Greentext the plot of your new novel, it's not like is going anywhere

Greentext the plot of your new novel, it's not like is going anywhere

I want to post a piece of code that executes and infinite loop


Its about a girl who blocks your path. I mean the reader. Its kind of a second person type deal.

You're not getting a single peek into my work. Not with that attitude.

the end

> A world without Niggers and Jews..

>protagonist is a pathetic NEET loser with a pissjug collection
>he has lived in squalor in his bungalo for the past 8 years, subsisting off his inheritance
>tries to make money selling cryptocurrencies but fails miserably
>has a waifu he talks to (I might just make this an imaginary friend, sans romance)
>he never leaves the house, has to order everything online and ship it to the door
>his hallways are littered with trash to the point that there's no visible carpet
>his bathtub is full of shit and piss
>his bedsheets are stained black and brown

>one day, his grocery delivery service stops delivering food
>he eats every remaining scrap and morsel in the house he can find (entire chapter dedicated to him rummaging through the heaps and reminiscing about the days from when that foodscrap originated)
>starves for 2 weeks
>starts getting jittery and screams a lot
>smashes a bunch of things in his house
>eventually can't take the hunger anymore
>walks outside for the first time to look for food
>on the way back from a store, he stops a young girl from getting run over by a truck
>she thanks him
>he runs back home without looking back
>he decides to put on some tights and a mask made out of garbage and go outside and be a superhero, doing nice things for people in hopes of getting validation
>he dies in some pathetic way but achieves a minimal level of happiness beforehand

I won't meme-arrow it but okay

It seems most books are about overcoming a problem, suffering through a dilemma. You have drama and strife and conflict written into the basics of "plot construction" as an unprotested rule for writting. Now what I am interested in is the entire point of resolving a conflict if the whole of literature seems to demand and desire only more conflict. Is there any point to peace, I am asking? To a life full of joy?

Is it possible that a life full of joy and no conflict is something worth writing about?

That's where I am at right now. Because it seems otherwise that we're merely going to create an endless cycle of conflict, wherein narrative beauty is only circumscribed to stories where there is an overcoming, and striving, a suffering.

Why must everything suffer all the time to be beautiful? Surely we suffer in order to obtain a life is full of joy, at some point?

Who has the temerity to write about a life full of joy?

Go write a fictional biography. Not even joking. Something like Forrest Gump, but without the conflict. Make it about an heir to a dead rich man. He scores with all the girls and trips on hallucinogens every single day. And then at the end of his life, his friend tells him about how the technology to preserve your brain into a robotic body is coming forth. So then he buys his way into immortality. Easy, right? No conflict.

I am saying that every single book in existence is a measure of sympathy towards the problem of being alive as a human. Well fine. What then, are we moving towards? Or do we just want to be thrown into turbulence over and over, to repeat the same mistakes, endlessly, because it makes a better story?

You're being facetious with your response.

Even though it's unlikely I'm not giving away the entire plot. All I'll say is that it's a 2-3 way cat-mouth chase about a man who becomes paranoid while innocent, yet becomes guilty as his paranoia relaxes. The writing is fucking shitty though, so it's gonna need editing.

sort of self-fullfilling prophecy kind of situation? Or how people tend always to believe the collective other than their own inner self?

The former. The story has 2 protagonists, so I'm yet unsure as to how the non-paranoid protagonist ends up.

Even with prose as exuberant as Nabokov's, a life lived without conflict is going to be a boring story.

(and even Forrest Gump had 'conflicts' - (1) the seemingly unrequited love story with him and Jennie, and (2) with him and his disability)

I don't even know how you could have a life without any conflict or struggle. Even Buddhist monks face the uphill struggle towards achieving Nirvana.

"We will accept you only if you feel as we do" ~society

It seems the non-paranoid protagonist has something to teach society if he can maintain his composure

I think I might have phrased all of this wrong. Most stories are 90% overcoming and 10% the reward of overcoming.

I want to write a book that is balanced, yin and yang. There is the era of separation and inner fragmentation and the striving towards integration, and then there is the era of prosperity, and I am saying that there seems to be an undue inconsideration of the narrative beauty of the second half, the heaven, the paradise. There is a lot of fun going on there, but most every author seems to be fixated on the first half of things.

I want to be someone with the gall to reverse that. For some reason it seems we don't believe its possible to write the majority of a work about people interested in life and enjoying their days in wonder and bliss.

If we can never imagine the point of our lives then how shall we give meaning toward our striving? "Heaven is boring!"

I say it isn't. It's a fucking riot. Nobody knows the infinite possibilites, game-like, silly, ridiculous, absurd, beautiful.

That's what I want to convey. Fiction has been reticent to ever speak of that other realm.

Alright, I understand what you're after, and the concept is intriguing, but I remain to be convinced that any extended period of jubilance/bliss would appeal to readers in practice. It would be quite the challenge for you.

I can only recall my eyes getting tired whenever a novelist spends too long setting out in detail some magnificent scene where the characters are happy and seemingly have nothing to fear (before the story inevitably turns dark again and conflict arises). But perhaps that's just me.

All that comes to mind is "The Night Before Christmas" for me.

>It would be quite the challenge for you.
Yes, this is why no writers have ever attempted it.

I am on a spiritual journey to feel my way into the games heaven plays.
How to put it.

I'm sure most people on Veeky Forums have played video games with friends before. It's totally fun, and at the same time you can get worked up about it and involved, interested, and maybe even angry. It never really amounts to the terror on the scale of things we feel in this world though. That's the kind of games heaven plays.
The fun it has is always invested in keeping things fun and never breaching that sacred line into territory where the game no longer matters and its about proving your worth.

Hmm. I have to meditate on these things longer but, ..

The world needs this sort of work eventually. I feel inadequate to provide it but if I could even provide a prototype then that would satisfy me.

I'd read at bookstore

I feel so bad about being attracted to young looking girls, but goddamn is it satisfying to fuck them.

just sounds like a kids movie

I think conflict, horror, and sorrow is more universal than happiness, particularly substanceless/banal happiness as you've described (maybe its unfair to call it that, though? But it's not quite 'fulfillment', as that seems by definition to result from a struggle).

Hell may look similar for most people, but each has their own idea of heaven. The unrequited love story is universal, as is a struggle to develop oneself into a confident, capable person. And so I think your challenge stems from presenting an engaging 'heaven' for a variety of readers. But good luck

>I'm sure most people on Veeky Forums have played video games with friends before. It's totally fun, and at the same time you can get worked up about it and involved, interested, and maybe even angry. It never really amounts to the terror on the scale of things we feel in this world though. That's the kind of games heaven plays.
>The fun it has is always invested in keeping things fun and never breaching that sacred line into territory where the game no longer matters and its about proving your worth.

playing video games all night and likewise shitposting all night is like being on a slow dopamine drip, it feels good, but it's not something anybody else wants to live vicariously

>boy falls in love with a girl
>keitai intensifies

surgery for what
bitch looks like w Bush