New World Translation is the best translation. DEBATE ME.
New World Translation
It's readable, and has objectively better prose.
It really isn't a bad translation outside of using Jehovah in the New Testament.
Nice dubs but you still don't have any arguments
You're the one with the claim, you're the one supposed to bring evidence and/or arguments in your favor. Empty statements like "it's better lol" are... Empty.
So why is this better than KJV?
>not Douay-Rheims
acceptable choice
Young's Literal Translation is pretty nice too
I find that the KJV is "prettier" in it's delivery, however, that sort of vanity is contrary to God's will. The NWT has a simpler and more humble way of putting God's message, thus, making it more authentic.
The NWT is specifically a project of the Jehovah's Witnesses and, as such, reflects the biases and errors of that organization.
The most egregious of those errors, of course, is its denial of the divinity of Jesus and of the Trinity
As someone that was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, this can't possibly be true.
It is the only translation I've read from cover to cover though. The only real reason anyone could give for it being better than any other translation is that it's basically done in simplified English.
You mean the Bible that changes words and comma placement just to fit the doctrine.
>changes wording to support unitarianism
>translates several words as "Jehovah" where it's nonsensical to do so
Haha, no
There's a dozen other translations that are nice to read without the Jehovah's Witness bias.
Douay Rheims is shit.
>King Saul was a giant infant the whole time!
>Moses grew horns!
>Mark 1:2 "as it is written in Isais the Prophet [quotes Malachi]"
It's a bad translation. The KJV is the best.
The KJB is specifically a project of the Protestants and, as such, reflects the biases and errors of that organization. The most egregious of those errors corrected by JWs is the proper denial of the divinity of Jesus and of the Trinity.
I prefer NABRE because it's my neighbor.
>These are the people that you share a board with
Stop trying to indoctrinate people on Veeky Forums with your Jehovah's Witness nonsense. The KJV isn't "prettier," it's sublime. And that sublimity reflects the word of God. It's not vanity, and to say so is being very ignorant.
See also the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople in the Fourth Century, along with literally every single other translation of note
ἐγὼ kαὶ ὁ πατὴρ ἕν ἐσμεν (I and the Father are one)
--Jn 10:30
What does the NWT (and the Jehovah's Witnesses for that matter) do with that passage? It's hard to see how one can subordinate Jesus to the Father, especially since the Jews wanted to stone him for saying this
To be fair, JW is a cult.
Seven failed end-of-the-world prophecies and counting
If you're not reading Revised King James I don't know what you're even doing on Veeky Forums
>God wen get so plenny love an aloha fo da peopo inside da world, dat he wen send me, his one an ony Boy, so dat everybody dat trus me no get cut off from God, but get da real kine life dat stay to da max foeva.17You know, God neva send me, his Boy, inside da world fo punish da peopo. He wen send me fo take da peopo outa da bad kine stuff dey doing.18Whoeva stay trus me, God no goin punish dem. But whoeva no trus me, garans God goin punish dem, cuz dey neva trus me, God's ony Boy
Are you retarded? I hope you seriously believe that.
Whither OP?
To the OP's credit, it is a pretty good version. I would say it's about on par with KJV.
NRSV = da best!!
Anglicans are barely Protestants
It's called tests and trials for the faithfuls.
Well, I disagree.
Debate over.
This is true.
I went to Church of England Schools and its closer to Catholicism than what people in the US or Europe think of as Protestantism.
Oh youre baiting. Ok.