Do you ever get asleep whilst reading? Do you ever get bored? How strong is your ability to focus on the text? How long can you keep repressing your thoughts generated by the book before they completely blow up your concentration?
Do you ever get asleep whilst reading? Do you ever get bored? How strong is your ability to focus on the text...
look it is 6/10 girl with book wow
i want to see the boobsers and give them a kissie or two desu
>finally get time to read
>start reading
>fall asleep
6/10 is pretty good in dark times such as these. Especially if she's cultured and wholesome (which this one is obviously not).
The only time I wasn't able to focus on reading was when I was up for over 24 hours and tried to read a section or two of As I Lay Dying. Didn't remember a single thing and had to go back after sleeping.
Do you remember books you read several years ago?
nice tiddies, what did you say again?
How can you even give a score when you only see less than half of her? Also
>implying you wouldn't smash that
Yeah, of course. While it's not literature, I still remember Eragon, and I read that in 2nd grade.
I came here to learn tips about staying awake while reading.
also she deserves more than a 6/10
>6/10 is pretty good in dark times such as these. Especially if she's cultured and wholesome (which this one is obviously not).
that's sof in OP pic. she's a cam whore but she can and has read Russian and English classics in the originals which is more than you. (I think she's French too, so yeah, more cultured)
not unless I'm very tired. there are certain books that do make me tired (mein kampf is so long winded and boring, i'm not sure why it isn't a medically tested soporific besides zomgnazis)
i don't really have problems with focusing on the text either. i've never had to repress thoughts to keep reading as far as i can remember. normally i'm more zoned in on the book than shit happening around me, which is a different problem
he gave an upper limit
>she deserves more than a 6/10
hello, future beta provider
I was saying that she's obviously not wholesome, not that she's not cultured. But jesus, stop being a whiteknighting autist. And no, she's definitely not more cultured than I am.
What is it about average camwhores and booktubers (not that they're different things) that sends the betas on this site into a frenzy?
But do you remember them in detail?
Yeah, it's not that difficult. I remember the entire plot of Eragon, which is a shame because it's really bad.
sorry I assumed you meant "not cultured and not wholesome" rather than "is cultured but not wholesome".
yeah, she's not wholesome, but she is cultured enough to do nude ballet stress poses hnnng. and yes, she's definitely more cultured than you because I have no faith in your ability to read in two modern foreign languages or to fence/dance ballet. she's practically noble compared to you on the culture scale.
You are a pompous obnoxious pseud.
I come from an aristocratic family, and I actually do practice fencing. And reading in more than one modern language doesn't make someone cultured. If she could read latin or ancient greek it'd be a different story.
If she were truly cultured, she also wouldn't be a camwhore. Just saying.
i wanna touch her left arm
Stop this pathetic stupid-as-shit discussion. You sound like pure shit. You sound retarded and obnoxious. Shut your minds for a moment.
samefagging, by "left arm" I of course mean "breasts" but not in a sexual way just as a friend
time stamped picture of your foil. write it in three languages. easy to prove you're equal that way. :3
Have you all never seen a nood woman before?
I wanted to talk about not falling asleep and staying focused
>Veeky Forums
why did i expect anything else
>2/10 would not bang: the thread
she's a board meme, living life at your expense.
as long as I still find it funny