There are only four types of stories in the world

There are only four types of stories in the world.

Good Stories that sell
Good Stories that don't sell
Bad Stories that sell
Bad Stories that don't sell

There are no stories that fall outside of these four categories.

ok? sage.

Stop smoking weed

Cool observation, friend. Which kind are you writing?

I too am 14 and think this is deep

There are only four types of deaths in the world.

There are deaths which are relatively painful
There are deaths which are relatively painless
There are deaths which are relatively quickly
There are deaths which are relatively slow

And it is by these combinations, by the painful and painless, by the quick and the slow that life is taken from this reality and returned to whence it came.

supposes you know what it like to die, lol

I too have a special plan for this world



There is only one kind of OP in Veeky Forums and he is always a faggot

>relatively quickly

I can relate to OP's angsty plight, as I too am a faggot

The Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge.
divides all animals into 14 categories:

>Those that belong to the emperor
>Embalmed ones
>Those that are trained
>Suckling pigs
>Mermaids (or Sirens)
>Fabulous ones
>Stray dogs
>Those that are included in this classification
>Those that tremble as if they were mad
>Innumerable ones
>Those drawn with a very fine camel hair brush
>Et cetera
>Those that have just broken the flower vase
>Those that, at a distance, resemble flies

a bad story that doesn't sell

You mean
Painful deaths that are quick
Painful deaths that are slow
Painless deaths that are quick
Panless deaths that are slow

I'm sure Thomas Ligotti would love to have you edit his poems

You forgot to mention the relative nature of trying to qualify death.

No deaths are actually painful or painless, nor quick or slow, they only seem that way to us because we are mortals.

All deaths are actually one in the same.

Can't say I care about what Thomas Ligotti would or wouldn't love

By this token, Overlord was a good story that didn't sell, since it was posted on 2chan and the original is still freely available on the nets, but it did get an anime rendition therefore can be considered a success.


The most general categories possible. It's like saying everything in the world fits into 2 categories, either whatever it is is a potato, or it isn't. It really doesn't accomplish anything, maybe that's what you were going for.

Pic unrelated just favorite reaction image.

When your categories are literally the positive and the negative, of course there's only two.

OP's four categories are all positives, things that are. That places him a step above your kiddie pool attempt at a response.

That's fair, I didn't think about it in the positive and negative way. But why categorize them in that way? The only interesting findings could be why some good books doesn't sell and why some bad books do.

Nonsense. They're all combinations of positive and negatives too.
I could just rephrase the other poster's categories as "Things that are potato and things that are other than potato".

>Things that are other than potato

Therefore, having the negative quality of not-potatoes

It's still positive and negative, you mong

The second category still describes things by what they aren't, which makes it a positive/negative categorization still.


You're right. They're not just good.


There are only two types of books in the world:

A: Books that fall into category A
B: Books that do not fall into category A

There are no books that fall outside of these two categories.

wtf is "sell", what about average stories that are average sells

The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists only four types of people:

My men
Dr. Pavel here
Only one of you

First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft.

If at least one person buys your book, it sells

If no one buys your book, it doesn't sell