Are there any good Youtube channels about books?

Are there any good Youtube channels about books?

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Marcus Aramini.

there are only good books about books. why watch something? go back to reading.

>manlet that Veeky Forums idolizes for sucking genre wolfe's cock all day
cmon guy, shoot higher, please.


What would make a book channel good?

how's it going, aramini? nice push-ups by the way

jævla rovbandit

precise review, astute observations, and/or a sharp wit

Being cute


here is the bookchemist once again

I miss Carli Claire.

thebookalchemist or whatever is okay i guess


you know who

who's that semen dumpster

You make this board shit

>TFW you wanna make a YouTube channel about books, but fear Veeky Forums will start stalking you.


Depends desu, are you a qt girl?

Better Than Food is pretty good homie

Only for collectors, not for readers.

Are there any good books about Youtube channels?

this. Seems like it would be interesting.

i liked these ones but he doesn't make videos anymore
I wish I had downloaded all of her videos

Do reviews on goodreads instead. Veeky Forumsreads is a far smaller audience but the advantage is they actually read and don't do this shit for the sake of shitposting. well, most of them.

Wow thanks. Do you have any more by chance?


you get good documentaries about literature/books.

but youtube channels and yootoobers are shti

If you are a male lit won't, but you could choose to make a podcast instead. Come on pussy.

Steve Donoghue

Nah that's the only video I got. I have a bunch of memes though.


I actually like Steve's weird ass. That motherfucker can't read that much though--issa impossible.



He doesn't do fiction though.


She is so wholesome and above me in moral standing. I need her.

why hasnt she posted a new video, brehs

If you deserve her one day you will find her

bump since i see this has turned into a Carli Claire thread!
