Alex the YouTube cook

How do you feel about him?

His "le quirky YouTube e-celeb" mannerism and editing are annoying, but I find that his videos are actually informative.

Nice try Alex. If I'm gonna watch trash I'd rather it be honest about itself.

I like him

His audience obviously isn't Veeky Forums NEETs and disgruntled high school kids, so I don't expect his videos to be geared to that sort of demographic

They're made to make money, so the editing is what it is. You don't make that adrev cash by pandering to people like I've used that reverse gravity bing smoke infusion shit he did on a DJ bbq vid once

Except instead of woodchips and olive oil it was tobacco and cheap whiskey

When will you newfags learn?

Advertising is against the rules, motherfucker.

Mdr son accent est très stéréotypé

Nah, you see bro I just see that you (Alix) is trying to spread your seed and influence on the chans. Any retard can cook some fancy shit. Your tying to peddle yourself out there like your gods gift to humanity. Just be honest and be like "yooo this is my vid! Chastise me! " dont be in here trying to pretend to be some random user. Fuck you alec. Take ownership in trying to market yourself.

I wish I was Alex. Then I wouldn't be some flat broke new york faggot with no future prospects.

>open video
>hear music
>close video

Fuck off

Food busker > Akis > Gennaro > DJ BBQ > Alex in terms of foodtube people.

I like him. I work in film, so the fact thst he puts effort into editing his videos is nice. It's not always that good, sometimes he makes weird choices, like overlaying music with lyrics over his voice. I just appreciate the attempt at an aesthetic.

I think he's a noseberg

Honestly, he seems very friendly and I like his non-serious approach to cooking, but at the same time, you can see how much be loves it.

Not that I dislike the whimsical cooking channels, but it's nice to see someone who is fast-paced, light hearted, but not overwhelmingly "uuguu kawaii" or some shit, and also not incredibly overly serious like Bruno Abouze

Fuck off

i like that binging with babeesh guy

Bruno Albouze isn't serious

I'm French and I think he's annoying as fuck.

Hello Sheep, may I crook you not?


Bonjour alex, arrete avec ton "accent francais typique'', on dirai benzaie, c'est juste pas possible d'avoir ton vocabulaire et un accent niveau 5eme segpa.


I like him though I do not regularly watch his videos. He is actually scientific in his approach, or at least tries to be. I cannot knock hm because that alone already puts him in the top-tier of food entertainers.

Well, I get the impression that he fucks his food.

You are right, though. He isn't serious.

This is my exact complaint with Martin Yan. Based on his English proficiency, there is no fucking way he's not playing up his Chinese accent.

""e-""" """"""""celebs""""""""""
As if reality TV stars weren't bad enough. Now we have everyday idiots with a camera and internet connection spewing their shit on youtube. Fucking Americans and their celebrity worship.

his sourdough method is solid

Is this the French dude on a journey of self discovery? If so, I like him.

>How do you feel about him?
If I could smash his head in like The Mountain vs The Viper in GoT, I would without hesitation.

Food busker has awesome recipes, but it seems hes always chewing gum.

Jad Fair/10

>Shalom shelom goyim, please watch my- I mean, "Alex's" videos. I'm not cancer Veeky Forums, here, have another chosen kosher chef and their youtube videos.
Fuck off brainlet normalfag

I think the reason I can't stand him as a Frenchman is:
- His fake accent is horrid
- He doesn't look French at all (inb4 french jew)