Grubhub minimum delivery: $20

>grubhub minimum delivery: $20

So go get it yourself.

>Just Eat minimum: $15 in leafcash
>plus $3 delivery fee
>plus 13% tax (at least $2.34 at the bare minimum of $18)

more upset about absolutely insane alcohol prices
>$10 for a 4 pack

he's too fat to fit through the door

>not being so fat the government has to give you money

>be me
>do deliveries for postmates on days off
>blitz payouts in effect
>go pic up some douchebags sandwich that costs 13 dollars
>get paid 16 dollars for the one delivery
He still gave me a couple dollar tip so not a douchebag at all. I dont know what postmates charged him on top of the food+delivery and tip costs. I kinda felt bad. It was a long bike ride and i haulled ass though.

>live less then an hour from the border
> friends with a few leafs
>go to Toronto every year for new years
>Cheap as fuck for almost everything
>a days worth of food and booze is more expensive then a fucking hot Asian hooker

Canada is fucking a weird place.

>Order food
>Estimated delivery time: 65 minutes


>favourite rotisserie chicken place has €10 minimum order
>half a chicken with fries and a beer come up at 9,50

the delivery jew.

It's all Waitr here

>just eat delivery takes more than an hour because they're coming from one of the worse neighbourhoods, in the outskirts of the city
I'm always worried they will get shanked on the way. And they always give me free leftover brioches with every order.

>roommate "can't afford rent this month" and "needs to borrow $100 for three days"
>ordered delivery pizza three times this month

Delivery is for bug men.

>don’t live in a city
>live rural as fuck
>will never get to know the comfy level of ordering delicious food and having it delivered on a cold winters day

It’s a minor feel, but a feel nonetheless.

kick that cunt out. shit like this is why I live alone.

>min delivery fee is 10 dollars
>amount + tax comes to 8 bucks
>plus fee 11 bucks or so
>nuh uh you gotta make the whole order be 10 bucks
>hit minimum
>total not 16 dollars somehow

>"This location offers delivery!"
>Check it out
>Minimum order: $80

That's not fucking delivery, it's catering. Call it what it is. If two people can't reasonably order enough food to reach your minimum, stop the bullshit.

They have to make up for all the drinks you'll just buy at your local grocery shop.

>too fat to fit through the door
>ordering less than $20 of food

I live near the border and people used to go to the US for the weekend to shop since it was cheaper at one point

Then don't deliver? Or like I said, say "catering."

Delivery should be food prepared for 1-2 people at minimum.