Does anyone love fried chicken but not the skin?

Does anyone love fried chicken but not the skin?

only some women and all faggots

I'm a faggot and I prefer the skin.

skin is the shit nigga


the skin is the best part tho

Nice south park reference but no its not.

>the truth is a meme

How dare you? The skin is the best part!

This thread is fucking garbage

Fuck off, Joe

I don't get it, why bother to batter it if you're not going to eat the part with the batter anyway

Got him! xD

You're only saying that because you've never had good chicken skin

best skin is on de-boned whole fried chickens

these are 3 incredibly ugly people

A lot of the calories are in the skin.

Everyone loves the skin you cock-juggling faglord.

No, Ace. Just you.

I'm not sure you could call the woman on the right "incredibly ugly".

Why would you fry it if you aren't going to eat the skin? Just eat chicken strips. Those are breaded and fried and contain none of that offensive skin.

The dude maybe, the chicks are fine. Right one is attractive.

Mmmmm, skinless boneless chicken with no seasoonings, sooooo yummy!!!!

Where you gonna find skinless chickens? Chickens need skin to protect them from the elemence

you buy them already cut up and skinnedless



Girl on the right was prolly pretty before all the drugs and cocks and aids.