I want to live as anti-theistically as possible, specifically anti-abrahamic-monotheism

I want to live as anti-theistically as possible, specifically anti-abrahamic-monotheism.

Should I become an atheist or should I start worshipping Satan?

Serious question.

Worshipping Satan is just another twisted form of theism, for you recognize the Bible or whatever the book your Devil comes from to be true.
Just be an atheist without being a douche.

the first step is leaving mommy's house, OP
God bless you in this quest

>without being a douche.

I'm an atheist and I don't think I'm a douche
Call it empathy if you want, but yes I'm capable of it without believing in some big guy in the sky

>I don't think I'm a douche


#NotAllAtheists ;)

>noun: empathy

> the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

How is that related to any form of magic ?
I don't like when people are mean with me so I'm not mean with them, the equation is as simple as that.
Please answer me with more than one word next time.

>I don't like when people are mean with me so I'm not mean with them


Fuck you, you don't even deserve my (You) this time



You just proved that theists are brainless parroting drones, congrats.

The thing most atheists don't understand, is that without "some big guy" for you in the sky there is no right or wrong, and no reason to behave in a certain way. Absolute morality is not something that is found in the universe, so if it doesn't come form outside of it, i.e. from God, morality is only a matter of taste.

Please note that I'm not saying that an atheist can't do good etc. All I'm saying is that if you are right and there is no God, there is also no such thing as right or wrong - not outside of our flimsy and changing social conventions, at least. Universe is doomed to be destroyed sooner or later, so without an afterlife and an objective judge it doesn't matter one bit what you do or don't do. The logical conclusion of naturalism is nihilism.

Although I obviously don't want atheists to start murdering and raping people just because they think nothing matters, it still bothers me when they fail to see the implications of their metaphysical commitments. I find it odd when some atheists live in many regards a lot like Christians, but without the faith that justifies that kind of life as better than some other kind.

>brainless parroting drones

>there is no right or wrong, and no reason to behave in a certain way
this is such a braindead path of logic. rub some braincells together for once and read a book, a different book.

I always had more respect for an atheist doing a good action selflessly, just for the sake of it than a theist doing so but just to earn his place in heaven for himself.

Thats not the way salvation works retard

>worships a dead kike on a stick
>call other retards

damn you sure showed him my buddy

>braindead path of logic
>read a book

one may also posit some sort of universal innate ethical code, or if not, at least a basic under-articulated sense of right and wrong.
One may argue about the righteounsess of murder for example, but everyone feels (key word here) it is an heinous act.

Sorry I tried to stay polite until now, but seeing his arguments level I had no other choice than lowering mine to his

his argument about morality is correct

> I had no other choice


Saying his thing doesn't works that way and calling me a retard without further explanation isn't really what I can call a good argument

If life stops at death and the universe will cease to exist, tell me why exactly do you think anything you do or don't do matters one bit? What is the worth of the humanity doomed to extinction, or the stars and planets, which will all vanish? This is a legitimate question, because even though I have read a book or two, and have discussed this subject with atheists, I have not found a satisfying answer.

Read what I wrote above. Besides, it's not really about being selfish of selfless, but about whether or not there is any point to anything we do.

If such a code existed in this material universe of ours, - which I find odd and unlikely - how could we discover it? Why do feelings matter, and what consequences would dismissing them have in a naturalistic universe?

>calling me a retard without further explanation isn't really what I can call a good argument
you are right his post would be better if he explained why you are a retard

>If life stops at death and the universe will cease to exist, tell me why exactly do you think anything you do or don't do matters one bit? What is the worth of the humanity doomed to extinction, or the stars and planets, which will all vanish? This is a legitimate question, because even though I have read a book or two, and have discussed this subject with atheists, I have not found a satisfying answer.
first, you do not need a god to have birth after a death.

and even if rebirth is there or not, then one human has still a very limited range of action, speech, thoughts, which people refuse to see, lack of vision which makes them unhappy.

But if God is an absolute, an eternal truth, then his definition of morality will remain a constant.

However, throughout history morality has not remained a constant, even to the most devout theist's.

>what consequences would dismissing them have in a naturalistic universe?

None, trying to project consequences on a cosmic scale from human behaviour seems like some sort unresolved daddy issue.

But now the discuorse seem to be shifting from trying to deduce an ethical presctiption from a metaphysical description to a simple warning against the nullification of all values. This, at least the way I see it a sterile discussion.
Evene if theres no "world above", there is this one. We're still here and while we may not always be we have an interest in making this life better.

Happiness is psychological truth, we feel it before we can talk about it, maximazing this state is an end in itself, cause it doesn't need any metaphysical justification. It just is.

We can shift from a universal set of prescriptions to a local and contingent (so limited to one cultural and historical or even cosmical horizon) "tips" to reach eudaimonia.
Their validity wouldn't be stringent, they will always be subject to error and falsehood, but that's what we have between unreachable metaphysical truths and sterile nihilism,

>lol dude, just b urself, don't think too much

So this is the power of Atheism...

You should come back to church. God can help you turn your life around and let go of the hedonism and degeneracy that is destroying you.

This is accurate. Blows away any of the shit posting fedoras itt

you are assuming men can understand 100% what God says

also that governments that make the laws = religious organizations

in the medieval times the church was in service of the state, not the contrary

>God exists because I'm uncomfortable with the implications if he doesn't

Faith is a matter of taste.

god works in mysterious ways :)

>If goed doesn't exist I will be sad.
>Therefore, god exists.

It is not about whether god exists or not. The thing is that being a good atheist is basically the same as being a christian, minus the ritual practices (which many chtistians don't really do that often). The moral rules are the same. Living in the west you are morally a christian whether you believe in god or not.

Even if rebirth existed, which I don't think it does, we would still only live for a very short time in a cosmic scale. The universe would still be destroyed in the end, and nothing you did with your thousands of lives would still amount to anything after the world had vanished.

Precisely this is why there can be right and wrong. God has created morality and acts as an objective judge. Humans are always flawed, but God remains perfect, omnipotent and eternal.

>maximazing this state is an end in itself, cause it doesn't need any metaphysical justification

Why is that? Seems rather intellectually lazy to just claim that happiness is the ultimate goal of existence, just because. Why does is matter if we are happy or not?

Point out exactly where I claimed that God exists. I do think He does, you're right there, but that's besides the point. What I aimed to do was point out the implications of logical and consistent atheism, not prove that God exists.

Care to elaborate?

>>maximazing this state is an end in itself, cause it doesn't need any metaphysical justification
>Why is that? Seems rather intellectually lazy to just claim that happiness is the ultimate goal of existence, just because. Why does is matter if we are happy or not?

Happiness doesn't need a justification, much like life itself and it is pleasurable on his own. That need for happiness works at a pre-conceptual level .
Yet it is not the ultimate goal of exixtence, that's up to anybody to carve it for himself, Ethics is just way to conduct life to achieve and preserving a certain state, it is not what we should necessarily strive for cause we're made that way or God ask us to. I said before "tips" exactly because of this, it prescriptive, but it's not binding. It can't possibily be.

And there's nothing intellectually lazy, cause we still haven't found a surefire way to attain happiness, if anything it is constant work. If anything it is lazy to retreat in something that can be only disingenuos and insincere (faith) just because oh boy meaninglessness is scary as shit.

that's almost as big as a cop out as the Jesus dilema (no other gods before me, oh except my son who I'm sending in to forgive you, cause you cant handle having free will)

Seriously for a supreme being, there's a real lack of planning going on here.

And why the fuck don't i have a tail, literally every other mammal has a tail, you don't think I want to climb Trees????

Fuck you god.


all naturalistic views of ethics are fucking retarded
if you don't believe in an objective transcendent morality then you might as well concede there's no right or wrong

>there is also no such thing as right or wrong

>not outside of our flimsy and changing social conventions

>Why is that? Seems rather intellectually lazy to just claim that happiness is the ultimate goal of existence, just because. Why does is matter if we are happy or not?
This can be flipped onto religion. If the ultimate goal of life is to ascend to Heaven, then the ultimate goal of existence is eternal life and happiness it would entail.

>Not reading Dostoyevsky
Do you know where you are?

You should stop being so desperate for your parents attention and read a book quietly.

Literally, no one in this thread has refuted this in a satisfying way. Honestly, try, it can't be done.
Atheism = no morals and leads to nihilism under strict logical scrutiny 100% of the time.

That's not what's being said, rather he's demanding we remain intellectually consistent.

I want to impregnate her

>leads to nihilism
no it leads to naturalistic non-cognitivism ie morality based on feels and memes

Stop spamming your stupid edgy teenager threads and go back to reddiτ.