank.

why is Veeky Forums so outrageously fucking good today

He's not really an academic. More of an affirmative action clown who makes appearances on CNN and Bill Maher

They're afraid that it may be true.

>As human beings we only have, paradoxically, a partial vision of the absolute, because otherwise the human being would die (it is not possible to see God and live). Human freedom demands that we closely examine the absolute (revelation) in the facet of its weakness, in the fragility that reveals the human in the divine, the divine in the human. Because if the absolute was revealed in its totality it would annul our freedom, which rests on the ambiguous. We can perceive it from there, but do not possess it, do not receive it completely (‘now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror’

>Christianity takes the concept of messianism from Judaism, but Judaism knows more than one interpretation of what the messianic is. In a certain tradition the presence of the Messiah brings the end of time as an unforeseen succession of facts, the final consummation of history. But his arrival was not always accompanied by the end of the world: certain other traditions, to which some formulations of Christianity were not foreign, foresee a temporary reign of the Messiah, a centrality of Jerusalem to which the nations must yield, with their gods, to recognize in the Messiah the universal government. Indeed, certain expressions of apocalyptic Judaism are also aware of an eternal reign of the Messiah, who transforms human existence and reverses history, establishing his sovereignty even over the temporal process.
Against these different conceptions of the victory of the Messiah, Jesus re-interprets, according to Luke’s Gospel, his own situation: ‘Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory? And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself’

>Thus Jesus appears as a Messiah who becomes the bearer of a programme of non-power, who bears the reality of a submitted people, not as the liberating superhero but from a history without fundamental power, not closed, not predetermined, not even its own victory. History remains open, waiting for the divine judgement, which is prolonged in mystery. In the midst of this history, the Messiah makes present that which transcends human reality, not from the place where this is overcome but from the place where it is deprived of its humanity, where it is reduced to a number, where it is subordinate to the law of death and to the sovereignty of the strongest. The Messiah who has to judge history, as reflected in the book of Revelation, has become present within it as a victim, as the slaughtered Lamb, who has gathered together the peoples, races, nations, and languages through his victimal blood and not his conquering power. It is the intrahistorical challenge to imperial power, but it does not oppose it as another empire, at least within history, but as its counterpart, as the voice of its victims, through the Lamb, himself a victim, who nevertheless is the true and just criterion of this history.


All communists are Marxists while not all but most contemporary socialists are Marxists. Even reformist social democracy of today has its roots in the Marxian philosophy. It is therefore valid to use marxism as a shorthand for socialism or communism.

The logical extension of Christ's thought cannot be encompassed within an economic system. As the Jesuits of once knew, Christ's message was highly situationist and therefore necessitates a casuistic approach. Yes, Christ calls us towards greater compassion and to acts of social justice but he doesn't preordain a political and economic order. His kingdom is the Church which transcends the state. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.

To politicise the message of Christ in such a sense is acceptable but it goes short of his actual message.

he will never be allowed entry to Kekistan, deus vult

>All communists are Marxists

Communism predates Marx

because /pol/ has been shitted up by Cambridge Analytica and other influencers and bots to the point where Veeky Forums is /pol/ now.

Prove me wrong.


don't know if that conclusion leads to socialism or fascism

depends on the will of the people
& the people you know

brain is going to be on lease for a while
will just be smiling and drooling and nodding for a while pleasantly in the background

good threads tho
fucking good threads today

They don't. Have you seen the recent Pope? They only hate it when it's used against them.

This is wrong.
Socialism provides for all those without any actual intention of well being from all citizens.
If everyone is forced into being equal, there is no message, no teachings, no morality, no live for thy neighbor. Especially when the economy starts falling apart due to stagnation.

You seem to understand neither socialism, nor how society operates.

capitalism encourages people to serve others It gives back in correspondence to what is contributed to society. socialism on the other hand, encourages indolence and tyranny.

>It gives back in correspondence to what is contributed to society

Because they keep trying to dip their religion in social policy.

Separation of church and state, son!

>marxists believe the average wageslave at McDonalds contirbutes just as much to society as enterpreneurs like Elon Musk

Because they hate everything associated with the source of oppression, not because of what it is per se.

Major cultural institutions in the west (media, Hollywood, academia) are controlled by jews who hate and fear anyone not jewish and actively work to destroy their society, culture, and nations. They are a very disturbed people who inflict enormous damage on their host society, which is why they must be removed as soon as possible.

Ask Ayn Rand. Oh, wait...

you're not wrong

The word predates Marx but the concept was coined by him and there are no communists today who aren't Marxist.

Christianity is a stand in for conservatism and willful ignorance.


Fuck off with your conspiracy bullshit.

Biting '05 Jon Liebowitz-tier perspective there, guy.

Christianity was dominating in Europe.

Marxism = dominating force = oppressive.

Thus Christianity = bad.

I didn't say it was for me

Lol ... it's not a conspiracy when you can literally look up the people in control of the west's major institutions and see they're predominantly jews. All 6 lying American media companies are owned by jews. So who do you think is actually conspiring here, genius?

Don't be a retarded faggot. We have the information. It's in, it's there, it's all available. The problem is jews. And it always is.

Veeky Forums is a Catholic board, you faggot


I don't watch youtube videos posted here and can't even see what it is so don't expect a response.

Why do you hate them?

What World-famous Men have said About the Jews

The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is -- WHY?

Today it is taught in the schools that "Anti-Semitism" began in Germany in the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is the fact that at one time or other the Jews have been expelled from every nation in Europe! When the Jews first began to immigrate to America the early colonialists in New York, Charleston and Savannah tried to ban their entry. Benjamin Franklin pleaded with the members of the Continental Congress to enter a specific ban against Jewish immigration into the U. S. Constitution to bar them for all time to come.

The Jews claim that they are "only" a religion. The truth is that the Jews are a RACE. Less than 30% are members of any Synagogue. Whether they are Orthodox religious, atheists, capitalists or communists -- they still claim to be Jews -- members of the Jewish race! Every race has inherited traits. In the case of the Jews they include trading, money-changing, usury, and a loathing for "productive labor" which is scorned as beneath the dignity of the Jews in their "bible" called "THE TALMUD."

The Jews have not changed since the days when Jesus Christ took up a whip and drove "the money changers out of the Temple." Jews have always united to form monopolies. Today they control all the department store chains and specialty shops along with the lucrative jewelry and animal fur trade. Jews dominate the fields of all precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, tin, lead, etc. They will always ban together to drive Gentile competitors out of business.

Today America is being flooded with Jewish immigrants from Russia and even 20,000 per year leave Israel for the U. S. -- all with dollar signs in their eyes. Jews have used their vaunted money-power to seize control of the Democratic Party and constitute over 50% of all its financial contributions. Today they are buying up more and more major U. S. companies. While only 3% of the population, the Jews control over 25% of the nation's wealth and this percentage rises every year. They are the only racial group totally organized to work for political domination over America.

Opposition to the Jews did not begin in Germany but dates back before the birth of Christ over 2,000 years ago! Study the statements made by "The world's greatest men." They reveal why the "wandering Jews" have made enemies out of every host country that ever accepted them.

CICERO (Marcus Tullius Cicero). First century B.C. Roman statesman, writer.

"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills." (Oration in Defense of Flaccus)

Cicero was serving as defense counsel at the trial of Flaccus, a Roman official who interfered with Jewish gold shipments to their international headquarters (then, as now) in Jerusalem. Cicero himself certainly was not a nobody, and for one of this stature to have to "speak softly" shows that he was in the presence of a dangerously powerful sphere of influence. and on another occasion Cicero wrote: "The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers." biblebelievers.org.au/repu...

Not enough eye gouging or whipping.

Yes, the jewish problem is as old as time and goes back to Egyptian times.

There's no reason for white men with IQs over 100 to not be aware of this problem and to not be working toward expelling these people as has happened countless times for their sick and destructive behavior.

stop shitting up the board with religion threads

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