Looking to diversify my thought with some opposition research. Is the Oxford abridged version of Capital worth reading...

Looking to diversify my thought with some opposition research. Is the Oxford abridged version of Capital worth reading? What should I know before reading Marx? I already have a bit of background in Hegel.

Afterwards I plan to read some Marcuse, Debord, and Adorno but would be interested in what Veeky Forums recommends in terms of understanding the ideology of the left.



Theses on Feuerbach, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, German Ideology.

Reminder that marxists.org has everything.

Going to post this chart preemptively. I'm familiar with most of these writers but I'm mainly looking for a more concise list of works - I don't have months to waste, only the summer.

Don't bother, everything you think is right and wrong at the same time and anything you take in will not change that

How do I avoid this happening to me

Are you:

1) a jew trying to get in touch with your jewish roots by reading the canon of intellectually subversive jews? Or,
2) are you a misled gentile who mistakenly believes these jews you mention have anything of intellectual merit to offer? Or,
3) are you aware of the JQ and just want to understand the perverse mind of people who view you as their enemy?


you have no right to push communist ideology until you've fucking slogged through all of it, you wanker

No, it isn't a dense read just long.
>a bit of a background in Hegel
Idk about volume 2 and 3 but Volume 1 is not philosophy just economic observation, not even critique.

Also see , all important marxist lit can be accessed on maxists.org.

Advance in age beyond 18 (30 if you go to college)

Go back to boards.Veeky Forums.org/pol/


How can I "go back" to a place I've never even been? You should be reported for not answering the question or making any semblance of an argument.

None of the above. I have yet to see definitive proof that the JQ is anything more than an anti-Semitic hunch.

why the hell do you think marxism is "opposition research"?

I know plenty of people who would identify themselves as either Marxists or some other form of leftist. My own political ideologies are far to the right. I'm just trying to remove myself from my echo chamber desu

you should be reported for being a stupid faggot, but this is my opinion as an observer

marxism is as mainstream as it gets.

Well, the proof is definitive, goes back centuries, even millennia. Perhaps you haven't "found it" because you're only reading a selection of books that has been preapproved by the jewish establishment and publishing industry. Time to branch out and educate yourself instead of lashing out at others wrt to subjects you have not studied to the extent required to render an objective opinion on.

discussing capitalism and communism; the 'socioeconomic myth' and the agendas of materialistic political systems -
>The true significance of the socioeconomic myth, in any of its forms, is as a means of internal anesthetization or prophylaxis, aimed at evading the problem of an existence robbed of any meaning and at consolidating in every way the fundamental insignificance of modern man's life.

If you don't have anything of substance to add you shouldn't waste thread space with inane insults.

So you're virtually telling me that the only reason I havent encountered the JQ outside of Veeky Forums is because the books and media I consume are controlled by an organized group of jews who want to cover up their tracks? I don't give a fuck if jews control the media, friend. I think there are bigger issues.

I don't want to assume your identity, but if you LARPing Europeans had even a semblance of the success of the Jewish people you might not be so bitter.

t. Conservative Catholic who is 25% Jewish

don't bother. Read some of the /pol/ reading list. There is zero point to reading fucking long books that have no functional or intellectual use.

Okay, so you're jewish, was that so hard? You should have just answered 1 instead of wasting our time like that.

This highlights my original point: readers of the authors mentioned in the OP will fall into the three main categories here:

Nothing of value has been written by any left-wing intellectual ever. Don't bother.


Only good posts in this thread. Get back2reddit, OP.

You're right on point my dude!
Glad to see like-minded people on Veeky Forums!

what are the percentages of a normal distribution? it's 15 pts for IQ right? so what % of whites is above 115? 130? stats is the one class that for whatever reason i could never fucking get


Skip all that left/right shit and read Georges Sorel. Highly underrated and extremely important to understanding modern leftism, fascism, and more.

I hate to say this but you all might be retarded.

>abridged cuck