Academia begins to accept Race Realism

"This is why it is important, even urgent, that we develop a candid and scientifically up-to-date way of discussing any such differences, instead of sticking our heads in the sand and being caught unprepared when they are found."

- Harvard Geneticist, David Reich in NY times.

Do you think they will begin to shift positions enough to not be completely discredited by advancing genomic progress? Is it too late for them to come back from lying and dishonest fake scientific results back to reality? How will the dupes who had been misled and drank the falsehoods and lies going to feel when their thought leaders begin accepting race realism and /pol/ positions?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Article, forgot to link

A movement is increasing in academia to stop lying about race, genetics, and other biological truths. This is because they are deathly afraid of being completely discredited by advancing genetic technology especially in Asia.

>Is it too late for them to come back from lying and dishonest fake scientific results back to reality? How will the dupes who had been misled and drank the falsehoods and lies going to feel when their thought leaders begin accepting race realism and /pol/ positions?
won't ever happen, there's simply too much money behind the idea that people are equal on all levels, are infinitely malleable and that democracy is always a good everywhere

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They are entering on damage control mode now.

David "The Third" Reich

We all knew this was right. Amerindian higher civilization potential is a historical fact

Now go back to europe, subhumans, your pestilent inferior kind keeps poisoning this land. Disgusting creatures

lay off the booze

>Is it too late for them to come back from lying and dishonest fake scientific results back to reality?
Japan and China do not give a fuck about our race taboos. It doesn't matter what US academia does. People will know the truth eventually whatever it is.

>t. shiteating piglet kozoomer nom nom nom

Wrong twice.
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to solutrean:10000 years (30000BC-20000BC)
>from aurignacian-antelian to start of crop development: 9000 years(30000BC-21000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 10500 years (21000BC-10500BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of copper: 5500 years (10500BC-5000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 6700 years (10500BC-3800BC)

>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to clovis: 5500 years (16000BC-10500BC)
>from aurignacian proto-gravettian to the start of crop development: 5000 years (16000BC-11000BC)
>from start of crop development to neolithic revolution: 7000 years (11000BC-4000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to copper: 3000 years (4000BC-1000BC)
>from neolithic revolution to earliest use of tin bronze: 4700 years (4000BC-700 AD)

-"2003a. Tiwanaku Period (Middle Horizon) bronze metallurgy in the lake Titicaca basin: A preliminary assessment. En Tiwanaku and its hinterland, T 2. A. Kolata, (Ed.), pp. 404-434. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. C."
-"1997. El bronce arsenical y el Horizonte Medio. En Arqueología, antropología e historia en los Andes: Homenaje a María Rostworowski, R. Varón y J. Flores E. (Eds.), pp. 153-186. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, Lima."
-"Historia de América Andina: Las sociedades aborígenes"

Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans, therefore Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

How is this hard to get?

Excellent point. Those time scales seem like ones we have amazing data from. I guess they just got unlucky enough to lose to a bunch of spaniards who had to sail across the ocean.

Amerindians and East Easians are the master races.
Whites are just OK.
Sandniggers are low-tier.
Niggers are shit-tier.

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Wrong. Diseases destroyed Amerindian civilizations.
>1 bubonic nothing wipes out 40% europeans
>20+ diseases murder more than 90% for centuries yet imperial Incas still won most battles against any army with spaniard infuence
Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans. Time to deal with the historical facts, subhuman.
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

Europe belongs to europeans the same as America belongs to Amerindians.

Time to go back or get replaced, monkeys.

Which amerindians had those superior genetics? Are these important genes continuing on in populations today?

I'm also from Amerindian descent, Pablo.

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As both 3 craddles of cultural development and civilization in North-meso and South America had a higher development rate than europeans, and Amerindians diverged mainly after 12000BC approximately, a single Amerindian person is worth more than the entire subhuman european population plaguing Americas.

>are these
They are as present as the survivors of any eurangutan massacre made by indoeuropean, roman, sea peoples, mongols and arabs.

Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans. How is this hard to get?


do we really need 10 threads on this

You morons aren't even reading the whole thing.

Stop making these threads.

You will never be smart enough to understand human genetics and evolution. Brigading anime message boards is not going to make you any less retarded or worthless.

Racism is for people that no accomplishments or self esteem. The hard reality is that people do not have to tolerate or accept your stupidity and uselessness just because you are white.

>America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
Why? Last time I checked Europe wasn't actually conquered and is just virtue signaling its genetic composition away. It seems you need a very complex moral system to derive statements like this. You are probably just being a little shit.

>Racism is for people that no accomplishments or self esteem.

i see that you are still struggling with english

Notice all the ad hominems and virtue signaling. This is liberalism. I recognize this guy too. This is the same guy that thought just because you can say genetic differences between groups are small, you can conclude, without any evidence, that they don't amount to significant differences in phenotypes. Sad.

>You morons aren't even reading the whole thing.
You mean Reich's moral opinion, not scientific, that we must fight racism and make sure race research does not promote racism? Because that wasn't a scientific thought.

>This is the same guy that thought just because
Yep I'm "the same guy."

I'm the only other person on this board. It's just you and me, and I'm being paid by evil conspiracy theory boogeyman to sit online and disagree with you and troll you

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans is an intuitive conclusion based on America being native to America the same as europeans are native to europe. Don't you agree?

The old religious creationists were bad, but liberal creationists are simply repulsive.

you are only trolling yourself

You are tho'. Sad.

Amerindians being native to America*

You are a rabid SJW creationist that keeps posting this pseudoscientific crap over and over. You are not going to convince anyone.

do you ever wonder why youre on Veeky Forums instead of being an accomplished, functional being? Because you cant even honestly interpret a nytimes article

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>just because you can say genetic differences between groups are small, you can conclude, without any evidence, that they don't amount to significant differences in phenotypes.
I suppose we should assume the opposite just because you say so, based on your great acumen and understanding of science?

>Racism is for people that no accomplishments or self esteem


Attached: William_Shockley,_Stanford_University.jpg (200x250, 55K)

I'm not a "rabidd SJW."

You're just a bunch of retards that think spamming Veeky Forums is going to change anything.

I don't believe it... that page says this man died in 1989, but here you are posting on Veeky Forums. Nice to meet you, Shockley.

Yes, and pinker's statement SES matters more than genetics is also discarded by actual familiarity with the research. There is a lot of doublethink and outright lies in the article. You can't read it at face value and trust the author.

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Again, you can't logic, and you shouldn't post here until you learn to.

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>There is a lot of doublethink and outright lies in the article.
There is zero doublethink. You just have zero reading comprehension or understanding of genetics and you refuse to learn because any sort of education is "liberal brainwashing."

You don't realize that a bunch of assumptions made by conspiracy theorists online does not equate to rigorous scientific study.

You're the one with assumptions and any non-SJW can see that. You make sweeping empirical claims again and again; and when you are called out on it, you simply project. Sad.

What claims are you even talking about? I've made zero claims other than that you're a bunch of morons that can't read.

Did you read the article? He explains in the article that scientists should not be truthful and instead manipulate things. The key words you are looking for is "irresponsibility".

Compared with the enormous differences that exist among individuals, differences among populations are on average many times smaller

So the average white person is more different from other white people than from african pygmies or aboriginals in Australia?

He outright lies about these differences with the same tropes of more difference in groups than between groups.

You're only thinking in terms of visual appearance, not genetics. Like most /pol/tards you are unable to think in abstract ways or reason beyond what you can immediately see with your eyes.

Arguing that no substantial differences among human populations are possible will only invite the racist misuse of genetics that we wish to avoid.

He uses the word substantial later on. Seems interesting to go from small to substantial when those seem to be different magnitudes.

>He outright lies about these differences with the same tropes of more difference in groups than between groups.
This is literally a statistical fallacy that biologists have been peddling for a couple decades because of "much racism". Now that it is obviously that you have to look at how genes correlate together, instead of individual genes, this bullshit is slowly going away, but it actually isn't even valid on its own. Small genetic differences can cause very large phenotype differences. Larger genetic differences can cause smaller phenotype differences. The whole thing is a confused lie propagated by virtue signaling idiots that can neither math nor logic.

"You will sometimes hear that any biological differences among populations are likely to be small, because humans have diverged too recently from common ancestors for substantial differences to have arisen under the pressure of natural selection. This is not true. "

>says not small in the same article

Yes, but as the article says we can measure exactly what those differences are. Just because those differences aren't what you want them to be doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.

Like all racist ideology you assume that because two people look different they must be fundamentally different. You also think you can assume those differences translate into anything you want.

I can tell you right now that the majority of genetic differentiation is found in the immune system. The largest thing humans would have to adapt to in any environment is the other animals and diseases they carry.

Learn what context is.

>substantial differences
>not small differences


Use context clues. Maybe there are other words in those sentences, or sentences around those that can help you. You can do it. I believe in you.

No, he pretty much explains in multiple sections that we differ a lot. He uses the word substantial in the closing. The "small differences' was a SJW appeasing paragraph about not being racist. He almost immediately discredits in the more substantive paragraphs.

Leftypol sci mods BTFO. Delete this thread fast, or no shekels this month.

Wow, leftsist use shaming as arguments, color me surprise.

The irony and misrepresentation here is astounding. *Racists* are usually the ones who are constantly correcting their critics regarding this intentional misrepresentation of their argument. Racists care little what color other races are, it has always been about what they believe is a difference in genetics.

What will be left? The puppetmasters who programmed these leftists drones are now speaking things closer to reality. Their programmers are even beginning to agree with genetics and race realism. They can't even use the regurgitated arguments they swallowed. Nothing is left but childish and helpless screeching.

They will represent the "racists" as 85 IQ rednecks screaming fuck blacks. Then try to occupy the genetics argument for themselves while ignoring people like murray

There is going to be a backlash. We might see white and asian males in academia go full fash in a very short period of time.

All you have to do is go to /pol/ and see for yourself.

Leftist logic

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I wonder how many white males in academia are actually white and not (((white))). We also know who controls the funding so humanity is pretty much over at this point. Even if there will be an active group of scientists, I bet they all will be beaten by antifa or other shit.

Your fantasies are childish and laughable.

t. Genelet

The future belongs to the high-IQ races.

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Nah, the most optimal outcome would be America belonging to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

I believe this is pretty much intuitive, though.

Meanwhile, rigorous population genetic methods show that humans differ most in genes relating to pigmentation, lactose tolerance etc.
The idea of Europeans being genetically "superior" superior to the savage negroes is romantic and attractive, but sadly not very supported by scientific research.

It is supported by real life observations. If scientific theories fail to explain reality, there is a problem with science, or better say, (((science))).

>scientific research

They are just inching their way from lysenkoism my pal.

The subject of "genetic superiority" is not a scientific subject and should have no bearing in race research.

"Superiority" is not something you measure (what science is interested in), it's something you interpret. Is having a hard shell "superior" to having wings? Is an electron "superior" to a positron? Is methane "superior" to hydrochloric acid?

Imagine if in a thousand years all Europeans are extinct and there are only negroes left. Who would really the "genetically superior" one here?

You argued against yourself in the same post. I hope you can realize this.

You can measure violent behavior tendency and analytical skills.

The fact that Amerindians had a higher development rate than europeans making them have more civilization potential than europeans, is a racial subject. The conclusion of this would be Amerindians being superior to europeans, as civilization has been praised in all history.

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Perhaps, but equating violent behavior or analytical skills to "superiority" is not science.

An interesting question for sociology or history, but not science.

There is not a single question over there. Consequential hypothesis made from the fact that Amerindians are superior to europeans, can be questions though.

Amerindian superiority is an important scientific matter, are you denying it?

Abstractly and hypothetically.

If we set up say 1000 controlled environments and then used synthetic biology to create some genetic variants of any organism. We populate the controlled environment with said genetics and observe propagation, competition, and what equilibrium or end states are arrived at.

In this case we could measure the genetic superiority of each organism with respect to the competitors in each environment.

We could measure the magnitude of each "superiority" relative to one another. Since we have controlled for everything besides genetic differences.

Such things as intelligence, strength, or whatever would not need to be measured directly in the organism. In the case where it is say yeast such things wouldn't even exist.

Yet, at the end of such an experiment we could scientifically analyze the genetic superiority ranking of each modification in this isolated controlled experiment.

The top countries by iq are all Asian:

Hong Kong (108), Singapore (108), South Korea(105), Japan(105), China (105). Italy is at the top of Europe at 102 and a lot of people say Italians are not white.

Take the average in Latin America (86) and compare it with the US (96) or countries like France (98), it's not even average, that's the same difference, around a 10 point gap.

Now take the average Latin person, see how retarded he/she is? that's how white people look to the REAL master race, Asians, you need to learn your place subhuman trash.

Its only up to definition of superiority.

Not really. It's just the person is mistaking the high complexity for impossibility. We should be skeptical of any superiority proclamation simply because the variables involved are complex relative to our brains and our ability to set up such experiments.

Not that the idea of genetic superiority is something stupid.

>how white people look to the REAL master race
Let me talk to you about the
REAL master race.
The Elite of Western World.
aka the Chosen People
>The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has
>been calculated to be from a range of 110–115,
>higher than any other ethnic group in the world.

Attached: Ed Witten Head.jpg (798x787, 299K)

*Blocks your path integral*

Attached: Smug Ed Witten.jpg (400x382, 32K)

> we are tired of this black violence and stupidity
> SHUT UP race is not real, it is just capitalism and white supremacy
> but we have some facts, for example iq...
> hehe, you said IQ, but don't you know that jews have the highest IQ. Now you sound really stupid, right.

- Harvard Geneticist, David Reich in NY times.

- David Reich
- 3rd Reich

Sieg Heil!

Attached: Hitler 15.jpg (300x267, 13K)

What's the purpose of this post?
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.

Go whine about black people there.

>idea that people are equal on all level
[citation needed]

I'm pretty sure it's /pol/ spreading the "knowledge" that "all X are adjective1, adjective2 and adjective3"

Yet asians have much less science and math accomplishments than one would expect given their IQ, even if you look at recent history. Japan seems to be catching up, but it hasn't. So we are left with a quandary.

Genetics are a piece of the pie and are still mysterious. North Korea vs South Korea for instance. The macro societal system still is very important.

also scientific advancements are historically reliant on a very small slice of society and those IQ studies are across the entire population.

>Now take the average Latin person, see how retarded he/she is? that's how white people look to the REAL master race, Asians, you need to learn your place subhuman trash.
1. No one here talks like that. Very few people on /pol do. If you actually have a point, why do you need to absurdly exaggerate?
2. Go to /pol. Most on /pol will tell you Asians have a higher average math IQ.
3. This is an example where the mean tells you little and the distribution tells you a lot. Despite their high IQs, asians produce much less top notch scholarship than whites. This implies that whites have a higher standard deviation or fatter distributional tails.

>America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
Why? Last I checked, white people have lived in the Americas on mass for hundreds of years. Three generation rule. If your grandfather was born here you belong here.

>North Korea vs South Korea for instance.
Last I checked North Korea has a hydrogen bomb which few countries have been able to produce. South Korea certainly has more money, but North Korea is not full of idiots.

So you agree with european replacement?

Sure north korea compared to other similar structured countries is amazingly competent. Compared to south korea though they are not flourishing.

Where do you get that from? I am against immigration from non white countries into Europe. I am for repatriation of recent immigrants. The grandfather rule is very simple.

Simple. Amerindians are native to America the same as europeans are native to europe.

If native origin of early populations is the direct cause of owning a land, therefore America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?

North Korea can make hydrogen Bombs and Nuclear Missiles.

North Korea is poor only because the USA sanctions.

North Koreans have high 105 IQ.

Attached: Kim's nuke.jpg (620x413, 65K)

The history of north korea is a little more complex. They lost all infrastructure in the korean war and many other hindrances. That being said the governmental system is inferior to free market.

>North Korea vs South Korea


North Korea vs South Korea have the same high average IQ (105)

but while South Korea is now a Rich country
North Korea is a Miserable Shithole Dictatorship.

Attached: koreas.jpg (640x360, 42K)

No. Amerindians were conquered. That is the rule of the jungle. I think they deserve autonomy because of my Western values. However, I am just as native to the US as any Indian at this point because my family has lived here for generations. That is where the grandfather rule comes in. We have long found that people don't truly start integrating until the third generation. So if your grandfather was born here, you are native.

Your logic is time frame dependent too; you just don't know it. Amerindians are the result of several migrations, including migrations of proto-European peoples. You have a cut off date, but you just don't define it, probably because you didn't bother to think and are just looking for "gotchas".

East Asians dominated the hardware industry.
South Korea's Samsung dominates the Android Smartphones Industry.
Japan has the best Electronic Components (such as batteries & capacitors), PlayStation Console, & the best Cameras.
China & Taiwan dominates Computer hardware.

Attached: Samsung.jpg (800x533, 74K)

David, Shlomo wants to see you RIGHT NOW!

Attached: oy vey david.jpg (486x549, 35K)

>rule of the jungle
Then you agree with european replacement, then.
>time frame dependent
The earliest populations in Americas were Q haplogroup populations who came in 26000BC approximately and occupied North western Canada and Alaska. The occupation of the rest of the continent didn't happen until 16000BC. from these peoples. R haplogroup populations invasion happened circa 8000BC. More Q haplogroup divergent populations came in the middle ages called Inuits.

Europe earliest populations came in 40000BC, subsequent migrations of other haplogroups happened since 30000BC, neolithic farmers migrated to europe since 10000BC. Invaders from siberia, eastern europe steppe and anatolia occupied central and northern europe mainly since the mesolithic to the bronze age (3800BC).

The parallelism is pretty much intuitive. America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. If you agree why are you still whining over here?