What's shit you do with food that people find strange or gross?

What's shit you do with food that people find strange or gross?

I like to put ice in my milk and a lot of people find it off putting, but really I don't find it much different from iced coffee and shit.

Candy shops always look so good but the prices are always ridiculous

do the gummy eggs taste like actual eggs?

I eat chips (the kind that aren't watched by cameras from 30 angles from every viewpoint) with chopsticks or a fork.

Being an official autist by definition of 3 psychologists from ages 2-25, I have the ability to eat the same thing every day for weeks at a time. I once ate nothing but Wheaties for 5 months and 3 days.

I've found that adding Mio to light beer turns it into a sugar-free wine cooler, which is great at parties where they don't have amber lager available. Nobody I've told this had a positive response.

I can function just fine eating only one large meal per day.

As for chips, are you British?

When my mom worked as a waitress back in the 1870s or something a regular would order milk with ice and she liked that because it was easier to carry because the ice reduced sloshing.

True story.

I just enjoy my milk kind of watered down and really cold. I don't know why.

Try adding a spoon full of sugar and a dash of vanilla extract. That's when I ice my milk.


user, you're worrying me, how old are you exactly?

I like to mix everything in my plate and eat it with a spoon or in tacos.

He's posting from beyond.

Oh God you know the best fucking thing is when there's only a little bit of milk in the tank and it's winter so when you pull the milk from the tank there's frozen flakes of milk floating in the pitcher. Hnnng dude so fucking good drinking a fresh milk slushy.

Does that say 27.90 euro per kilo?

>chips (the kind that aren't watched by cameras from 30 angles from every viewpoint)
What did he mean by this?

you don't watch chip's podcast?
your loss

Apparently I eat too quickly but I feel like I'm taking my time with my food.

Fuck off, grandpa!

I live in my own filth and eat cookies for multiple meals per day.


I can eat almost any leftover food cold and enjoy it as much if not more than if it were properly reheated.

This goes with rice, pizza, stir fry, anything.

I eat this.

Ketchup on Mac and Cheese, I find regular mac and cheese pretty bland, but ketchup can turn it into a decent meal.

I do the same user

Yes there are video podcasts

I prefer cold to reheated too.

>my mom worked as a waitress back in the 1870s

I don't mind cold either, but I do prefer reheated

you child, eat the mac and cheese with chopped up tomatoes and cracked pepper instead.

It does. Since the sign to the right is in Catalan, the picture is either from Andorra or southern Spain.
I would guess Andorra because prices there are pretty high.
