My first sip. What am I in for?

My first sip. What am I in for?

overpriced caffeine water with diabetes chemicals added.
you're also likey to start adopting juvenille behavior, like the use of the term "sip"--it seems like that has already happened.

you're better off necking yourself now before it gets any worse.

overpriced lemonade

so i got memed. thanks

300 shitposts

>2 for $3 at 7/11
Nigga that's 48oz of pure whop ass for pocket change

This, plus caffeine and carbonation. It's probably the best one I've had.

OP here so I tasted it and it's extremely bland, like some cheap fruity soda.

It's meme-tastic shit, go with Redbull.

$3 may not be much money on an absoloute scale, but it's fucking incredibly expensive for what you are actually getting for your money.

$3 can buy three months worth of caffeine tablets, for example.

Yeah but then how do I get my taurine and guarana extracts? Real fuggin smart huh guy?

You don't need them. But if you want them you can buy those in tablets too. Cheap as fuck. Same with the B-vitamins.

Fucking pill poppers I swear

Diabetes. Pills are superior
t. Not Sam.


Are you mad that they figured out how to get their supplements for a tiny fraction of the cost of energy drinks?


Nothing, as long as your not a faggot and not get addicted to it


Not much. They're not all that great imo. Better off with the regular monster. Don't let these autists convince you otherwise. They call it beetus juice. Which I assume means they're all NEETs who sit around and drink them instead of working or exercising. If you don't do either of those or have a desk job, then they're alright.







ultra is sugar free you retard