Good books to expand feminine vocabulary
I knew too few on the gorl list, I'd like to have a well rounded vocabulary, what's some good books to fix this?

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Romantic-Era poetry of course.

>On the basis of your results, we estimate you know 73% of the English words.
>This is a high level for a native speaker.

Any good recs? Won't that be kinda archaic?

I got 75% and I'm not native
Would get 78 if I didn't misspress once, damn touch screen

You expand your feminine vocabulary by having more relations with women. Friendship, romantic, etc. If you're too much of a hateful sperg for that just read more about fashion, since that's where the gap is according to the article. If you couldn't make that inference, assuming you read your own link, you probably lack the comprehension skills needed to do this by yourself.

The writer blamed Jane Austen for her vocabulary tho. Also I like books better than magazibes, I'd like some sugar with my medicine

read more joyce carol oates

Any books you like?


I got 71%. I now have a mission to learn every word.

Are you a fag? Why do you need feminine words???

I scored 87%
>test thinks I know words
>doesn't realize I can just recognize word parts

Don't sell yourself short that's really good

Thanks but I don't actually know the words I was just in this weird class for autists in middle school where we memorized word roots and now I can suss out the meaning of most words I come across if they are Latinate or Anglo-Saxon in origin (I must have just ignored the Greek part)

Dude, you're like rainman but not retarded.

Also he can't make money off it

This is very inaccurate. So far I've got 64%, 80%, 54%, 74%, 84%, 79%, non-native. Would probably have to do it dozens of times to get a proper average.

>81% here
I'm insanely jealous. I did a similar thing with the word parts though I never got taught it. Just does that look like a word or not.

I'm non-native and just got 90% that way, it's really not too difficult.

I wouldn't shoehorn feminine words in my work unless they're a net benefit

If it isn't making the dialog more sound authentic or improving the sentence structure and flow I see no reason why you should force yourself to learn fashion or floral terms.
Unless you're writing about women related to those industries but why the hell would if you dont already care about those things