Green tea is amazing for you. Discuss

Green tea is amazing for you. Discuss.

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>muh antioxidants
>muh theanine

I just got done with a couple of cups. Literally.

not for men tho, if they don't want to get inpotent


Sauce? I started taking theanine and shortly afterwards my hair stopped growing. Genuinely spooked.

tell that to the asians

He's retarded and talking out of his ass. That said health benefits are beyond overblown

I only drink normal tea, but lately i've only been able to taste hot water milk and sugar. What are some strong tea's?

brown rice tea is pretty good


any good assam or blend heavy on assam

You don't realize the benefits unless you drink it for decades, so it only applies to old taxi drivers who lug around a thermos of it all day.

What is that brown thing on the right?

Don't know about health benefits, but it tastes good and gives a nicer buzz than cofee does.

Don't know if it's actually good for you, but I like the taste and it's soothing so that's good enough for me.


You have to drink a fairly large amount to get any actual benefits from it. I think it's about a gallon a day.

I find the differences between green, black and red so small that idgaf what kind of tea I am drinking

you've either never had a decent tea of any type or you're brewing them incorrectly / dumping shitloads of milk and sugar

oh, i didn't meant flavour, OP was talking about health benefit

for taste i prefer black

The shit that people claim about green tea makes me genuinely infuriated.
Green tea will not help you with cancer for fucks sake, stop claiming that it's some damn miracle cure.

Hibiscus Tea is far healthier. Not lying.

Agreed. It's a soothing dry tea.

Irish blend teas.

Lad, that's just some clickbait bullshit. Green tea is okay, I guess but it won't cure shit. I don't understand people who think that tea in general can cure cancer.

I think people confuse cure with prevention (or reduction of chances of getting cancer).

isn't it an anti-oxidant at the very least? those can help prevent cancers but definitely aren't anywhere near a cure lol

I'm going to my local tea shop to buy some gyokuro later.

Can i brew this in my gravity steeper or do i need to bust out a ceramic tea set of my roommates?

I like it cold.

How long should I steep chamomile tea, and at what temperature?

It's a herbal tea, so steep it at 100c for however long you feel like.
Within reason of course.

Steep it in the trash.


He's being a rude dude and telling you to throw it away.

i have found that green tea [spoiler]especially sencha[/spoiler] relaxed me and aroused a nice endorphin rush inside me.

Green tea is simply non-oxidized black tea. It's a scam, basically. raw fish, raw tea, what else?




Most "health benefits" found from switching to green tea is mostly because people are switching from something terrible for you like soda or beer.

No. Nobody doing health studies on anything compares it you soda or beer. Use your head.

>like black teas for the taste
>really liking the taste of green tea lately
>buying loose leaf green tea at teavana (sick closure sales)
>fat tryhard bitch keeps raving about green tea's health benefits by throwing around buzz words
>also trying to upsell me on quantity
>finally get my tea after 10 minutes and gtfo

i just want to drink green tea without getting an earful about "health benefits"

tfw heart's too sensitive to caffeine

Why buy overprice shit?

Do you have an oriental market near you?

drink herbal tea.

tetley decaf tea is tasty. It's what I drink when I want a hot beverage with no caffeine.


or tata gold

decaf contains caffeine, my dude.

teavana's pesticides will cancel out all of the benefits she described

no food is amazing for you. some foods may be better than others, in certain contexts. its just a hot beverage with some tannins and other chemicals like caffeine. it flavors the hot water you boiled to kill germs, and cover up the smell of rot. thats why we obsessively boil water. we can stop now. having said that, i prefer white tea, just tried white peony, really nice flavor, similar of course to oolong. and black teas like assam are beatiful golden red, if you make it in a glass pot and put it in the sun (we made in the afternoon at PEet's and it was glorious in the filtering sunliight). food is love, even the image of it.

hmm could be caffeine

isn't most tea chock full of pesticides and fluoride?

I put green leaf tea (龙井茶)in a thermos and drink maybe three mugs worth, reinfusing the tea as I go. I do this as I program at work, 5-6 days a week.

I definitely feel jittery but am very productive. Am I going to die or am I getting massive health bonuses?

A lot of tea is 50% or 75% off because they are closing

The point is that I don't care about any hippy health benefits, I just want to drink green tea

you're fine
you used the Kanji script so you're totally Kawaii and not a gaijin like these other goys

>current year
>not drinking jocko willinks white tea

Tea tastes nice and Its better for you than most all sugary drinks.
That's exactly where any and all claims involving tea should end.
>b-but muh vitamins and nutrients!
Nigga unless you're going through a gallon of the stuff a day I doubt it's gonna really do anything for you.

the fluoride is actually a good thing because it cancels out the low PH effect tea has on your teeth.

coffee has a low ph and just rapes your teeth because there is no fluoride.

I just think about drinking my tea as being a relaxing moment in my day. There's no way I think about it like "Oh, I'm going to drink tea because I will be healthier, lolololololo". I like the taste of it, that's all.

>good for you

Whats the best pod based tea cooker machine?

Why not? You just pee more, it's not like you will get a kidney failure from it.

>coffee has no flouride

Except that's wrong you shit. All plants have calcium flouride to some degree. It comes from the soil.

>decreased risk of liver cirrhosis

Johns Hopkins public health student here. Can confirm that nothing bad has been proven about coffee or tea.

Guess you haven't had the lesson about caffeine yet.

dehydration, bro

It will make you thirsty again so you will drink more green tea (Plus it cleanses your body from toxic hydrosoluble stuff)

it's good for your liver though, right?

There are some cases in which green tea produces hepatotoxicity (Liver damage basically) but I don't really know about it being beneficial for the liver.

i know that some people fucked their livers up because they took green tea extract.

Well...bagged tea has some more bad stuff for your liver in it and your liver has a hard time processing that stuff.

Also, on green tea extract. If they take green tea extract and won't make any sport to compensate (GT extract is basically a fat burner), it's pretty sad. Also, they might fucked up their livers because of taking too much extract.

What regard let's their drinks touch their teeth? Are you swirling beverages in your mouth?

Not him but you clearly don't understand hydration or diuretics

Please explain, then.

Green tea has a pH of 7 which is neutral you fucking mong.

Putting more liquid in you doesn't make you more hydrated. Your kidneys control how much water you keep and pee out what is deemed excess. If you take a diuretic you will hold less water.

Like people who think you can rehydrate while drinking alcohol if you just drink water are retarded. You just piss it out.

>What regard let's their drinks touch their teeth?
Not only does any liquid you put in your mouth touch your teeth, but the pH environment of your mouth still changes to reflect the liquids you consume, even if somehow you avoided all contact. The idea that you can avoid tooth decay by drinking soda with a straw is a myth.
>Green tea has a pH of 7 which is neutral you fucking mong.
Ok, so that means it's even better for your teeth.

Thanks for the mom-science retard, but neither tea nor coffee cause fluid loss in excess of the volume consumed.